Showing posts sorted by relevance for query morning. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query morning. Sort by date Show all posts





this egret -
out of a gray cloud
into a gray cloud


and then slowly out of sight
over our roof on this rainy morning


a little later, while walking up the road to get the newspaper

rainy morning -
three pheasants take off
from the withered field

. egret in winter, fuyu sagi 冬鷺 (ふゆさぎ)
nokorisagi 残り鷺(のこりさぎ)

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



violet chrysanthemum


01 morning chrysanthemum

good morning !
she nodds in the
autumn sunshine

02 detail

in the flower heart -
her outstreched arms

05 detail shadows


Here is the next variation


01 redyellow chrysanthemums

02 CLICK for enlargement !

03 CLICK for enlargement !

04 some more

05 just one


My Haiku Archives October 2007



all the birds


early summer morning
I am
all the birds

autumn sunset
I am
all the colors


my . MORNING . haiku


Philosophy or not ?

Instead of regarding Heaven as great and admiring it,
Why not foster it as a thing and regulate it?

Instead of obeying Heaven and singing praise to it.
Why not control the Mandate of Heaven and use it?

Instead of looking on the seasons and waiting for them,
Why not respond to them and make use of them?

Instead of letting things multiply by themselves,
Why not exercise your ability to transform [and increase] them?

Instead of thinking about things as things,
Why not attend to them so you won't lose them?

Instead of admiring how things come into being,
Why not do something to bring them to a fun development?

Hsun Tzu, Han-Dynasty period

quote from
A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy
Wing-Tsit Chan

Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009



sunny morning


winter morning <>
I share a sunny moment
just with myself


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



rainy morning


rainy morning ...
the sea of clouds wraps around
distant mountains

Typhoon Nr. 15 is approaching !


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



short lifespan


02 monochrome tiles

morning meditation -
the short lifespan
of snow patterns

01 Monday manhole till Nr. 09


This morning meditation is a kind of Quigong, standing position 站椿功 , for about 10 minutes, during which time the snow was all gone.

For those who might need a more concrete imagery in the last two lines ...

snow patterns -
my cat passes
without a glance

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



very early morning


cicadas, frogs 'n crows ...
the sounds of my valley
above the clouds

CLLICK for enlargement

The rainy season is over, but still the moisture of the nearby lake producing a "Sea of Clouds" in the early morning hours.

The scene of life below my window is breathtaking!

The photo is one of the evening delights.


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



morning meditation


morning meditation -
his gentle snore
and birdsong

saezuri 囀 (さえずり)
twittering of birds, chirping, warbling, birdsong


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009



snow and icicles


03 one drop

midnight -
the icicles grow

01 foxes at night

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

06 early morning Buddha

early morning
meditation in snow
and sunshine


Enjoy my snow !
. . . My Album, form here to Number 11 !

. . . Read my Snow Haiku from yesterday



cold spell


I am almost glued
to my warm futon ...
icy morning

We have quite a cold spell, with minus 5 centigrade
in the morning and about

a warm PLUS ZERO during daytime ...

A warm Hamburger Futon !

. FUTON ... some warm KIGO


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



icicles and Kisagata


cold sunshine -
the icicles refuse
to melt

rondo in my valley -
now snowfall
now sunshine

Morning minus seven centigrade
Mid-day minus three centigrade

next morning, Monday 31

minus nine -9℃ 

kylmä auringon paiste -
jääpuikot kieltäytyvät

My Icicle haiku in Finnish, translated by
Juhani Tikkanen

. . . . .

and this is how America feels in the last few days, too much snow

Snow My Gosh

all snover again

Mega Snowstorm Pounds Moves East with Snow, Ice, Freezing Temperatures

A colossal winter storm dropping snow and ice from Texas to Maine has left two thirds of the nation facing downed power lines, shuttered highways and thousands of airport cancellations.
source :


drinking at the lake
first it is sunny
then it rains

SU DONG-PO (1037-1101)


kisagata no kake wo kazoete naku chidori

counting the remains
of Kisa Lagoon...
a singing plover

This haiku has the prescript: "Into the bowels of the earth." Kisa Lagoon (Kisagata) was ravaged by an earthquake in Sixth Month, 1804. The effect, according to Shinji Ogawa, was that the seabed was raised and the "beautiful scenery like a miniature archipelago suddenly became dry land."
Tr. and comment, David Lanoue

kisagata ya hotaru mabure no sanae fune

Kisagata lagoon -
fireflies sparkle
around the rice-planting boat

. Kobayashi Issa  小林一茶 .

