Showing posts with label kigo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kigo. Show all posts
shoveling snow
Start the walk from HERE
. WKD : Snow (yuki 雪)
. THF : the kigo game
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011
WKD - Hoarfrost
hoarfrost - new patterns emerge on the spider nets |
hoarfrost, called "white frost" 白霜 in Japanese
Hoar frost
Hoar frost (also called radiation frost or hoarfrost or pruina)
refers to the white ice crystals, loosely deposited on the ground or exposed objects, that form on cold clear nights when heat losses into the open skies cause objects to become colder than the surrounding air. A related effect is flood frost which occurs when air cooled by ground-level radiation losses travels downhill to form pockets of very cold air in depressions, valleys, and hollows. Hoar frost can form in these areas even when the air temperature a few feet above ground is well above freezing. Nonetheless the frost itself will be at or below the freezing temperature of water.
Hoar frost may have different names depending on where it forms. For example, air hoar is a deposit of hoar frost on objects above the surface, such as tree branches, plant stems, wires; surface hoar is formed by fernlike ice crystals directly deposited on snow, ice or already frozen surfaces; crevasse hoar consists of crystals that form in glacial crevasses where water vapour can accumulate under calm weather conditions; depth hoar refers to cup shaped, faceted crystals formed within dry snow, beneath the surface.
The name hoar comes from Old English and can be used as an adjective for showing signs of old age in reference to the frost which makes trees and bushes look like elderly white hair. It may also have association with hawthorn when covered in its characteristic white spring blossom.
Surface hoar is a cause of avalanches when it forms on top of snow. Conditions are ideal for the formation of hoarfrost on cold clear nights, with a very light wind that is able to circulate more humidified air around the snow surface. Wind that is too abrupt will destroy the crystals. When buried by subsequent snows they may remain standing for easy identification, or become laid down, but still dangerous because of the weakness of the crystals. In low temperatures surface hoar can also be broken apart and blown across the surface forming yukimarimo.
Hoar frost also occurs around man-made environments such as freezers or industrial cold storage facilities. It occurs in adjacent rooms that are not well insulated against the cold or around entry locations where humidity and moisture will enter and freeze instantly depending on the freezer temperature.
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falling through clouds
late autumn early morning there is a beautiful hoarfrost on grasses and it is disappeared after rising sun.
Hoarfrost and dew is symbol of holiness and clearness for mongolians.
- Shared by Zaya Nergui, Mongolia -
Joys of Japan, 2012
. FROST and related kigo
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azuki arai
小豆洗い . 特別純米原酒 ![]() washing red beans - the river turns ricewine |
photo :
Inspired by the TV series about
Gegege no Nyobo, wife of Mizuki Shigeru
. Mizuki Shigeru and GEGEGE (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) .
I am studying his monsters related to food,
hopefully there will be more !
Azuki Arai
This little bean washer monster sits on a river bank and washes red beans in a basket. You can hear the sound of this, but usually not see him while he works.
You can even hear him hum a gentle song.
The TV scene when Shigeru met him and heared him ask of Mizuki to produce an encyclopedia of Japanese monsters was very moving !
水木しげる 妖怪図鑑

This monster is well known in many parts of Japan, mostly in Kaii (Yamanashi), Shinano (Nagano) and Echigo (Niigata).
It often comes out to a farmhouse where the bride is preparing to go to her husband, and the family is too poor to cook auspicious rice with red beans. When the family checks the kitchen in the morning, there is a bunch of freshly washed red beans ready to be cooked.
In Tottori they say this is in fact a monkey, hanging around old farmhouses.

Some say it washes azuki beans, others say it rinses rice or chopsticks.
kometogi ba 米とぎ婆
hashi arai 箸洗い
It is also called
azuki togi 小豆とぎ, rinsing red beans
making a sound like ショキショキ "shoki shoki".
Sometimes his song sounds like
小豆とごうか、人取って食おうか ショキ、ショキ
Shall I rinse red beans?
or catch a human
and eat it?
Other names are
あずい洗い/小豆あらいど/小豆洗い婆/小豆こし/小豆ごしゃごしゃ/小豆さらさら/小豆すり/小豆そぎ/小豆そぎ婆/小豆とぎ/小豆とげ/小豆婆/小豆やら/米とぎ婆/コメカシ/洗濯狐/付け紐小僧/荒神様/山の神/赤小豆洗い/米とぎ婆さま/箸洗い /

source : morioka_hisamoto
from Takehara Shunsensai 竹原春泉斎 『絵本百物語』
Woodblocks of the Edo Period
Once upon a time at a temle in the village of Takada, the priest cared for the young orphans of the village.
One boy was especially clever.
When the priest showed a box full of red beans and asked how much there were inside, he could immediately tell the number.
The priest was quite surprized and thought to make this boy follow in his priestly profession.
Another of his students, the vicious Enkai, got so envious he threw the intelligent kid to his death, into the well.
From this day on, every night, every night they heard his voice in the well, counting red beans.
Eventually, the vicious Enkai was brought to justice by the local authorities, and received the death penalty for his deed.
From that day on, the souls of the good and the bad student appeared every night, every night after sunset, counting red beans in the well,
or near the river bank.
Nobody wanted to take over this temple any more, and it was left without a priest, when the old monk died, maybe in 1689 ... ?
And now to the present-day reality !

azukiarai 小豆洗い insect "washing red beans"
kigo for all autumn
. Chatatemushi, 茶立虫 "tea whisking insect"
Graphopsocus cruciatus
konachatate 粉茶立(こなちゃたて)
kakurezatoo 隠座頭(かくれざとう)
A group of insects with more than 5000 subgroups, Stenopsocus aphidiformis
Psococerastis tokyoensis, Psocomorpha, Longivalvus nubilus, Psococerastis kurokiana, Amphigerontia sp., Psocodea, Psocoptera, Troctomorpha, Trogiomorpha etc.
Some species have wings, others do not.
The ones without wings are about 1 to 2 milimeters, with long legs. Some resemble small white ants, with a rather large head.
The winged species are about 3 to 7 milimeters, the wings can be much longer than the body.
washing red beans -
a monster turns
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Kagawa 香川県 / mamedanuki 豆狸
Azukiarai is an animal of the family of mamedanuki 豆狸 small Tanuki.
It lives near a well or small river and makes the noise of washing beans. Sometimes it plays tricks on humans.

source :
- - - - -
坂出市 Sakaide city
The sun was down and getting dark, a light wind in the air. Two sisters were crossing a bridge when they heard a strange sound of washing something from the river. Afraid they rushed back home. Mother told them:
"This was azuki arai あずき洗い the bean-washing monster. I have told you not to go over the bridge at night!"
Nagano 長野県 / 狢 mujina
If people pass by, Azukiarai makes the sound of washing beans. People say it is a badger.
Children are afraid of this sound and do not pass here.
Some say it is itachi イタチ a weasel. When the animals are in heat, the male ones make a sound like washing beans.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. WASHOKU -Azuki 小豆 red beans
- #azukiarai #mamedanuki #tanuki #kitsune -
keri ga tsuku
けりがつく 俳句にやはり KERIがつく
keri ga tsuku
haiku ni yahari
KERI ga tsuku
From the word KERI used in waka and haiku as a final amplifier, this expression has taken root in the everyday language, to signify someting is final, has come to an end and found its solution.
For something ambiguous, the expression is
tamamushi iro 玉虫色 - to shimmer in all colors
like a jewel beetle

. tamamushi 玉虫 / 金花虫 (たまむし) jewel beetle
kigo for late summer
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
けりがつく 俳句にやはり KERIがつく
keri ga tsuku
haiku ni yahari
KERI ga tsuku
From the word KERI used in waka and haiku as a final amplifier, this expression has taken root in the everyday language, to signify someting is final, has come to an end and found its solution.
For something ambiguous, the expression is
tamamushi iro 玉虫色 - to shimmer in all colors
like a jewel beetle

. tamamushi 玉虫 / 金花虫 (たまむし) jewel beetle
kigo for late summer
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Thanksgiving -
so many bubbles
in the bowl
. Thanksgiving in USA

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Thanksgiving -
so many bubbles
in the bowl
. Thanksgiving in USA

