Showing posts sorted by date for query rose. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query rose. Sort by relevance Show all posts


roses and clouds


03 roses in foreground

sea of clouds -
my roses breathe
so carefully

CLICK for enlartement !

06 roses and clouds

frost melting
on my roses -
the beauty of NOW

07 frost melting

winter roses -
each petal has
its own spark

09 just one rose


The Art of Meditation in Taoism

Contemplative Taoists will be happily to sit with yogis and Zennists for as long as is reasonable and comfortable, but when nature tells us that we are 'pushing the river' we will get up and do something else, or even go to sleep...

... or even write a haiku ...

Basically, Taoist meditation is more like a sort of wisdom achieved by close observation of the things and phenomena in the world surrounding us. Such wisdom should help us go alongside with things and not against them, and is surely related to the wu-wei (nondoing) concept.


Read my Haiku Archives 2007

rose roses rose


roses and weeds


lonely roses -
the bees and the butterflies
go for the weeds!


Especially now in autumn, they seem to find all the small little flowers of my many weeds ...


A really good haiku, Gabi.
:) Zhanna


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Princess Haiku


princess haiku -
a rose in my garden
full of weeds


Meet a great friend HERE !

© PHOTO by Princess Haiku

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



rose buds


on the rose buds -
a letter from home


Comments from HH Members!

Very nice, Gabi. Your third line makes me think that the letter's arrival is as nurturing as the raindrops on the rose. I really like this.


Roses are for remembrance and love _ your 3rd line is most appropriate!
Lovely poem!


well done, enjoyed the moment.


i enjoyed to read your haiku, Gabi! very nice!

Nice one, Gabi . . . and always lovely to get a letter from home.


What I like about it is the way it lets go of the first image.
We are often so focused on playing off of that first image, resonating with it, or paralleling in some way -- prescribing, if you will, some sort of unity. This haiku is totally unforced, unconstructed I guess you could say, but nevertheless, a unified whole.
I learned from this one. Thank you for posting it.

..... GABI says:

Guard well your spare moments.
They are like uncut diamonds.
Discard them and their value will never be known.
Improve them and they will become
the brightest gems in a useful life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


your spare moments
your treasure moments
your haiku moments



I am aware that you practice shasei, because you linked to my short analysis of Joan Payne Kincaid's shasei in your blog

I've been meaning to thank you for that.

Anyway, even in shasei, take Joan's as an example, there is often an authorial "construction." I don't really have appropriate language to express this. I mean some sort of intervention or interpretation. The haijin has selected the elements with an eye towards, I don't know, cleverness maybe, or beauty sometimes -- towards INTENTIONAL resonance in either case

I often feel that I can't "get" a haiku on a given day; that I can not espy some interesting elements to connect, and so, have nothing to write.

Your haiku makes no attempt tat intentional resonance.. It "let's go" (again, suffering from lack of useful phrasing) of the first image entirely, instead of try to hinge upon it or play off of it. Personally, from where I am at in my development as a haijin, I just find that very instructive and I thank you for it.

I also enjoyed the quote from Emerson, by the way, and intend to pass it along to a friend who is having a bad day today.

..... GABI says:

Dear T.,

the difficult part is really to let go, the timing ...
After practising Japanese Archery, Kyuudoo for more than 30 years, I have come to value the exercise as a means of taiken 体験, physical experience, much more than the philosophical bubbles about it.

If you are not absolutely with the action, the bowstring will soon punish you, so to speak, with a bruise on the arm or broken spectacles or whatever ... ...
any intentions (will people like my haiku? will it go published here or there?) will hamper the natural flow ... so you have to experience the

aiming without aiming ...

I might try and put my thoughts about this

............ Japanese Archery and the Art of Haiku

one of these days, haha, if my arrow hits my haiku or vice versa ...

a bit of it is here


Thank you, Gabi, that was interesting.

For me, whether someone else will like and certainly not whether it will ever get published, truly never enters my mind. It's more "Is there something WORTHY here?" Either something remarkable or a way of showing it remarkably or perhaps, does some align with something else in a way that is, well, remarkable. See what I mean?

But I do appreciate your thoughts about the arrow, which I take to mean, the direction of one's consciousness.


This is a perfect moment... captured so well, Gabi!


I of those rare perfect moments captured perfectly --
in awe..... xxx applauds


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Rosebuds in snow


rosebuds in snow -
the softness of his hand
on my shoulder




red plums -
you don't mind blossoming
in snow



cold feet
and a freezing head -
ah ah ah ah ah


Read my Haiku Archives from March 2007



QUOTES with Haiku . BACKUP

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My Favorite Quotes to Enjoy with Haiku

More quotes are here now
My Haiku Quotes / Part 2


Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail.

Muriel Strode

In our haiku life, the trail is of course marked by haiku!


If we are to achieve a richer culture,
rich in contrasting values,
we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities,
and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric,
one in which each diverse human gift
will find a fitting place.

Margaret Mead


each human gift
each human haiku <>
full autumn moon


The breezes at dawn
have secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.

Jalaluddin Rumi

If you are fast enough, you can catch the haiku they are trying to tell you !