When I visited Kisakata in Akita, it was not a lagoon any more, an earthquake in 1804 had lifted the ground and many former islands where standing above the ground.
The landscape is most impressive, often compared to the islands of Matsushima.

象潟や 雨に西施が ねぶの花
kisakata ya ame ni seishi ga nebu no hana

Kisagata lagoon,
in the rain Xishi,s eyes are closed
blossoms of the silk tree

Tr. Massih

A flowering silk tree in the sleepy rain of Kisakata
Reminds me of Lady Seishi
In sorrowful lament
Tr. Nobuyuki Yuasa

Matsuo Basho

. Comments of Facebook

Matsuo Basho - Oku no Hosomichi
. Tsuruoka and Kisakata 鶴岡 と 象潟 (きさかた).


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011



lavender spotlight


waiting for the morning sun

burning bush -
the long wait for
the sun

11 burning 400

. START the full lavender morning show !  


And here is its friend next-door

. Lady Sunflower  

. rabendaa ラベンダー lavender

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Misty Morning


GokuRakuAn in the morning mist

03 GokuRakuAn Hermitage

Ancestors Graves

05 susuki grass

Susuki Grass Wilderness

06 susuki wilderness END


Read my Haiku Archives 2007





early morning -
a pheasant hollers
right above me

There were two of them in two groves opposite the valley, having a long conversation right across space, even outmouthing the crows today.

And then the one in the bushes near my home took off to meet the friend over there, and flapped right above me, hollering all the way, with his most unusual silouhette and flapping wings against the light morning sky !

A scene of wonder indeed !


Pheasant (kiji) Japan : KIGO for early spring

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



Early Morning


early morning -
the joy to be
BACK again

gentle rain
on the parched fields -
Namu Amida Butsu


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



First Swallow - MEMO


First swallow record of many years ...

Swallow, Tsubame, a kigo
first swallow, hatsu tsubame 初燕



hatsu tsubame ...
so early, so early,
why did you come ?

April 6, 2007


First Typhoon of the Season 2007

Next, we have Frost in the Morning !

Worried about climate changes !


hatsu tsubame, April 10, 2008

first swallow -
the cherries in full bloom
and chirping in the sky

first swallow -
the silcenc after
a busy day


hatsu tsubame, April 23, 2011

first swallow -
the rainy sky turns


hatsu tsubame, April 4, 2012

first swallow -
trying to cruize
the spring storm

A typhoon-like weather pattern is over Japan since yesterday, this morning was ice on the water basin.


. Ohaga Michi no Eki .

hatsu tsubame, April 13, 2016

With the cherry blossoms just scattering . . .

hatsu tsubame, April 16, 2017

hatsu tsubame, April 1, 2021
The cherry blossoms were 2 weeks earlier this year ! Global Wariming !





life's lessons


06 frosty morning

life's lessons -
the fast change from
frost to sunshine

09 from frost to sunshine

11 frosty details


. Forst in my Morning : ALBUM

! MORE of my FROST haiku

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Cold morning


cold spring morning -
a sip of hot tea
from the new tea cup


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Frosty morning


frosty morning -
sipping hot tea
sipping happiness


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



WKD - Sleep ... in various seasons



春眠や 古井戸の水 ピチャピチャと
shunmin ya furu-ido no mizu picha-picha to

sleepy in spring ー
the water of our well
drips steadily

The color code is 9ec2be, Japanese water's color


KIGO for all spring

sleepy in spring, spring sleepiness,
spring slug-abed 春眠 shunmin

..... shunsui 春睡(しゅんすい)
..... haru no nemuri 春の眠(はるのねむり)sleep in spring
..... haru nemushi 春眠し(はるねむし)

asane 朝寝 (あさね) sleeping late in the morning

haru no yume 春の夢 (はるのゆめ) dream in spring

Kigo for Spring

kigo for SPRING

虫売のかごとがましき 朝寝哉
mushi uri no kagotogamashiki asane kana

The insect seller
Pretends it's summer, or so it seems, and
Sleeps in this morning.