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
autumn dusk
autumn dusk -
the shadows in my valley
aki fukaki haijin wa nani o kaku hito zo
autumn deepens -
I wonder what my haiku friends
are writing right now
aki fukaki tonari wa nani o suru hito zo
and about Basho, we know
Basho lived in a place where the space to the neighbuor was just one thin wall and he could hear everything from next-door (next-wall, so to say). But beyond the thin wall, Basho could also hear the deepening autumn as his neighbour, so to day, in space.
autumn deepens
and I wonder,
what is my neighbour doing?
Tr. Gabi Greve, inspired by Hasegawa Kai
. aha .
autumn dusk -
so many haiku
in the saijiki
. Autumn dusk (aki no kure)
Friends are trying to understand
allusion, honkadori, parody, plagiat . . .
. Honkadori, the art of quoting haiku
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
autumn dusk -
the shadows in my valley
aki fukaki haijin wa nani o kaku hito zo
autumn deepens -
I wonder what my haiku friends
are writing right now
aki fukaki tonari wa nani o suru hito zo
and about Basho, we know
Basho lived in a place where the space to the neighbuor was just one thin wall and he could hear everything from next-door (next-wall, so to say). But beyond the thin wall, Basho could also hear the deepening autumn as his neighbour, so to day, in space.
autumn deepens
and I wonder,
what is my neighbour doing?
Tr. Gabi Greve, inspired by Hasegawa Kai
. aha .
autumn dusk -
so many haiku
in the saijiki
. Autumn dusk (aki no kure)
Friends are trying to understand
allusion, honkadori, parody, plagiat . . .
. Honkadori, the art of quoting haiku
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
What’s a Basho?
What’s a Basho?
This question has been asked (jokingly),
but I will try and answer with kigo.
We have to consider the spelling, basho and bashoo with a long-sounding oo in Japanese:

spring tournament, haru basho 春場所 (はるばしょ)
summer tournament, natsu basho 夏場所
shichigatsu basho 七月場所 (しちがつばしょ)
Nagoya basho 名古屋場所(なごやばしょ)Nagoya Grand Sumo
. Grand Sumo KIGO
bashoo 芭蕉 (ばしょう) plantain, banana plant ( Musa paradisiaca)
Japanese Skunk Cabbage , mizu bashoo (Lysichiton camtschatcense)
. bashoo in plant names
. bashoofu 芭蕉布(ばしょうふ) "banana fiber cloth"
Matsuo Basho, a Haiku Poet
松尾芭蕉 (Matsuo Bashoo)

The question is here
Is Haiku Poetry?
A Quiz of THF The Haiku Foundation
Is Haiku Poetry? / 4th POSITION
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
What’s a Basho?
This question has been asked (jokingly),
but I will try and answer with kigo.
We have to consider the spelling, basho and bashoo with a long-sounding oo in Japanese:

spring tournament, haru basho 春場所 (はるばしょ)
summer tournament, natsu basho 夏場所
shichigatsu basho 七月場所 (しちがつばしょ)
Nagoya basho 名古屋場所(なごやばしょ)Nagoya Grand Sumo
. Grand Sumo KIGO
bashoo 芭蕉 (ばしょう) plantain, banana plant ( Musa paradisiaca)
Japanese Skunk Cabbage , mizu bashoo (Lysichiton camtschatcense)
. bashoo in plant names
. bashoofu 芭蕉布(ばしょうふ) "banana fiber cloth"
Matsuo Basho, a Haiku Poet
松尾芭蕉 (Matsuo Bashoo)