You may be capable of great things,
But life consists of small things.

Tao and Smallness


Do not be small minded.
Do not pray for gourds and pumpkins from God,
when you should be asking for pure love
and pure knowledge
to dawn within every heart.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Great Swan by Lex Hixon

you might ask for a pure haiku once in a while ... :o)


All sorrows can be borne
if you tell a story about them.

Karen Blixen

you can also write a haiku ...


An autumn night -
don't think your life
didn't matter.

- Basho

More is here


Don't be content with looking at a rose as beautiful flower.
Look at her with Love, so that she enters into your heart
and awakens other forces in your heart and soul.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

and then, compose a haiku ...


As one can see
when the eyes are open,
so one can understand
when the heart is open.

Hazrat Inayat Khan
The Bowl of Saki

and so one can write haiku
when the mind is open


Always be on the lookout
for the presence of wonder.

E.B. White
Charlotte's Web

and of course, for the presence of haiku


Appreciation of life itself,
becoming suddenly aware
of the miracle of being alive,
on this planet,
can turn what we call ordinary life
into a miracle.

Dan Wakefield

turn life into a miracle with your haiku !


Be contented with what you possess in life;
be thankful for what does not belong to you,
for it is so much care the less;
but try to obtain what you need in life,
and make the best of every moment of your life.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Make the best of it, and make a haiku of it.


Stillness within one individual
can affect society beyond measure.

And from this inner stillness, a haiku emerges ...

oo oo oo

So much of modern life is a feverish anticipation
of future activity and excitement.

We have to learn to step back from this
into the freedom and possibility
of the present.

Fr. Bede Griffiths

and within that freedom find our daily haiku.


Any place is sacred ground,
for it can become a place of encounter
with the divine Presence.

David Steindl-Rast
A Listening Heart


it can become a place of encounter wiht a haiku !


There is within each of us a modulation, an inner exaltation, which lifts us above the buffetings with which events assail us. Likewise, it lifts us above dependence upon the gifts of events for our joy.

Dr. Albert Schweitzer

how very true.

The conditionless joy of every moment !
The conditionless joy of every haiku !


As irrigators lead water where they want,
as archers make their arrows straight,
as carpenters carve wood,
the wise shape their minds.

The Buddha

a poet shapes the words <> Haiku


Each minute of life
should be a divine quest.

Paramahansa Yogananda

each minute of life
could be a quest
for haiku


Aim at the sun and you may not reach it;
but your arrow will fly far higher
than if you had aimed at an object
on a level with yourself.

-- F. Hawes

aim your haiku high
so it will fly higher
and higher and higher


Any kind of expectation creates a problem.

We should accept, but not expect.
Whatever comes, accept it.
Whatever goes, accept it.

The immediate benefit is
that your mind is always peaceful.

Sri Swami Satchidananda


When a haiku comes to mind, accept it ...
When no haiku comes to mind, accept it ...

(and do not call it * writers block * with negative feelings)

coming and going <>
to the haiku mind
no difference


The source of a true smile
is an awakened mind.
Smiling helps you approach the day
with gentleness and understanding.

Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace Is Every Step

The source of a true haiku ...


We need a renaissance of wonder.
We need to renew, in our hearts and
in our souls, the deathless dream,
the eternal poetry,
the perennial sense that
life is miracle and magic.

-- E. Merrill Root (1895-1973)
American Writer

.. .. .. .. ..

in your haiku life,
every moment is
miracle and magic


Just once,
everything, only for once.
Once and no more.
And we too, once.

And never again.
But this having been once,
though only once,
having been once on earth -
can it ever be cancelled?

Rainer Maria Rilke

.. .. .. .. .. ..

A haiku is only once. Only now. Only you.

Do not waste your words.
Do not waste your life.
Do not waste your haiku.


The little things?
The little moments?
They aren't little.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

The little Haiku?
The short Haiku?
They aren't little !


I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.

-- Confucius (Chinese Philosopher) 551-479 B.C.

I compose a haiku
I know


.. .. .. Freedom and Haiku
Musings by Gabi Greve, March 2005


Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.

Robert Bresson

To make it visible, make a haiku about it.

the unseen
covered in words -
a new spring


Happiness because...

You are not happy because you are well.
You are well because you are happy.
You are not depressed because trouble has come to you,
trouble has come to you because you are depressed.

You can change your thoughts and feelings,
and then the outer things will come to correspond,
and indeed there is no other way of working.

-- Emmet Fox


there is a haiku because you are well
there is a haiku because you are depressed
there is a haiku because you are


There are obviously two educations.
One should teach us how to make a living
and the other how to live.

-- James Truslow Adams


there are also two ways to a haiku:
learn how to make a haiku
learn how to live a haiku life


There is much satisfaction in work well done,
but there can be no happiness
equal to the joy
of finding a heart that understands.

-- Victor Robinsoll

That holds for haiku.
Sharing with friends who appreciate it, that is one of the joys of writing haiku.

Thanks to the Internet, these circles of friends are expanding rapidly !


Aim at the sun and you may not reach it;
but your arrow will fly far higher
than if you had aimed at an object
on a level with yourself.

