
keri ga tsuku


けりがつく 俳句にやはり KERIがつく

keri ga tsuku
haiku ni yahari
KERI ga tsuku

From the word KERI used in waka and haiku as a final amplifier, this expression has taken root in the everyday language, to signify someting is final, has come to an end and found its solution.

For something ambiguous, the expression is

tamamushi iro 玉虫色 - to shimmer in all colors
like a jewel beetle


. tamamushi 玉虫 / 金花虫 (たまむし) jewel beetle

kigo for late summer


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



forget and google


the more I forget
the more I google -
winter solitude


Dear Gabi san,

This gave me a great smile -- thank you!

Sadly, the reverse is also true :

the more I google
the more I forget -
autumn leaves



. The Google Logo in Japan .

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





Thanksgiving -
so many bubbles
in the bowl

. Thanksgiving in USA   


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



red mask


autumn deepens -
my dreams take shape
with the shades of RED

Origami mask by Kawai Toshiaki


. Masks of Fudo Myo-O お面不動明王  


Introducing 河合豊彰 Kawai Toshiaki
Craftsman for Origami, published many books

Daruma 達磨

From a whole series of folded Buddha statues


. More Photos of his Origami Art !

source : 河合豊彰 . amazon com


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



autumn butterfly


02 autumn butterfly

autumn butterfly -
the weatherforecast says

06 the fly

in my garden today


One orange falling leaf
Floats against the autumn breeze
Monarch butterfly.


Monarch butterfly
Floating in the autumn breeze
No, a falling leaf

Happy Haiku Forum


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


more frost


severe frost -
the gentle humming
of my stove

09 shining frost

The unusually cold mornings continue ... and it is only November.

03 family graves in mist

sunrays -
my life in the middle
of nowhere

17 mist on the way down END

Autumn Grace -
what a day
to be born

. WALK WITH ME - 17 photos  

. First Frost on November 11  


my haiku about FROST

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





101118 sunset 001 till 015

autumn sunset -
maybe there is a hell
in heaven ?

101118 sunset 008

101118 sunset 014

. FOLLOW the SUNSET .. from here !  


my haiku about SKY

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



shining autumn


graves in the morning sun

04 graves in morning sun

02 gingko up


06 morning black and color

balck and color
as the sunshine deepens
in diamonds

07 sunshine diamond


paulownia tree

12 paulownia bells


gingko and red momiji

16 yellow red blue autumn


14 autumn scene and sky

17 shimmering susuki

20 Ohaga autumn morning END

18 shimmering autumn

susuki pampas grass

. Walk with me . . .  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


unkai season


Season of the Sea of Clouds 2010

unkai - 雲海  - unkai


November 17, 2010

sea of clouds -
my life in the middle
of nowhere

Below, all gone in white mist, on the horizon a few mountain tops with yellow and orange trees, above the sky covered in gray clouds but then
a sudden burst of pink spotlight, just one !

Next the whole cloudy sky turning pink.
Then the white valley mist suddeny lifting high up, as if pushed by a magic wind blower.


October 15, 2010

early morning -
an extra pink line
on the horizon

above the unkai sea of clouds, there is an extra pink line ...
autumn is coming fast now


. my UNKAI haiku  

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



autumn dusk


autumn dusk -
the shadows in my valley


aki fukaki haijin wa nani o kaku hito zo

autumn deepens -
I wonder what my haiku friends
are writing right now


aki fukaki tonari wa nani o suru hito zo

and about Basho, we know

Basho lived in a place where the space to the neighbuor was just one thin wall and he could hear everything from next-door (next-wall, so to say). But beyond the thin wall, Basho could also hear the deepening autumn as his neighbour, so to day, in space.

autumn deepens
and I wonder,
what is my neighbour doing?

Tr. Gabi Greve, inspired by Hasegawa Kai

. aha .


autumn dusk -
so many haiku
in the saijiki

. Autumn dusk (aki no kure)  


Friends are trying to understand
allusion, honkadori, parody, plagiat . . .

. Honkadori, the art of quoting haiku


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


QUOTE finding hope


When things are bad,
we take comfort in the thought
that they could always be worse.

And when they are,
we find hope in the thought
that things are so bad
they have to get better.

Malcolm S. Forbes


. my QUOTES with HAIKU  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



little crab


morning walk -
a little crab
stares at me

She was sitting in the middle of the road.
I picked her up
and put her in the shadow of some weeds.


. Crab (kani 蟹) : KIGO  

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



life in shadows


17 momiji in black and white

life in the shadows -
even the momiji
are black

an autumn walk

. Life in the shadows .


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


shiawase happiness



shiawase wa ashimoto ni aru
Haiku michi

09 mantis looking

is right at our footsteps -
haiku walk

11 red leaves

06 autumn rose


02 one yellow

06 cosmos middle

grows into shadows -
symphony in yellow


10 Haiku kun half shadow



shiawase wa aozora ni aru
haiku michi

22 more gingko momiji

18 momiji beginning

31 vines detail

is right up in the sky -
haiku walk

28 Hiroshige and red leaves

34 Hiroshige and sunshine

. START the walk from HERE  


. happiness, bliss (shiawase) and HAIKU   

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





CLICK for more photos of the artist

The ability to simplify
means to eliminate the unnecessary
so that the necessary may speak.

Hans Hofmann

. simply haiku .


. My QUOTES with haiku  

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


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