The question is here
Is Haiku Poetry?
A Quiz of THF The Haiku Foundation
Is Haiku Poetry? / 4th POSITION
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Wattle Day Australia
Wattle Day - perchance I find you on September first Gabi Greve, September 1, 2010 ![]() |
. National Wattle Day
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Summer Begins
summer begins ...
I share my bath
with a centipede
the HAIKU SUMMER begins on May 6 in Japan.
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
Early summer: 6 May – 5 Jun
Mid-summer: 6 Jun – 6 Jul
Late summer: 7 Jul – 7 Aug
. Haiku Summer Natsu
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summer begins ...
I share my bath
with a centipede
the HAIKU SUMMER begins on May 6 in Japan.
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
Early summer: 6 May – 5 Jun
Mid-summer: 6 Jun – 6 Jul
Late summer: 7 Jul – 7 Aug
. Haiku Summer Natsu
. . . Read my Haiku Archives
spring saijiki
rainy day - I finally finished the Spring Saijiki |
Click on the photo to go there!
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
spring begins
spring sunshine . . .
and all these wrinkles
when he smiles
a new haiku season begins
February 4th : Risshun 立春 Spring begins
Feburary is the coldest winter month in most parts of Japan, but as a convention for writing haiku, spring begins according to the Asian Lunar Calendar !
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
spring sunshine . . .
and all these wrinkles
when he smiles
a new haiku season begins
February 4th : Risshun 立春 Spring begins
Feburary is the coldest winter month in most parts of Japan, but as a convention for writing haiku, spring begins according to the Asian Lunar Calendar !
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
so many memories
of Hachiman Shrines ...
my kigo trip
I lived close to Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine in Kamakura.
Today I collected some KIGO about these shrines in Japan.
. Hachiman Shrines and their festivals
Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū (鶴岡八幡宮)
Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū (石清水八幡宮)
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
so many memories
of Hachiman Shrines ...
my kigo trip
I lived close to Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine in Kamakura.
Today I collected some KIGO about these shrines in Japan.
. Hachiman Shrines and their festivals
Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū (鶴岡八幡宮)
Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū (石清水八幡宮)
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
first things
New Year starts
with a lot of work -
first things first

. New Year begins with WORK - KIGO
and work-related rituals
and here
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
New Year starts
with a lot of work -
first things first

. New Year begins with WORK - KIGO
and work-related rituals
and here
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Tachibana ya
you never know
what's in a name
The Tachibana, Fujiwara, Genji and Heike
are the four great clans of Old Japan.

Here is more, and even some ancient citrus fruit.
tachibana 橘 (たちばな) Tachibana citrus fruit
Matsuo Basho
tachibana ya itsu no nonaka no hototogisu
fragrant mandarin oranges -
when and in what field (do I hear)
the hototogisu
hototogisu 時鳥 lit. "bird of time"
The fragrant tachibana are associated with the fourth lunar month, while the lesser cuckoo belongs to the fifth lunar month of old waka poetry.
Basho draws on a waka
from the Kokin Wakashu 古今集, Summer 139
五月待つ 花橘 香をかげば
昔の人の 袖の香ぞする
satsuki matsu hanatachibana no ka o kageba
mukashi no hito no sode no ka zo suru
When I breathe in the scent
of the mandarin orange blossoms
that await the Fifth Month,
I recall the fragrance of the sleeves
of one I loved long ago.
Tr. David L. Barnhill
- Reference -


with a memorial stone at Kiyomizu temple, Otowa town, Shizukoa
静岡市音羽町 清水寺
Suruga ji ya hana tachibana mo cha no nioi
Suruga road -
Tachibana blossoms
smell of tea too
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written on the 15th day of the 5th lunar month.
元禄7年5月17日, Basho age 51
The region was and still is famous for its tea planations.
The fragrance of Tachibana is very strong, but the smell of tea blossoms is even stronger here.
Suruga province 駿河国 is the old name of the Shizuoka region.
The bay is Suruga Bay 駿河湾.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Suruga Province (駿河国, Suruga no kuni)
was an old province in the area that is today the central part of Shizuoka prefecture.
It was sometimes called Sunshū (駿州). Suruga bordered on Izu, Kai, Sagami, Shinano, and Tōtōmi provinces; and had access to the Pacific Ocean through Suruga Bay.
Suruga was one of the original provinces of Japan established in the Nara period under the Taihō Code. The original capital of the province was located in what is now Numazu, which also had the Kokubun-ji and the Ichinomiya (Mishima Taisha) of the province. Under the Engishiki classification system, Suruga was ranked as a "major country" (上国), and was governed by a Kuni no miyatsuko.

In a 680 AD cadastral reform, the districts forming Izu Province were administratively separated from Suruga, and the provincial capital was relocated to the right bank of the Abe River in what is now Shizuoka City.
Records of Suruga during the Heian period are sparse, but during the Kamakura period, Suruga was under direct control of the Hōjō clan, and with the development of the Kamakura Shogunate came increased traffic on the Tōkaidō road connecting Kamakura with Kyoto. The province came under the control of the Imagawa clan for much of the Sengoku period, and the Imagawa made efforts to introduce the customs and rituals of the kuge aristocracy to their capital. After Imagawa Yoshimoto was defeated by Oda Nobunaga at the Battle of Okehazama, the province taken by Takeda Shingen of Kai, and in turn by Tokugawa Ieyasu from Mikawa and Tōtōmi.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi forced the Tokugawa to exchange their domains for the provinces of the Kantō region, and reassigned Sunpu Castle to one of his retainers, Nakamura Kazuichi. However, after the defeat of the Toyotomi at the Battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu recovered his former domains, and made Sunpu Castle his home after he formally retired from the position of Shōgun.
During the Edo period, Suruga prospered due to its location on the Tōkaidō, and numerous post towns developed. The Tokugawa Shogunate forbid the construction of bridges on the major rivers of Suruga Province (such as the Ōi River) for defensive purposes, which further led to town development on the major river crossings.
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tachibana 橘 (たちばな) Tachibana citrus fruit
. . . Read my Haiku Archives
Tachibana ya
you never know
what's in a name
The Tachibana, Fujiwara, Genji and Heike
are the four great clans of Old Japan.

Here is more, and even some ancient citrus fruit.
tachibana 橘 (たちばな) Tachibana citrus fruit
Matsuo Basho
tachibana ya itsu no nonaka no hototogisu
fragrant mandarin oranges -
when and in what field (do I hear)
the hototogisu
hototogisu 時鳥 lit. "bird of time"
The fragrant tachibana are associated with the fourth lunar month, while the lesser cuckoo belongs to the fifth lunar month of old waka poetry.
Basho draws on a waka
from the Kokin Wakashu 古今集, Summer 139
五月待つ 花橘 香をかげば
昔の人の 袖の香ぞする
satsuki matsu hanatachibana no ka o kageba
mukashi no hito no sode no ka zo suru
When I breathe in the scent
of the mandarin orange blossoms
that await the Fifth Month,
I recall the fragrance of the sleeves
of one I loved long ago.
Tr. David L. Barnhill
- Reference -


with a memorial stone at Kiyomizu temple, Otowa town, Shizukoa
静岡市音羽町 清水寺
Suruga ji ya hana tachibana mo cha no nioi
Suruga road -
Tachibana blossoms
smell of tea too
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written on the 15th day of the 5th lunar month.
元禄7年5月17日, Basho age 51
The region was and still is famous for its tea planations.
The fragrance of Tachibana is very strong, but the smell of tea blossoms is even stronger here.
Suruga province 駿河国 is the old name of the Shizuoka region.
The bay is Suruga Bay 駿河湾.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Suruga Province (駿河国, Suruga no kuni)
was an old province in the area that is today the central part of Shizuoka prefecture.
It was sometimes called Sunshū (駿州). Suruga bordered on Izu, Kai, Sagami, Shinano, and Tōtōmi provinces; and had access to the Pacific Ocean through Suruga Bay.
Suruga was one of the original provinces of Japan established in the Nara period under the Taihō Code. The original capital of the province was located in what is now Numazu, which also had the Kokubun-ji and the Ichinomiya (Mishima Taisha) of the province. Under the Engishiki classification system, Suruga was ranked as a "major country" (上国), and was governed by a Kuni no miyatsuko.