-- F. Hawes

That is an interesting thought.
My Kyudo (Archery) Teacher would say:

.......................... Aim behind the target !

and the Kendo Teacher:

Batteling with five opponents, use your force as if they were seven.

Can we apply this to Haiku?

Write each haiku as if it was your last one !
There is no tomorrow to reach,

there is only NOW to write.

........................................... spring breeze -
........................................... my arrow flies
........................................... toward the sun

harukaze ya ...

Nothing in the world is more valuable
than every moment of your life.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

if you come along such a valuable moment, a haiku is born.

every moment
a haiku is born <>
my precious life

................... here is a picture of a precious moment

CLICK for more photos

Thanks for the picture go to Andy Goldsworthy.
Reference : Andy


Creativeness often consists of merely turning up what is already there.
Did you know that right and left shoes were thought up only a little more than a century ago?

Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

right and left
left right
where they belong


December 2004


To the dull mind all nature is leaden.
To the illumined mind
the whole world burns and sparkles with light.

.. .. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

the world burns
and sparkles with light -
a haiku is born


A bird does not sing because he has an answer.
He sings because he has a song.

Joan Walsh Anglund

this moment
just came along my way <>
catch the haiku

.. .. .. this song
.. .. .. just hang in the air <>
.. .. .. catch the haiku

my beautiful mountains
covered in first snow <>
just catch the haiku

December 2004


Happiness makes up in height
for what it lacks in length.

Robert Frost

.. .. .. .. .. Haiku makes up in depth
.. .. .. .. .. what it lacks in length


Oh, that my monk's robes were wide enough
to gather up all the people
in this floating world.

-- Ryokan, Zen monk

.. .. .. .. typhoon <>
.. .. .. .. in the folds of my robe
.. .. .. .. a bee hiding

My Typhoon Haiku


No Money, No Buy

Even Socrates, who lived a very frugal and simple life, loved to go to the market. When his students asked about this, he replied,
"I love to go and see all the things I am happy without."

Jack Kornfield
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry

I love to go and see for free (maybe some PHOTO shopping) .

all things
I am happy without
but haiku


In the depth of winter,
I finally learned that within me
there lay an invincible summer.

Albert Camus (1913-1960)


Little by Little

However much concerned I was at the problem of misery in the world,
I never let myself get lost in broodings over it.
I always held firmly to the thought that each one of us can do a
little to bring some portion of it to an end.

Albert Schweitzer


Life is not holding a good hand;
Life is playing a poor hand well.

-- Danish proverb

May all the jokers be haiku !


Fear Less, Know More

Nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more,
so that we may fear less.

Madame Marie Curie


half moon half stone
eternity written in

Photo Gallery of Japanese Zen Gardens
All photographs by Frantisek Staud


Living and Existing

The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.

-- Jack London

Writings of Jack London


Making Mistakes

The sages do not consider that making no mistakes is a blessing.
They believe, rather, that the great virtue of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and continually make a new man of himself.

-- Wang Yang-Ming (1472-1529) Chinese Philosopher

Ahh, he was a good friend in my youth, studying Chinese Philosophy at Heidelberg University...


What lies behind us and
what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us.

-- William Morrow

Within us are all the haiku of the universe.


Writing Excellent Haiku

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.
We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence,
but rather we have those because we have acted rightly.
We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

-- Aristotle


Here is just a short quote taken a bit out ouf context from a Buddhist teaching:

... you may find yourself wanting to do all sorts of things that do not bring happiness, just to fill up time somehow.
A fear of boredom kicks in and so one starts chasing all sorts of promises of happiness to the point that one never really comes home to oneself to acknowledge the riches within.

--- By Lama Shenpen Hookham

Never write a haiku just to fill up some time.
Haiku is one of the riches within, you have to find it there
and let it surprise you from within.

.. .. .. .. .. .. snowing again <>
.. .. .. .. .. .. a rich heart
.. .. .. .. .. .. keeps me warm


More LINKS to my quotes

QUOTE : Tao and some advise on writing
QUOTE : Taoism, the concept of Ziran
QUOTE * Tao is at hand
QUOTE : TAO Day 108, April 17

QUOTE : sharing one's joy Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan

QUOTE : make visible Robert Bresson

QUOTE : Happiness is ...

QUOTE : in your own way

QUOTE : what you are and what you are not

QUOTE : from Gandhi

QUOTE : can turn your view of life

QUOTE : attention attention attention

QUOTE : Participate joyfully Joseph Campbell

QUOTE : the happiness of others Paramahansa Yogananda

QUOTE : the number of breaths

QUOTE : two ways Albert Einstein

QUOTE : hold infinity ... William Blake

QUOTE : smiling Persian proverb

QUOTE : the dew of little things Kahlil Gibran

QUOTE : roses and thorns Hazrat Inayat Khan

QUOTE : Criticism and how to deal with it

QUOTE : what makes you come more alive Lawrence LeShan

QUOTE : choose peace Karen Casey

Find more QUOTES here    !!!!!  

my new QUOTES since 2007

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

To the Daruma Museum Index

To the Worldkigo Database


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