Tr. Thomas McAuley

This is a pun on kago 籠 cage for insects , kagotogamashi かごとがまし someone who likes to complain and kagoto 託言 someone who has to comment on anything.

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

. mushi-uri 虫売り dealer for insects .
kigo for autumn


.First Dream, hatsu-yume 初夢
sleep and dream kigo for the New Year 


kigo for all summer

. hirune, hiru-ne 昼寝 (ひるね) nap, Mittagsschlaf
gosui 午睡(ごすい)afternoon nap
hirunezame 昼寝覚(ひるねざめ)wake up from a nap
hiruneoki 昼寝起(ひるねおき)get up from a nap
hirunebito 昼寝人(ひるねびと)person taking a nap
sanjakune 三尺寝(さんじゃくね) "short nap"
lit. "as long as three shaku"

CLICK for more photos

nebie 寝冷 (ねびえ) getting chilled whilst sleeping

nebieko 寝冷子(ねびえご) child getting chilled whilst sleeping
When children move around while sleeping, they loose the cover and their sweaty bodies in the cooling air get cold, chilled and they easily catch a cold. Now with airconditioning this is a severe problem, so mothers watch over the little ones and put the covers back in place.


kigo for late summer

sotone, soto-ne 外寝 (そとね) sleeping outside
On the veranda or in a cool place of the garden.

. SAIJIKI ... HUMANITY - - - Kigo for Summer  


- quote - Susumu Takiguchi about Ono Rinka 大野林火 (1904~1982)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my peaceful slumber

"It is only in modern times that the Japanese became conscious of the question of 'ego.' [I wonder if this is really true.] This is mainly because the concept was brought to Japan from the West when it opened its shores in the mid-19th century, ending a seclusion policy that had stood for generations.

"The question of whether or not to bring ego (subjective viewpoints)into haiku became acute with Shiki Masaoka, one of the pioneers ofintroducing Western learning and culture. It was Kyoshi Takahama whoperfected the theory that haiku should be directed by objectiveviewpoints and that it is only through an objective sketch of what one sees that one's subjective view will be given the chance to manifest itself. Others were not that bothered by the ego issue. One such was Rinka Ohno (1904-1982). He was convinced that haiku started from 'self.'

mi o tsukarasete/shunya o nemuru/sube oboe

learning the knack
of sleeping on a spring night...
making myself exhausted

"Spring is a sleepy season. For most people, that is. Therefore, something must be wrong with a person who has insomnia in spring. That is why this haiku becomes very personal, talking about the author's personal circumstance. I have done exactly the same thing he describes, doing something to make myself so tired that I cannot but
go out like a light when I hurl myself into bed. However, I have never thought of making it into a haiku."
quoted from Yomiuri Shinbun, 2007


- - - - - haiku topics involving sleep - - - - -

marune まる寝 a good "round" sleep

. ashi aroote tsui akeyasuki marune kana .
- - - - - Matsuo Basho


tabine  旅ね寝 sleeping on the road

. Matsuo Basho - tabine 旅寝 haiku collection .


wabine 侘寝 to sleep alone, to spend a lonely night
It was quite common to share a futon bedding with another person, especially on a cold winter night, to keep warm.

. kure kurete mochi o kodama no wabine kana .
- - - - - Matsuo Basho

. ransetsu to futon hiki-au wabine kana .
- - - - - Yosa Buson
(more about futon bedding on this link !)