In a 680 AD cadastral reform, the districts forming Izu Province were administratively separated from Suruga, and the provincial capital was relocated to the right bank of the Abe River in what is now Shizuoka City.
Records of Suruga during the Heian period are sparse, but during the Kamakura period, Suruga was under direct control of the Hōjō clan, and with the development of the Kamakura Shogunate came increased traffic on the Tōkaidō road connecting Kamakura with Kyoto. The province came under the control of the Imagawa clan for much of the Sengoku period, and the Imagawa made efforts to introduce the customs and rituals of the kuge aristocracy to their capital. After Imagawa Yoshimoto was defeated by Oda Nobunaga at the Battle of Okehazama, the province taken by Takeda Shingen of Kai, and in turn by Tokugawa Ieyasu from Mikawa and Tōtōmi.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi forced the Tokugawa to exchange their domains for the provinces of the Kantō region, and reassigned Sunpu Castle to one of his retainers, Nakamura Kazuichi. However, after the defeat of the Toyotomi at the Battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu recovered his former domains, and made Sunpu Castle his home after he formally retired from the position of Shōgun.
During the Edo period, Suruga prospered due to its location on the Tōkaidō, and numerous post towns developed. The Tokugawa Shogunate forbid the construction of bridges on the major rivers of Suruga Province (such as the Ōi River) for defensive purposes, which further led to town development on the major river crossings.
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tachibana 橘 (たちばな) Tachibana citrus fruit
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Daruma Sunset
達磨記 きょうの夕日もだるま色
Daruma ki kyoo no yuuhi mo Daruma iro
Daruma Anniversary!
The sunset tonight
In Daruma Colors.

Sunset, Sunrise, Kigo and Daruma san
Daruma Sunset だるま夕日 Daruma yuuhi
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
達磨記 きょうの夕日もだるま色
Daruma ki kyoo no yuuhi mo Daruma iro
Daruma Anniversary!
The sunset tonight
In Daruma Colors.

Sunset, Sunrise, Kigo and Daruma san
Daruma Sunset だるま夕日 Daruma yuuhi
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
first dream
first dream . . .
the images frozen
on my pillow
The New Year started with quite a cold spell ...

. WKD : First Dream (hatsuyume)
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
first dream . . .
the images frozen
on my pillow
The New Year started with quite a cold spell ...

. WKD : First Dream (hatsuyume)
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
WKD - Yellow Sand (koosa)
Yellow sand 黄砂 (こうさ) koosa
from the Gobi desert, blowing over to Japan
kigo for all spring
in Japan
tsuchifuru, bai 霾 (つちふる, ばい) "it is raining earth"
koojin banjoo 黄塵万丈(こうじんばんじょう)
"yellow dust/sand is whirling high up in the sky"
(The translations falling dust / dirt rain seem a bit problematic for these yellow sand storms.)
mookoo kaze 蒙古風(もうこかぜ)Mongolian wind
baiten 霾天(ばいてん)heaven full of yellow sand
baifuu 霾風(ばいふう)wind with yellow sand, sand strom
..... tsuchikaze つちかぜ
yonagumori 霾晦(よなぐもり)"cloudy with earth"
..... tsuchigumori つちぐもり
..... yonabokori よなぼこり
kosa kitaru 胡沙来る(こさきたる)yellow sand coming
kosa aru 胡沙荒る(こさある) yellow sand is wild
shunjin 春塵 (しゅんじん) spring dust
haru no chiri 春の塵(はるのちり)
harubokori 春埃(はるぼこり)dust in spring (hokori)
sajin arashi 砂じんあらし(さじんあらし)storm of sand
suna-arashi, sunaarashi 砂あらし(すなあらし)
sand storm
gelber Sand
Phänomen, wenn Löss aus China vom Wind aufgewirbelt und verbreitet wird.

distribution of yellow sand in February 2009
A dust storm / sand storm is a meteorological phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions.
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Asian Dust (also yellow dust, yellow sand, yellow wind or China dust storms) is a seasonal meteorological phenomenon which affects much of East Asia sporadically during the springtime months.
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cherry blossom time -
the yellow sand covers
in 2007
黄砂 the yellow sand from the Gobi Desert
koosa, hwang sa
in April 2008
Although the mountain cherries are out now, we can hardly see them on the other side of the valley. This year is pretty bad ... in many parts of Japan. Korea is also severely experiencing this phenomenon, with red alert in many cities. And Peking, Mongolia ...

Yellow sand in Peking
the Scourge of the Gobi
Yellow Sand Alert in Korea External LINK
Today again ... (April 18, 2006)
strong currents brought the yellow sand from the Gobi desert in China.
Yellow sand blows into Japan from deserts in China and Mongolia each spring, sometimes reaching Kyoto and impeding the visibility of things.

