
flower peach blossoms -
the old farmer counts them
one by one
Hanamomo 花桃, is a species grown to enjoy the red flowers. The fruit are rather small and negligible.
My neighbour planted this tree more than 10 years ago and counts the flowers each year ... like counting the years he will soon spend in eternity.
My neighbour is a descentent from the Heike clan, who fled to our moutains many hundred years ago. He still carries the character HEI (pei)
平 for HEIKE in his name, like most of our neighbours here.
He also planted many
Genpei Peach trees, look at some here and read more below.
- - - Spring in my Valley Ohaga, Gabi Greve - - -
. . . . . . . . . kigo for late spring
flowers of the peach tree, momo no hana
桃の花 もものはな
white peach blossoms, shiramomo 白桃(しらもも)
red peach blossoms, himomo 緋桃(ひもも)
orchard for peach trees, momobatake 桃畑(ももばたけ)
..... toorin 桃林(とうりん)、tooen 桃園(とうえん)
looking at the peach blossoms,
momomi 桃見(ももみ)
for cherries, we have HANAMI 花見.
village within peach tree orchards, momo no mura
Some in Yamanashi province are really spectacular in their blossom clouds.
Lodging with a view to peach blossoms, momo no yado
Genpei Momo 源平桃(げんぺいもも)
..... "Sun and Moon Peach Blossoms", jitsugetsutoo 日月桃(じつげつとう
A mixed breed with white and pink flowers.
Genpei refers to the warring clans of the Genji and the Heike.
Genpei Feud and the Fireflies in Haiku
Genpei War / Wikipedia
Click on the PHOTO to look at more !
saki midasu momo no naka yori hatsu-zakura / hatsuzakura
From among the peach-trees
"Blooming everywhere",
The fists cherry blossoms.
Tr. Eri Takase
Written when Basho was about 41 to 51.
The wild mountain cherries 山桜 and Yoshino cherries 吉野桜 at his time bloomed a bit later.
Nowadays we have the early blossoming cherry varieties of Somei-yoshino and others.
Among peach blossoms
Blooming wind, I already see
The year's first cherry blossoms!
Tr. Oseko

With a haiku sweet from Iga Ueno !
source : kikyou0123
MORE - about "first things" by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Fukagawa ya momo no naka yori shiohigari
Fukagawa !
through the peach blossoms
people are gathering shells
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Fukagawa, Edo .
akindo o hoyuru inu ari momo no hana
at the merchants
there is a dog barking -
plum blossoms
- or in more natural English
there is a dog
barking at the merchants -
plum blossoms
Tr. Gabi Greve
. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
Easter Morning:
the peach tree has
resurrected its blossoms
Larry Bole
Happy Haiku Forum 2010
. SAIJIKI - Plants in Spring .