sudden rain - my world reduced to shades of gray
The gray of this background is called
Genji Nezumi Gray#888084
Grey, Gray (hai-iro, hyaku nezu) and Haiku Behind the house, all the snow has slipped from the roof and hangs onto the gallery of the outdoor kitchen !

A note from Larry Bole, Happy Haiku ForumGabi san, just a note about gray:
Thanks for the haiku and the haikutopics entry on gray. I like Rikyu, and now I have something new to learn about him and "Rikyu gray."
Recently, in New York City, there was a controversy about plans to renovate the Guggenheim Museum. The designer of the building, Frank Lloyd Wright, hated gray. Originally, the building was painted a buff yellow. But afer 11 coats of paint over the years, the building ended up being light gray. Recently, the Landmarks Preservation Commission here decided that the building will remain light gray. This has disappointed architects and others who decry the graying of our cities.
It makes me think of how garish we would find it if the marble-white sculptures and buildings of antiquity were restored to the original vivid colors they were apparently painted with.
Anyway, hopefully I will be visiting an exhibit of work by the great American artist Jasper Johns at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, titled "
Jasper Johns: Gray," which will look at his use of gray throughout his career.
"Johns has worked in gray, at times to evoke a mood, at other times to evoke an intellectual rigor that results from his purging most color from his works."
Here are a couple of gray haiku I like:
shades of grey break
into birdsongPamela Miller Ness -
The Heron's Nest (Dec. 2000)storm warning
the watercolorist works
in shades of greyTom Painting
from The Heron's Nest:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::