Yellow Sand in Kyoto
On the other hand,
a Japan-China research team says yellow sand helps cool off the Earth.
The Gobi Desert
yellow sand
drifts in the valley
ear, nose and throat
Mongolian wind
in late december ...
climate changes
Gabi Greve, December 26, 2009
Strong currents brought it to many parts of Japan and also to my valley.
Yellow sand was observed in wide areas of western Japan on Saturday in a rare winter occurrence of the phenomenon, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. It is the first time since 1993 that yellow sand has been observed in the nation in the month of December. The meteorological phenomenon, which usually occurs in spring, makes the sky hazy and reduces visibility.
Yellow sand was detected in Kagoshima, Miyazaki, Tottori, Hiroshima and other prefectures in western Japan. Visibility at many observation points in the prefectures was over 10 km, but it fell to 7 km in Tottori and 8 km in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture. The sand is believed to have been carried from China by westerly winds, the agency said.
source : Japan Today, Dec. 27, 2009
Ohaga, my Valley and Japan
March 20 / 21 of 2010
March 20, 2010 at 10:10 am
A strong weather disturbance in Western China has hit Beijing with a huge sandstorm from the Gobi Desert. While Beijing suffers periodically from sand blown from the nearby desert, this is the most intense sandstorm to hit the capital city in years.
Experts said that affected by Mongolia cyclone, from Tuesday to Wednesday's afternoon, sandstorm covered most areas of northwest China and the northern and western areas of north China, including Beijing, together with five to seven degree strong wind.
An estimated 300 000 Tons of Sand Loaded on Beijing
Futaara san sumie bokashi ni tsuchi fureri
an ink painting
of Futarasan in all gradations -
it is raining sand
Matsuzaki Tetsunosuke 松崎鉄之介
. Futaara San in Nikkoo .
. Mongolia Saijiki .
. YELLOW and haiku .
Haboob, sandstorm Arizona, USA
the World Kigo Database
Yellow sand 黄砂 (こうさ) koosa
from the Gobi desert, blowing over to Japan
kigo for all spring
in Japan
tsuchifuru, bai 霾 (つちふる, ばい) "it is raining earth"
koojin banjoo 黄塵万丈(こうじんばんじょう)
"yellow dust/sand is whirling high up in the sky"
(The translations falling dust / dirt rain seem a bit problematic for these yellow sand storms.)
mookoo kaze 蒙古風(もうこかぜ)Mongolian wind
baiten 霾天(ばいてん)heaven full of yellow sand
baifuu 霾風(ばいふう)wind with yellow sand, sand strom
..... tsuchikaze つちかぜ
yonagumori 霾晦(よなぐもり)"cloudy with earth"
..... tsuchigumori つちぐもり
..... yonabokori よなぼこり
kosa kitaru 胡沙来る(こさきたる)yellow sand coming
kosa aru 胡沙荒る(こさある) yellow sand is wild
shunjin 春塵 (しゅんじん) spring dust
haru no chiri 春の塵(はるのちり)
harubokori 春埃(はるぼこり)dust in spring (hokori)
sajin arashi 砂じんあらし(さじんあらし)storm of sand
suna-arashi, sunaarashi 砂あらし(すなあらし)
sand storm
gelber Sand
Phänomen, wenn Löss aus China vom Wind aufgewirbelt und verbreitet wird.

distribution of yellow sand in February 2009
A dust storm / sand storm is a meteorological phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Asian Dust (also yellow dust, yellow sand, yellow wind or China dust storms) is a seasonal meteorological phenomenon which affects much of East Asia sporadically during the springtime months.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
cherry blossom time -
the yellow sand covers
in 2007
黄砂 the yellow sand from the Gobi Desert
koosa, hwang sa
in April 2008
Although the mountain cherries are out now, we can hardly see them on the other side of the valley. This year is pretty bad ... in many parts of Japan. Korea is also severely experiencing this phenomenon, with red alert in many cities. And Peking, Mongolia ...

