googling ...
the daily fight
with memory
"flame tree"
another googling spree
to keep me happy
the more I forget
the more I google -
winter solitude

the more I google
the more I forget -
winter solitude

ホリデーシーズン Holiday Season
the Amazon jungle---
people now find their way
using Google
Fred Masarani
Joys of Japan, FB, December 2012
Google, googling, googeling ...
topic for haiku
Google Directory - Arts > Literature > Poetry > Forms > Haiku and ...
click at your own risk ... :)
google groups : google.haiku
source : Doodle 4 Google 2010

. . . CLICK here for Photos : google logo!
The world of Googling is great.
It has so many posibilities. A friend from a diferent state sent a picture of a bird in her back yard and asked if I knew the name of it. I didn't, but searched Google ... still didn't find the name. Then found an e- mail address on one of the web pages... sent him an e-mail request... and in an hour, half way around the world I got an answer...(Anhinga)
I love Googling, it connects people around the world...
tt, USA, July 2008
The Weatherhuman was going to indulge his/her creativity in a pre-Thanksgiving haiku but forgot how many syllables go where.
Funny how Googling "haiku" gets erotic haiku in just a few clicks.
source : www.dailynexus.com
google logo January 10, 2011
LOGO ... www.google.co.jp/... March 1, 2010
LOGO ... www.google.co.jp/... February 26, 2011
Birthday of Okamoto Taro
LOGO ... www.google.co.jp/... March 3, 2011 Hina Dolls
. LOGO ... Leap Day February 29, 2012 .
Yoshizawa Akira 吉澤章 and origami
March 14, 2012
aasu dii アースデイ earth day
April 22, 2012
kinkan nisshoku 金環日食 solar eclipse
May 21, 2012
Olympic Summer Games 2012
July-August 2012
Google LOGO on April 1, 2011
They kept changeing every time I clicked ... I wonder how many they have altoghether.
April first -
time to google
with Daruma

Google Daruma
. Daruma Museum Japan
. . . . .

. Momotaro ( 桃太郎 ) The Peach Boy
. . . . .

. All about SUSHI .

. Udon noodles うどん
. . . . .

. Miyajima 宮島 and Itsukushima Shrine

. Mount Fuji (富士山, Fuji-san, or Fujiyama)
GOOGLE art inspired by . my facebook friends .
Elaine Andre :

Pat Geyer :

. January 18: (万籟鳴・万古蟾) .
featuring the famous Monkey Son Goku 孫悟空, who travelled to China to obtain Buddhist sutras.
saiyuuki 西遊記 Saiyuki
the internet seas -
a boat called google
Shared by Stella Pierides .
Joys of Japan, February 2012

May 4, 2012
Keith Haring キース ヘリング
May 4, 1958 - February 16, 1990
Keith Haring died of AIDS-related illnesses in 1990 at the age of 31.
Keith Haring Foundation
- Reference -
June 15, 2013

This is in memory of Kobayashi Issa Birthday 小林 一茶、
宝暦13年5月5日(1763年6月15日)- 文政10年11月19日(1828年1月5日))
. Kobayashi Issa in Edo ! .
June 23, 2013
Mt. Fuji will likely become heritage site
UNESCO's World Heritage Committee is likely to recognize Japan's Mt. Fuji as a World Heritage site.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives
[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]
I Google, therefore I am losing the ability to think
John Naughton
The Observer, Sunday June 22, 2008
'Is Google Making Us Stupid?' was the provocative title of a recent article in the US journal The Atlantic. Its author was Nicholas Carr, a prominent blogger and one of the internet's more distinguished contrarians. 'Over the past few years,' he writes, 'I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory. My mind isn't going - so far as I can tell - but it's changing. I'm not thinking the way I used to think.'
He feels this most strongly, he says, when he's reading. 'Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I'd spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That's rarely the case any more. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do. I feel as if I'm always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle.'
His diagnosis is that he's been spending too much time online. His complaint is not really against Google - it's against the network as a whole. 'What the net seems to be doing,' he writes, 'is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way the net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.'
To judge from the volume of commentary that has followed his article, Carr has touched a nerve. He was 'flooded with emails and blog posts from people saying that my struggles with deep reading and concentration mirror their own experiences'. Various über-bloggers such as Andrew Sullivan, Jon Udell and Bill Thompson took up the theme, adding their own twists. And prominent newspaper columnists such as Leonard Pitts (Miami Herald) and Margaret Wente (Toronto Globe & Mail) also revealed their private fears that addiction to cyberspace, and online media generally were, in fact, rotting their brains.
What's surprising in a way is that people should be surprised by this. The web, after all, was designed by a chap (Tim Berners-Lee) who was motivated to do it because he had a poor memory for some things. Add powerful search engines to what he created and you effectively have a global memory-prosthesis. Who won the Ascot Gold Cup in 1904? Google will find it in a flash - and remind you that the race that year was run on 16 June, which is also the day in which all the action takes place in James Joyce's Ulysses. What was the name of Joyce's father? A quick Google search turns up the DNB entry, which reveals all. And what was the name of the woman who proved to be Parnell's downfall? Ah yes, here it is: Kitty O'Shea... and so it goes on.
The combination of powerful search facilities with the web's facilitation of associative linking is what is eroding Carr's powers of concentration. It implicitly assigns an ever-decreasing priority to the ability to remember things in favour of the ability to search efficiently. And Carr is not the first to bemoan this development. In 1994, for example, Sven Birkerts published The Gutenberg Elegies with the subtitle The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age, a passionate defence of reading and print culture and an attack on electronic media, including the internet. 'What is the place of reading, and of the reading sensibility, in our culture as it has become?' he asked. His answer, in a word, was 'shrinking' due to the penetration of electronic media into every level and moment of our lives.
But people have worried about this since... well... the Greeks. In the Phaedrus, Socrates tells how the Egyptian god Theuth tried to sell his invention - writing - to King Thamus as 'an accomplishment which will improve both the wisdom and the memory of the Egyptians. I have discovered a sure receipt [recipe] for memory and wisdom.' To which the shrewd old king replied that 'the discoverer of an art is not the best judge of the good or harm which will accrue to those who practise it... Those who acquire writing will cease to exercise their memory and become forgetful... What you have discovered is a receipt for recollection, not for memory.'
In other words, technology giveth; and technology taketh away. Now, who was it who said that...?
today's news -
something's going on somewhere
if I could remember it
Hahaha... WONDERFUL DarumaOOGLE!
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