plum blossoms
plum blossoms -
this strong rain
hits them all
The Old Ones have always said
that no matter who despises or ignores you,
no matter who keeps you
from entering their circles,
it is right to pray for them
because the are like us, too.
Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011
deeper levels
cold night -
the deeper levels of dreams
and fears

for a friend on facebook, who was also living in the deep freeze
tomato sauce -
looking at the bright side
of food
January 23
when celsius
and farenheit meet -
freeze in America
Another record low is predicted for tonight in America and for us here too.
Lovely haiku Gabi - deep and mysterious!
A beautiful haiku about the coldness of night. I love it!
So beautiful, Gabi !
. . . MORE
Comments on Facebook
kame waruru yoru no koori no mezame kana
I wake up at night (from the sound of)
the water jar breaking
from the ice
Matsuo Basho
. WKD : Ice and Haiku
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011
snow meditation
undisturbed by snow and cold - winter meditation |
My Stone Buddha on the left, in a snow cover.
Here is the plant during her short life in summer:
. Liliy to be born !
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011
morning meditation
meditating for peace in the world - how about you ? |
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
life in shadows
life in the shadows - even the momiji are black |
an autumn walk
. Life in the shadows .
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
shiawase happiness
. START the walk from HERE
. happiness, bliss (shiawase) and HAIKU
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
winter storm
whatever happens
I take as "the best" --
winter storm
Two large low-pressure systems with cold air over the Sea of Japan, heading down ...
with whipping wind and all ...
a typhoon by any other name ...
and maybe 24 more hours to go ...
what a scene -
colored leaves are blown
before they fall
Outside the window, colored leaves are blown by.
They might have made it on their trees for a bit longer,
if it was not for these bursts of super-strong wind.
In Utsunomiya town they had the first frost of this year on the morning of November 6. About eight days later than usual.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
quality of time
Milky Way -
the spiritual quality
of time

The theory of relativity is synonymous with the name of Albert Einstein, who gave to the world a new concept pertaining to the interrelationship of the energies of life. It is the Kabalarian intention to establish a new philosophical concept of relativity applicable to
the spiritual quality of time.
The understanding of time is a challenging mental exercise. It is easy superficially to equate time to the position of the earth relative to the sun and even the graduations of changes with civilizations, geological periods, and celestial positions. However, there is a much more subtle yet profound recognition of the value of time and the intelligence of time.
source : www.kabalarians.com

kairos - καιρός - the right moment
the right or opportune moment
the supreme moment
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

calendar time
A calendar is a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes. This is done by giving names to periods of time, typically days, weeks, months, and years.
The name given to each day is known as a date.
Many civilizations and societies have devised a calendar, usually derived from other calendars on which they model their systems, suited to their particular needs.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

How much "spiritual quality time"
do you experience each day?
Is your "haiku time" a spiritual time?
Feel free to leave your thoughts as a comment.
starless night--
the baby's hunger
measures time
Remembering when time was all about "feed on demand".
Carole MacRury
night shift -
falling asleep with
the dawn's chorus
lazy afternoon-
I drift along with the breeze
and dandelion seeds
Alan Summers
1. Haiku Friends 2 ed. Masaharu Hirata, Osaka, Japan 2007
2. Aesthetics, Bath Spa University literary journal, Summer 2007
3. Haiga artwork by Kuniharu Shimizu (Tokyo, Japan)
4. Creative Writing Bath ekphrastic challenge (2010)
quality time-
break between lessons
for haiku
Alex Serban
. Calendar Time in the Japanese Saijiki
. The Milky Way (ama no kawa, amanogawa) as KIGO
. Time Memorial Day (toki no kinenbi)
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
独楽 dokuraku hitori de tanoshimu ![]() 熊谷守一 Kumagai Morikazu (1880―1977) to enjoy his garden all by himself - to enjoy life ![]() |
Kumagai Morikazu
is mostly recognized as a representa-tive painter of the Japanese modern age. Kimura Teizo (1913-2003), a Nagoya art collector, first discovered Kumagai's talents and assisted him in various ways throughout his life. When they first met, Kumagai was 25 and Kimura, 59 but they formed a bond that lasted a lifetime. Many of Kumagai's works are simple and offer the viewer a calm and nostalgic feeling.
Although Kumagai is known generally as a western-style painter, he left behind various styles of artwork, including Japan-ese paintings and calligraphies. Kimura bought more than 100 pieces of his work and his ability to identify authentic talent was amazing. Even after Kumagai's death, Kimura's collection of Kumagai's paint-ings grew year by year.
Kimura and his wife donated the collection to the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art. This collection consists of about 50 oil paintings, 100 Japanese-style paintings, 40 calligraphies, and 20 sculptures and paintings on pottery, which gives the entire picture of Kumagai's artistic output, offering an interesting insight into the diversity of Kumagai's world.
. Reference .
For the last thirty years of his life, after loosing two children to disease, he lived in a home in Tokyo, with a small garden, that turned out to become his paradise. He put up tree stumps in six locations to enjoy the view, spending hours to observe the animals, from the smallest ants to the bigger birds and the cats in the neighbourhood.
He could stare at a puddle
until he had grasped
the essence of raindrops.
He could lie on his back on the earth, watching the sun pass through the trees and observe the changes of shadows, the bees and the butterflies, the little flowers and the weeds.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
dear flower
dear flower - please teach me to grow old so gracefully |
. My Lady Murasaki
. Yellow Orchids
Takitani Pond Album

Cosmos fields and Tanada
No one gets out of here alive.
although we all like to believe
we will be the exception,
our death is inevitable
. Autumn flowers and kigo
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
spider and tanada
autumn deepens - does the spider know the big picture ? |
LOOK at the terraced rice fields of today
. Photo Album : Rice Fields
LOOK at the flowers and animals by the roadside
. Photo Album : Flowers by the Roadside
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
writers block
writer's BLOG -
I start a new one

Any kind of expectation creates a problem.
We should accept, but not expect.
Whatever comes, accept it.
Whatever goes, accept it.
The immediate benefit is
that your mind is always peaceful.
Sri Swami Satchidananda
When a haiku comes to mind, accept it ...
When no haiku comes to mind, accept it ...
(and do not call it writers block with negative feelings)
coming and going <>
to the haiku mind
no difference
. my QUOTES with haiku
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
lily to be born ubayuri
Koan and Haiku - 公案と俳句
. What is your original face
before your parents were born?
. My Lily with Grashoppers Wedding
in 2008
January 2011
. Snow Meditation
August 2012 - first sunshine on the ubayuri
September 2012
and new dreams
side by side
For more photos check
. My Photo Album .
August 1, 2014
There are now four lilies in the same place, two are open today.
- - - -
View from my kitchen window, the next rainy morning. . .
- Reference : Ubayuri lily - 姥ユリ -ウバユリ -
Cardiocrinum cordatum
. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .