Kigo, a Key to Japanese Culture:
An Interview with Gabi Greve, Japan
Robert D. Wilson, Interviewer
What led you, a medical doctor, and your husband to move from Europe to Japan, and to study and learn the Japanese language to a point where you now translate haiku by famous Japanese poets?
Read it all HERE :
Winter 2009, vol 7 no 4
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Tao Te Ching 45
Snail, tiny spiral in calcified membrane;
Inchworm, a hairpin dragon;
Bumblebee, blob of velvet black and yellow,
White butterfly, syncopated burst of gladness;
Naked bulbs, white pubic tentacles in crumbling soil;
Pears, children of earth and sun.
365 Tao
daily meditations
Deng Ming-Dao (author)
Tao Te Ching Verse 45
small things
the dao in
daily haiku
Tao and my haiku
quotes and my haiku
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
Snail, tiny spiral in calcified membrane;
Inchworm, a hairpin dragon;
Bumblebee, blob of velvet black and yellow,
White butterfly, syncopated burst of gladness;
Naked bulbs, white pubic tentacles in crumbling soil;
Pears, children of earth and sun.
365 Tao
daily meditations
Deng Ming-Dao (author)
Tao Te Ching Verse 45
small things
the dao in
daily haiku
Tao and my haiku
quotes and my haiku
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
a thousand leaves falling
in a thousand EMM OOOH's
IMO ... in my opinion
IMHO ... in my humble opinion
(if you know even less on the subject you are commenting about )
LOL ... laughing out loud
Discussing the KIGO issues again and again ..
a thousand and one
nights on a soft pillow ...
Arabian Dreams
. . . wiki/One_Thousand_and_One_Nights
mop, m.o.p. my own opinion
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
a thousand leaves falling
in a thousand EMM OOOH's
IMO ... in my opinion
IMHO ... in my humble opinion
(if you know even less on the subject you are commenting about )
LOL ... laughing out loud
Discussing the KIGO issues again and again ..
a thousand and one
nights on a soft pillow ...
Arabian Dreams
. . . wiki/One_Thousand_and_One_Nights
mop, m.o.p. my own opinion
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
Momiji Daruma
autumn leaves - my Daruma san is everywhere |
illustration from
. Zen no Tomo Magazine 禅の友
October 2009
Daruma Memorial Day .. Daruma-ki, Japan 達磨忌
October 5
紅葉達磨 もみじだるま Momiji Daruma from red autumn leaves
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above the fog - the brightness of your smile |
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two days later, after a rather rainy and stormy night,
she is there, hiding in the lavender.
Spiders in my Paradise 。。極楽の蜘蛛
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moonlight and dark clouds -
these old fairy tales
keep haunting me
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moonlight and dark clouds -
these old fairy tales
keep haunting me
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Autumn Walk
chasing red spots in a green landscape . . . autumn walk . . My PHOTO ALBUM ... CLICK ! |
our rice paddies in Ohaga
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on the temple roof -
and silence
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on the temple roof -
and silence
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NHK Haikubiyori
NHK 俳句日和
Haikubiyori ... a fine day for haiku
5 hours of haiku marathon at NHK !
From 11 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon.
A group of students in Tokyo also took part and one of the students was in the finals elected.
The participants were
Uda Kiyoko 宇多喜代子, the leader
The haiku judges :
Katayama Yumiko 片山由美子
Tsukushi Bansei 筑紫磐井
Mimura Junya 三村純也
Kai Michiko 櫂未知子
Oogawa Keishuu 小川軽舟
Hayashiya Kikuo 林家木久扇 a rakugo story teller and haiku poet himself, as guest judge
Kikuo san (he gave his former name, Kikuzo 木久蔵, to his son) is a regular member in my favorite program, he wears a yellow kimono and plays the "stupid one" (baka). He is now 70 years old and still going strong.
Shōten (笑点)
a Japanese TV comedy program, continuously broadcast on Sunday evenings on Nippon TV, Channel 4, since 15 May 1966. It is the second-longest running TV show in Japan. (almost like Mito Komon).
The show features a group of six Japanese rakugo comedians wearing kimono of different striking colors, sitting in a row, where they compete to make the best jokes on three themes suggested by the host.
The person judged to be the most funny, gains more and more zabuton (Japanese cushions), until he may be sitting on a stack five, six, or more. Comedians whose jokes are judged to be not funny, or whose responses are not quick enough, may have one or more zabuton removed and end up sitting on the floor. The zabuton used are supposedly extra-heavy ones weighing four kg (9 pounds), so even a stack of ten or more will not topple. When one participant has 10 zabuton, he gets a prize (and usually material for another TV show ... )
The show is also famous for its happy theme music written by Nakamura Hachidai. This music has been continuously broadcast since 1969. The titles are written in edomoji, but were originally written to show an animated smiling face.
Hayashiya Kikuo
Here are the results from the program in April 2009
. NHK HAIKU ... NHK 俳句 My Introduction
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
NHK 俳句日和
Haikubiyori ... a fine day for haiku
5 hours of haiku marathon at NHK !
From 11 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon.
A group of students in Tokyo also took part and one of the students was in the finals elected.
The participants were
Uda Kiyoko 宇多喜代子, the leader
The haiku judges :
Katayama Yumiko 片山由美子
Tsukushi Bansei 筑紫磐井
Mimura Junya 三村純也
Kai Michiko 櫂未知子
Oogawa Keishuu 小川軽舟
Hayashiya Kikuo 林家木久扇 a rakugo story teller and haiku poet himself, as guest judge
Kikuo san (he gave his former name, Kikuzo 木久蔵, to his son) is a regular member in my favorite program, he wears a yellow kimono and plays the "stupid one" (baka). He is now 70 years old and still going strong.
Shōten (笑点)
a Japanese TV comedy program, continuously broadcast on Sunday evenings on Nippon TV, Channel 4, since 15 May 1966. It is the second-longest running TV show in Japan. (almost like Mito Komon).
The show features a group of six Japanese rakugo comedians wearing kimono of different striking colors, sitting in a row, where they compete to make the best jokes on three themes suggested by the host.
The person judged to be the most funny, gains more and more zabuton (Japanese cushions), until he may be sitting on a stack five, six, or more. Comedians whose jokes are judged to be not funny, or whose responses are not quick enough, may have one or more zabuton removed and end up sitting on the floor. The zabuton used are supposedly extra-heavy ones weighing four kg (9 pounds), so even a stack of ten or more will not topple. When one participant has 10 zabuton, he gets a prize (and usually material for another TV show ... )
The show is also famous for its happy theme music written by Nakamura Hachidai. This music has been continuously broadcast since 1969. The titles are written in edomoji, but were originally written to show an animated smiling face.
Hayashiya Kikuo
Here are the results from the program in April 2009
. NHK HAIKU ... NHK 俳句 My Introduction
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
If you only have a hammer,
you tend to see every problem
as a nail.
Abraham Maslow
deru kugi wa utareru
deru kui wa utareru
The nail that sticks out is hammered down
. kugi 釘 nail, Nagel .
An anthropological study.
quote from new internationalist
issue 231 - May 1992
The nail that sticks out
Conformists belong, non-conformists and ethnic minorities get hammered in Japan.
John Charles and Peter Mallat unravel Japanese groupthink.
Who are the Japanese?
Anthropologically it is not at all clear: a conglomerate of Polynesian, Malay and mainland Asian elements, perhaps from Mongolia, who imposed themselves on the aboriginal Ainu and gradually drove them northwards. The precedence of the Ainu in the islands, like the thorny subject of Japanese army atrocities against the Chinese in the 1930s, is another point glossed over by the schoolbooks.
Culturally it is a different story. Japan has a notion of its own uniqueness that many Japanese are convinced an outsider could never fathom. The Japanese language ovefflows with words of status, words of self-abasement, words of guile and subterfuge - and many words that defy accurate translation. Words like Ciri and On translate as 'duty' or 'obligation', but the depth of their meaning is quite different. Within the tightly-ordered framework of Japanese groups - village, family, school, workplace - they weigh heavily indeed. Outside these groups they lose almost all meaning. Thus in Japan there is little goodwill for someone you don't know and little sense of a broader public interest. Peter Tasker, in his book Inside Japan, calls the Japanese the 'kindest, cruelest' people in the world. The face presented depends entirely on whether you are seen to be part of a group or outside it.
Hidden Identities
Many schoolchildren of Korean extraction can give you a harrowing description of hiding their backgrounds from their classmates at great psychological cost - only to be found out when presenting a different passport on a school trip. Their friends melted away before their eyes. In Osaka's Ikuno, ward where a quarter of the population is Korean, less than five per cent use their real names in business dealings. Kim Sung Il, a second-generation Korean, refused fingerprinting, was arrested and had his finger prints taken against his will. He recounts the story of a school teacher accused of some trifling infringement of the Registration Law who was taken from her classroom by a hundred police.
In fact, Japan has had a minority problem for centuries, ever since the Yamato peoples drove the Ainu to the inhospitable northern island of Hokkaido, where they largely remain. Like indigenous peoples everywhere, the Ainu have rediscovered their own identity, and are pressing for reform.
One problem has been the Koseki, or Community Registers. Japan is a society that pays elaborate courtesies to ancestors and their spirits. They are yet another group to which obligations are owed. The Japanese go out of their way to prevent any 'mixing of the blood' which they feel would pollute and dishonour their family tree. To preserve this purity of the lineage (Ie) extensive record-keeping is needed. Hence the social importance of Koseki, which details intimate family information.
Read the full article HERE
deru kui no gotoku tsukushi no tsumarekeri
like the nail
that sticks out we pick
Kubota Noriko 久保田教子
Tr. Gabi Greve
Tsukushi 土筆(つくし)horsetail plant
kigo for mid-spring
It is considered a delicacy.
MORE quotes
If you only have a hammer,
you tend to see every problem
as a nail.
Abraham Maslow
deru kugi wa utareru
deru kui wa utareru
The nail that sticks out is hammered down
. kugi 釘 nail, Nagel .
An anthropological study.
quote from new internationalist
issue 231 - May 1992
The nail that sticks out
Conformists belong, non-conformists and ethnic minorities get hammered in Japan.
John Charles and Peter Mallat unravel Japanese groupthink.
Who are the Japanese?
Anthropologically it is not at all clear: a conglomerate of Polynesian, Malay and mainland Asian elements, perhaps from Mongolia, who imposed themselves on the aboriginal Ainu and gradually drove them northwards. The precedence of the Ainu in the islands, like the thorny subject of Japanese army atrocities against the Chinese in the 1930s, is another point glossed over by the schoolbooks.
Culturally it is a different story. Japan has a notion of its own uniqueness that many Japanese are convinced an outsider could never fathom. The Japanese language ovefflows with words of status, words of self-abasement, words of guile and subterfuge - and many words that defy accurate translation. Words like Ciri and On translate as 'duty' or 'obligation', but the depth of their meaning is quite different. Within the tightly-ordered framework of Japanese groups - village, family, school, workplace - they weigh heavily indeed. Outside these groups they lose almost all meaning. Thus in Japan there is little goodwill for someone you don't know and little sense of a broader public interest. Peter Tasker, in his book Inside Japan, calls the Japanese the 'kindest, cruelest' people in the world. The face presented depends entirely on whether you are seen to be part of a group or outside it.
Hidden Identities
Many schoolchildren of Korean extraction can give you a harrowing description of hiding their backgrounds from their classmates at great psychological cost - only to be found out when presenting a different passport on a school trip. Their friends melted away before their eyes. In Osaka's Ikuno, ward where a quarter of the population is Korean, less than five per cent use their real names in business dealings. Kim Sung Il, a second-generation Korean, refused fingerprinting, was arrested and had his finger prints taken against his will. He recounts the story of a school teacher accused of some trifling infringement of the Registration Law who was taken from her classroom by a hundred police.
In fact, Japan has had a minority problem for centuries, ever since the Yamato peoples drove the Ainu to the inhospitable northern island of Hokkaido, where they largely remain. Like indigenous peoples everywhere, the Ainu have rediscovered their own identity, and are pressing for reform.
One problem has been the Koseki, or Community Registers. Japan is a society that pays elaborate courtesies to ancestors and their spirits. They are yet another group to which obligations are owed. The Japanese go out of their way to prevent any 'mixing of the blood' which they feel would pollute and dishonour their family tree. To preserve this purity of the lineage (Ie) extensive record-keeping is needed. Hence the social importance of Koseki, which details intimate family information.
Read the full article HERE
deru kui no gotoku tsukushi no tsumarekeri
like the nail
that sticks out we pick
Kubota Noriko 久保田教子
Tr. Gabi Greve
Tsukushi 土筆(つくし)horsetail plant
kigo for mid-spring
It is considered a delicacy.
MORE quotes
click on all photos to see a lot MORE !
Tingatinga painting style - Tanzania
Tingatinga -
a world of colors
Once there was a man called Edward S. Tingatinga.
He was born in the Namochelia village in Tunduru district in the South Tanzania.
During the 1960s he established an art form that became associated with Tanzania. Today, "Tingatinga" is the Tanzanian term for this form of art, known most intimately in Tanzania, Kenya, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Switzerland etc.
Boiled down to its core, Tingatinga art can be defined as painting on masonite using bicycle paint.
But Tingatinga art lives on. Masonite boards painted with bicycle paint can still be found in well-stocked "curio shops", shopping centers and tourist shops in eastern and southern Africa, as well as in solidarity shops located throughout Western Europe. Export of Tingatinga paintings from Tanzania to Kenya's capital, Nairobi, and other tourist centers, seems to be lively.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
I saw this featured in on TV. The way a painter mixes only six colors to first brush a background and then, the simple strokes of animals, peoples and patterns, without any sketching, just like that
... whish whish ... in no time the painting is finished!
Märchen und Bilder aus Tansania.
Dokumentation einer Sammlung der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission
Herausgegeben von Heidie Koch
source : Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Tinga Tinga Art(ティンガ ティンガ アート)
Introducing Haiku from Africa
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
click on all photos to see a lot MORE !
Tingatinga painting style - Tanzania
Tingatinga -
a world of colors
Once there was a man called Edward S. Tingatinga.
He was born in the Namochelia village in Tunduru district in the South Tanzania.
During the 1960s he established an art form that became associated with Tanzania. Today, "Tingatinga" is the Tanzanian term for this form of art, known most intimately in Tanzania, Kenya, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Switzerland etc.
Boiled down to its core, Tingatinga art can be defined as painting on masonite using bicycle paint.
But Tingatinga art lives on. Masonite boards painted with bicycle paint can still be found in well-stocked "curio shops", shopping centers and tourist shops in eastern and southern Africa, as well as in solidarity shops located throughout Western Europe. Export of Tingatinga paintings from Tanzania to Kenya's capital, Nairobi, and other tourist centers, seems to be lively.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
I saw this featured in on TV. The way a painter mixes only six colors to first brush a background and then, the simple strokes of animals, peoples and patterns, without any sketching, just like that
... whish whish ... in no time the painting is finished!
Märchen und Bilder aus Tansania.
Dokumentation einer Sammlung der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission
Herausgegeben von Heidie Koch
source : Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Tinga Tinga Art(ティンガ ティンガ アート)
Introducing Haiku from Africa
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
shadows and silence
a long silence between your words - autumn deepens |
green color code #767c6b "color of mountain doves"
山鳩色 (やまばといろ)
The trees, the flowers, the plants grow in silence.
The stars, the sun, the moon move in silence.
Silence gives us a new perspective.
Mother Teresa
autumn sunshine -
the sound of this shadow
on the wall
the sound of these
leaves on the temple wall -
autumn solitude
Thanks to Mother Teresa!
A friend asked:
why not drop 'these' from L1 and move 'leaves" into it's place?
Well, here is my answer:
the sound of leaves
on the temple wall -
autumn solitude
the sound of these
leaves on the temple wall -
autumn solitude
Maybe you feel the difference yourself?
The sound of leaves, the sound of water ... quite a well used phrase in haiku ...
:o) ... maybe overused ...
Since it was not the sound of leaves (or rather maybe branches with leaves, for that matter) hitting the wall, but as is shown in the photo,
it was the sound of shadows, I want the reader to pause
these ... what ? simply leaves? only shadows? anything else ?
these leaves ... I can hear these leaves rustle in the wind, as the tree stands if front of the wall
leaves on the temple wall ... now they are only shadows, not the sound ...
So I choose the version I did.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
smiling neighbours
autumn walk - my smiling neighbours at the roadside |
Cosmos Flowers KIGO
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autumn skywalk
autumn sky - my haiku blown by the wind ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: racing clouds over the rice paddies - autumn comes fast |
! Start my SKYWALK from HERE !
My Walk through the Rice Paddies of Ohaga
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
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