
Spring Walk


春日差し 道端にある なにかしら

spring sunshine -
the little somethings
by the roadside

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

spring sun
on the new green -
I bend deeper

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

spring sunshine -
see you tonight
on the dinner table


More Photos are HERE !


The foundation of greatness
is honoring the small things
of the present moment,

instead of pursuing the idea of greatness.

Eckhart Tolle

The foundation of haiku
is honoring the small things
of the present moment !

This is such a co-incidence, getting this "word of the day"
after publishing the above haiku sequences !


Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007



Camellia petals


strong wind -
red camellia petals
dotting the ground


Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007


Takako and Yusuke


Visit of Takako and Yusuke

Plum Park in Kume Town

Working at our road

. Look at the photos in the ALBUM here to #35 END


. . . . . GokuRakuAn 極楽庵 . . . . .


Sparkling Pines


春雨や 松きらきらの 庭におり

spring rain -
standing in my garden
with sparkling pines


Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007



Winter Sunset


winter sunset -
another day closer
to the end

winter sunset -
we talk about all
the friends gone


This is a sort of shasei. Many friends have passed away lately or are gravely ill.
Watching the splendid sunset fade into the cold, these kinds of thoughts came to mind naturally ..

Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007



Shokai, a ZEN blog


© Shokai : Water Dissolves Water

"Why Can't I Be Different and Original . . . Like Everybody Else?"
- Viv Stanshall


BLOGs from Friends

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Dead Bird


love season for cats -
a dead bird's feathers
on my carpet

Haiku kun has done it again !


Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007



Downtown snapshots


Snapshots, like Haiku are about the things we all see, but only a few notice.

From a photo exhibition of downtown Tokyo

downtown in spring -
the old barber clips
his bonsai tree

downtown in winter -
a fat cat sleeps beside
the chestnut vendor

(he has a small stove to roast the chestnuts for sale)



Denn es ist ja etwas völlig Unbenanntes und auch wohl kaum Benennbares, das, in solchen Augenblicken, irgendeine Erscheinung meiner alltäglichen Umgebung mit einer überschwellenden Flut höheren Lebens wie ein Gefäß erfüllend, mir sich ankündet ...

Eine Gießkanne, eine auf dem Felde verlassene Egge, ein Hund in der Sonne, ein ärmlicher Kirchhof, ein Krüppel, ein kleines Bauernhaus, alles dies kann das Gefäß meiner Offenbarung werden.

Jeder dieser Gegenstände und die tausend anderen ähnlichen, über die sonst ein Auge mit selbstverständlicher Gleichgültigkeit hinweggleitet, kann für mich plötzlich in irgend einem Moment, den herbeizuführen auf keine Weise in meiner Gewalt steht, ein erhabenes und rührendes Gepräge annehmen, das auszudrücken mir alle Worte zu arm scheinen.

Hugo von Hofmannsthal


Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007


First Crocus


早朝や 初クロッカスに 初明かり

early morning -
the first sunray on
my first yellow crocus

Almost like a tiny heavenly candle
lit on the brown earth,
showing the way to spring ...


Crocus (Europe, worldwide)

Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007



Spring sunshine


spring sunshine -
the crocus smiles
just like me

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

spring sunshine -
meandering shadows
on the large roof

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

spring wind -
huge pollen clouds from
the nearby forest


Looking down the valley at my neighbours place.

Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007



Thoughts like Snowflakes


drifting like snowflakes
through my mind

rural Japan -
an empty train fades
into snowstorm

rural Japan -
the station master
feeds the cranes


© PHOTO http://www.fmfmtp.net/~kei/mtp04/pair/

At a remote train line in Hokkaido in the far north of Japan, there are some red crested cranes (Grus japonensis) coming down to feed in the nearby fields. The station master wears a cap with the same red color and feeds them twice a day.

No train stops at this station any more, but when the cranes land to feed, the station master signals to the stations further up and down the line. The trains then slow down while passing, so as not to disturb the birds and give the passengers a good chance with their cameras !