Yellow sand in Peking
the Scourge of the Gobi
Yellow Sand Alert in Korea External LINK
Today again ... (April 18, 2006)
strong currents brought the yellow sand from the Gobi desert in China.
Yellow sand blows into Japan from deserts in China and Mongolia each spring, sometimes reaching Kyoto and impeding the visibility of things.

Yellow Sand in Kyoto
On the other hand,
a Japan-China research team says yellow sand helps cool off the Earth.
The Gobi Desert
yellow sand
drifts in the valley
ear, nose and throat
Mongolian wind
in late december ...
climate changes
Gabi Greve, December 26, 2009
Strong currents brought it to many parts of Japan and also to my valley.
Yellow sand was observed in wide areas of western Japan on Saturday in a rare winter occurrence of the phenomenon, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. It is the first time since 1993 that yellow sand has been observed in the nation in the month of December. The meteorological phenomenon, which usually occurs in spring, makes the sky hazy and reduces visibility.
Yellow sand was detected in Kagoshima, Miyazaki, Tottori, Hiroshima and other prefectures in western Japan. Visibility at many observation points in the prefectures was over 10 km, but it fell to 7 km in Tottori and 8 km in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture. The sand is believed to have been carried from China by westerly winds, the agency said.
source : Japan Today, Dec. 27, 2009
Ohaga, my Valley and Japan
March 20 / 21 of 2010
March 20, 2010 at 10:10 am
A strong weather disturbance in Western China has hit Beijing with a huge sandstorm from the Gobi Desert. While Beijing suffers periodically from sand blown from the nearby desert, this is the most intense sandstorm to hit the capital city in years.
Experts said that affected by Mongolia cyclone, from Tuesday to Wednesday's afternoon, sandstorm covered most areas of northwest China and the northern and western areas of north China, including Beijing, together with five to seven degree strong wind.
An estimated 300 000 Tons of Sand Loaded on Beijing
Futaara san sumie bokashi ni tsuchi fureri
an ink painting
of Futarasan in all gradations -
it is raining sand
Matsuzaki Tetsunosuke 松崎鉄之介
. Futaara San in Nikkoo .
. Mongolia Saijiki .
. YELLOW and haiku .
Haboob, sandstorm Arizona, USA
the World Kigo Database
first ice
first ice -
a sparrow picks
at its reflection
The bird bath is covered with thin ice,
and the sun is just coming up ...
hatsugoori 初氷 はつごおり first ice, first frozen water
kigo for mid-winter
First Ice and more ICE kigo
Googeling for more haiku of FIRST ICE
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
first ice -
a sparrow picks
at its reflection
The bird bath is covered with thin ice,
and the sun is just coming up ...
hatsugoori 初氷 はつごおり first ice, first frozen water
kigo for mid-winter
First Ice and more ICE kigo
Googeling for more haiku of FIRST ICE
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
chives for ascetics
![]() gyoojana ya - I climb the mountains of my dreams |
gyoojana 行者菜 Gyojana,
"green chives for mountain ascetics"
En no Gyoja 役行者、E no Ozunu 小角
Fudo Myo-O and Mountain Ascetics
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
cutting branches
eda-uchi no dentoo arite ima mo nao
keeping the tradition
of cutting cedar branches ...
even now

Check out these beautiful trees and their bonsai versions
Forest Work in Winter
Inspried by a TV special about the
Kitayama Daisugi 北山台杉 of Northern Kyoto.
I watched these guys on TV, climbing the thin strong trees straight like a pencil and cut off the branches ... I had just covered this kigo before, in a sort of "prosaic" way out of the books, and suddenly it came to life !
I am always surprized at coincidences in life
and this was one.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
eda-uchi no dentoo arite ima mo nao
keeping the tradition
of cutting cedar branches ...
even now

Check out these beautiful trees and their bonsai versions
Forest Work in Winter
Inspried by a TV special about the
Kitayama Daisugi 北山台杉 of Northern Kyoto.
I watched these guys on TV, climbing the thin strong trees straight like a pencil and cut off the branches ... I had just covered this kigo before, in a sort of "prosaic" way out of the books, and suddenly it came to life !
I am always surprized at coincidences in life
and this was one.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
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