- - - - - MORE about sleeping by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. mizu samuku ne-iri kanetaru kagome kana .
(winter) cold water and sea gull. it can not go to sleep

. sake nomeba itodo nerarenu yoru no yuki .
(winter) snow at night. when I drink sake I can not sleep

. samukeredo futari neru yoru zo tanomoshiki .
sleeping together is quite a pleasure
(spending the night with his good friend, - Tsuboi Tokoku 坪井杜国 -

. uma ni nete zanmu tsuki tooshi cha no keburi .
(autumn) moon. horseback. I sleep. dream. smoke from tea


. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

dakikago ya hitoyo fushimi no sasame goto

Sleep with "daki kago"!
As with a one-night harlot at Fushimi
Exchanging lovers' talks.

- Comment by Shoji Kumano

. "hug basket" dakikago 抱籠 .
kigo for all summer

hana ni kite hana ni ineburu itoma kana

To cherry blooms I come,
and under the blossoms go to sleep--
no duties to be done!

Tr. Henderson

ichi wa kite neru tori wa nani ume no tsuki

What bird comes
And sleeps there alone?
An apricot in bloom and the moon.

Tr. Nelson/Saito

inemurite wareni kakuren fuyugomori

Going off to sleep,
I want to hide in myself--
winter isolation.

Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert

- - - - - - - - - -

ko o nesete dete yuku yami ya hachitataki

he puts the child to sleep
and goes out into the dark -
hachitataki prayers

Tr. Gabi Greve

waga yado no hiru o karine ya hachitataki

during daytime
he sleeps in his home -
hachitataki prayers

Tr. Gabi Greve

. hachitataki, Hachi Tataki 鉢叩 鉢敲, 鉢扣 prayer for Saint Kuya 空也上人 .
kigo for the New Year

- - - - - - - - - -

kutabirete ne ni kaeru hana no aruji kana

exhausted he leaves us
to go to sleep
the blossom lord

Tr. Robin D. Gill

matsu mo toshi wasurete neru ya yoru no yuki

this pine tree
also sleeps to forget the old year -
snow at night

Tr. Gabi Greve

muramura no negokoro fukenu otoshimizu

Night deepens,
And sleep in the villages;
Sounds of falling water.

Tr. Blyth

. otoshimizu, otoshi mizu 落し水 draining water from the paddies .
kigo for mid-autumn

negurushiki fuse yo o dereba natsu no tsuki

Unable to sleep,
going out from the cottage--
the summer moon. [

Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert

noki ni neru hito ou koe ya yowa no aki

Asleep in the shelter of eaves,
he is chased away by a voice--
autumn midnight.

Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert

okite ite moo neta to iu yosamu kana

Though awake
"Asleep already," say I
The night chill.

Tr. Nelson/Saito

to ni inu no negaeru oto ya fuyugomori

Sound against the door
A sleeping dog rolling over--
Winter hibernation.

Tr. Nelson/Saito

tsuma ya ko no negao mo mietsu kusurigui

wife and children asleep
he also glances at their faces -
eating medicine

Tr. Gabi Greve

. kusuri gui 薬喰 "eating medicine" .
kigo for all winter

. tsurigane ni tomarite nemuru kochoo kana .
a butterfly sleeping on the temple bell

yoru no yuki nete iru ie wa nao shiroshi

snow at night -
the sleeping home
looks even more white

Tr. Gabi Greve


Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep)
is a normal stage of sleep characterized by the rapid and random movement of the eyes. REM sleep is classified into two categories: tonic and phasic.
It was identified and defined by Nathaniel Kleitman, Eugene Aserinsky, and Jon Birtwell in the early 1950s. Criteria for REM sleep includes rapid eye movement, but also low muscle tone and a rapid, low-voltage EEG; these features are easily discernible in a polysomnogram, the sleep study typically done for patients with suspected sleep disorders.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Rapid Eye Movement
Arboreal Reverie
Flora Fauna Fuse

- Shared by Samuel G. Fields 09/17/12 © -
Joys of Japan, September 2012


. HUMANITY KIGO - for all seasons


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