Read my Haiku Archives from February 2007





客を待つ 吐く息ごとに 春深む

waiting for visitors -
with each breath
spring deepens


Read my Haiku Archives from January 2007


Food Colors


food colors -
the color of LOVE
is still . red


Food Colors and E-Numbers (European Union)

E100 Curcumin, turmeric (food colouring)
E101 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), formerly called lactoflavin (Vitamin G) (food colouring)
E101a Riboflavin-5'-Phosphate (food colouring)
E102 Tartrazine (FD&C Yellow 5) (food colouring)
E103 Chrysoine resorcinol (food colouring)
E104 Quinoline yellow (food colouring)
E105 Fast Yellow AB (food colouring)
E106 Riboflavin-5-Sodium Phosphate (food colouring)
E107 Yellow 2G (food colouring)
E110 Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S, FD&C Yellow 6 (food colouring)
E111 Orange GGN (food colouring)
E120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines, Natural Red 4 (food colouring)
E121 Orcein, Orchil (food colouring)
E122 Carmoisine, Azorubine (food colouring)
E123 Amaranth (FD&C Red 2) (food colouring)
E124 Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A, Brilliant Scarlet 4R (food colouring)
E125 Ponceau SX, Scarlet GN (food colouring)
E126 Ponceau 6R (food colouring)
E127 Erythrosine (FD&C Red 3) (food colouring)
E128 Red 2G (food colouring)
E129 Allura Red AC (FD&C Red 40) (food colouring)
E130 Indanthrene blue RS (food colouring)
E131 Patent Blue V (food colouring)
E132 Indigo carmine, Indigotine, FD&C Blue 2 (food colouring)
E133 Brilliant Blue FCF (FD&C Blue 1) (food colouring)
E140 Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins: (i) Chlorophylls (ii) Chlorophyllins (food colouring)
E141 Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins
(i) Copper complexes of chlorophylls
(ii) Copper complexes of chlorophyllins (food colouring)
E142 Greens S (food colouring)
E143 Fast Green FCF (FD&C Green 3) (food colouring)
E150a Plain Caramel (food colouring)
E150b Caustic sulfite caramel (food colouring)
E150c Ammonia caramel (food colouring)
E150d Sulphite ammonia caramel (food colouring)
E151 Black PN, Brilliant Black BN (food colouring)
E152 Black 7984 (food colouring)
E153 Carbon black, Vegetable carbon (food colouring)
E154 Brown FK, Kipper Brown (food colouring)
E155 Brown HT, Chocolate brown HT (food colouring)
E160a Alpha-carotene, Beta-carotene, Gamma-carotene (food colouring)
E160b Annatto, bixin, norbixin (food colouring)
E160c Capsanthin, capsorubin, Paprika extract (food colouring)
E160d Lycopene (food colouring)
E160e Beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30) (food colouring)
E160f Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid (C 30) (food colouring)
E161a Flavoxanthin (food colouring)
E161b Lutein (food colouring)
E161c Cryptoxanthin (food colouring)
E161d Rubixanthin (food colouring)
E161e Violaxanthin (food colouring)
E161f Rhodoxanthin (food colouring)
E161g Canthaxanthin (food colouring)
E161h Zeaxanthin (food colouring)
E161i Citranaxanthin (food colouring)
E161j Astaxanthin (food colouring)
E162 Beetroot Red, Betanin (food colouring)
E163 Anthocyanins (food colouring)
E170 Calcium carbonate, Chalk (food colouring)
E171 Titanium dioxide (food colouring)
E172 Iron oxides and hydroxides (food colouring)
E173 Aluminium (food colouring)
E174 Silver (food colouring)
E175 Gold (food colouring)
E180 Pigment Rubine, Lithol Rubine BK (food colouring)
E181 Tannin (food colouring)

List of more subdued
Japanese Colors

Read my Haiku Archives from January 2007



Early Bee


early bee -
don't get hurt
in the coming snow storm


More of our Windwheels

BEE (mitsubachi), a kigo

Read my Haiku Archives from January 2007



Fukuyama Hiroshige


museum park -
the Hiroshige perspective
comes to mind


Fukuyama Castle and the ANT
Another Haiku Perspective

My Visit to Fukuyama Castle

My Visit to Fukuyama Bingo Shrine

Photo Album Fukuyama, February 2007

Read my Haiku Archives


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