
Playing with Haiku


playing with Haiku -
I get a whack
on my nose

Sometimes we comment on a friend's haiku, but it is not taken in the right spirit, or so we think, and whack whack whack about each other's intentions.

This morning again, my dear Haiku started playing and ended up having me duck the paws...
He is unhappy with the winter cold and in a bad mood ...
Then off he runs to his outside toilet for a major relief action and is back all smooth and cuddely ...

Counting the scars on my hands and arms, we have quite a few of these bouts
and yet I love him dearly.


GABI san... haiku chan wa kawaii desu ne

Maybe it is just from my perspective... but the cat nap cussion/bed seem to be arranged in the shape of an "8"... very auspicously?

cats nap
eight shaped --
end of '08

I hope to be online to wish at that time... but if I miss that wish I give you and yours now a heart felt Happy New Year!!

I like chibi's take, but your cats make me think of ying yang Gabi.
We all need to understand cats. They allow us to coexist with them, and when they do or don't not feel like playing...watch out.

If that's how Haiku behaves,
have you ever had a cat named Senryu?

But you'd really have to be careful of the claws
if the cat's name is Zappai.


Cats in Paradise .. O-Tsu and Haiku-Kun お津と俳句くん

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thick fog


thick fog -
just one peak
the white


Fogg, foggy
Nebel, nebelig
Fog, Mist, Haze ... KIGO

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snow over night


snow over night -
should I get the shovel or
the camera?

learn from the pine ...
today I learn from
the snow

just one snowflake -
to grow
to dance
to touch your hands
to melt


05 seated monochrome END

do'nt aks me -
Buddha's hands carry

03 hands monochrome

my life like snow
in Buddha's hands -

right now


December 26, 2008
And it is pretty COLD too ...

"Learn from the Pine" .. ..
the twisted meaning
of words of wisdom

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Gautama Buddha in my Garden
with Karl the Froggie and other scenes

Learning from the PLUM !


Thanks to Billie Dee for this composition !
Present from Billie


mihotoke no mi ni hiki-ukete shigure kana

Buddha's venerable body
takes it on himself ...
sleet in winter

Kobayashi Issa





My SEIBOO present 2008

A whole salmon from Hokkaido

02 seibo present

03 the fish END

a first taste
of great things to come -
salmon steak


KIGO : End of the Year Activities

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Grandpa Haiku


winter sunshine -
Grandpa Haiku smiles
at the Juniors

Some poets are discussing the future of Haiku outside the Japanese language and what naming should be used for short poems "in the Haiku Spirit" (whatever that may be).

Seems there is now more attention to the fact that for example "American Haiku" is a species of its own, so is "German Haiku" etc.

I come to differentiate between the traditional Japanese haiku and a few other types, same discussion as before.

Haiku is Japanese .

Aaa, Grandpa Haiku, watch out!

Here comes the Haiku Avantgarde
and tries to ride your oldfashioned car.


One wheel has to go, who needs 5-7-5, or S-L-S?
And that other wheel too, who needs a kigo?
And next the wheel called "kireji", the visible cut marker.

Now they sit in the one-wheel vehicle,
trying to ride into the New World Sunshine!
Making up "rules" as they go along ...

winter rain -
Granpa Haiku just smiles
at the Juniors


Basic Conditions of Japanese Language Haiku
Inahata Teiko

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if you meet the Buddha


If you meet the Buddha
on the path to enlightenment,
kill him.

If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!

When I once (more than 30 years ago) tried to outsmart my Japanese Archery (Kyudo) teacher with Western Wit and this saying, he gave me the "Asiatic smile" and replied:

Be careful with Asian wisdom.
The first Buddha you are going to meet on the WAY
is yourself.
Are you ready to kill ?

If you meet the Buddha ... and DARUMA !  


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solstice shadows


winter solstice -
the dark
growing darker

winter solstice -
dark shadows growing

and a little later, with respect to some haiku friends of America

winter solstice -
a dark shadow grows

HH December 2008


I Ching
Nr. 24 Fu - Return (The Turning Point)

24. Fu - Return (The Turning Point)

-- --
-- -- above K'un The Receptive, Earth
-- --
-- --
-- -- below Chên The Arousing, Thunder

The Judgement

Return. Success.
Going out and coming in without error.
Friends come without blame.
To and fro goes the way.
On the seventh day comes return.
It furthers one to have somewhere to go.

The Image

Thunder within the earth:
The image of the Turning Point.
Thus the kings of antiquity closed the passes
At the time of solstice.
Merchants and strangers did not go about,
And the ruler
Did not travel through the provinces.

The winter solstice has always been celebrated in China as the resting time of the year--a custom that survives in the time of rest observed at the new year.
In winter the life energy, symbolized by thunder, the Arousing, is still underground. Movement is just at its beginning; therefore it must be strengthened by rest so that it will not be dissipated by being used prematurely. This principle, i.e., of allowing energy that is renewing itself to be reinforced by rest, applies to all similar situations. The return of health after illness, the return of understanding after an estrangement: everything must be treated tenderly and with care at the beginning, so that the return may lead to a flowering.
source :  www.cfcl.com

The idea of a turning point arises from the fact that after the dark lines have pushed all of the light lines upward and out of the hexagram, another light line enters the hexagram from below. The time of darkness is past. The winter solstice brings the victory of light. This hexagram is linked with the eleventh month, the month of the solstice (December-January).

After a time of decay comes the turning point. The powerful light that has been banished returns. There is movement, but it is not brought about by force. The upper trigram K'un is characterized by devotion; thus the movement is natural, arising spontaneously. For this reason the transformation of the old becomes easy.
The old is discarded and the new is introduced. Both measures accord with the time; therefore no harm results.
Societies of people sharing the same views are formed. But since these groups come together in full public knowledge and are in harmony with the time, all selfish separatist tendencies are excluded, and no mistake is made.
The idea of RETURN is based on the course of nature. The movement is cyclic, and the course completes itself. Therefore it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially. Everything comes of itself at the appointed time. This is the meaning of heaven and earth.

All movements are accomplished in six stages, and the seventh brings return. Thus the winter solstice, with which the decline of the year begins, comes in the seventh month after the summer solstice; so too sunrise comes in the seventh double hour after sunset. Therefore seven is the number of the young light, and it arises when six, the number of the great darkness, is increased by one. In this way the state of rest gives place to movement.


Nine at the beginning means:
Return from a short distance.
No need for remorse.
Great good fortune.

Slight digressions from the good cannot be avoided, but one must turn back in time, before going too far. This is especially important in the development of character; every faintly evil thought must be put aside immediately, before it goes too far and takes root in the mind. Then there is no cause for remorse, and all goes well.

Six in the second place means:
Quiet return. Good fortune.

Return always calls for a decision and is an act of self-mastery. It is made easier if a man is in good company. If he can bring himself to put aside pride and follow the example of good men, good fortune results.

Six in the third place means:
Repeated return. Danger. No blame.

There are people of a certain inner instability who feel a constant urge to reverse themselves. There is danger in continually deserting the good because of uncontrolled desires, then turning back to it again because of a better resolution. However, since this does not lead to habituation in evil, a general inclination to overcome the defect is not wholly excluded/

Six in the fourth place means:
Walking in the midst of others,
One returns alone.

A man is in a society composed of inferior people, but is connected spiritually with a strong and good friend, and this makes him turn back alone. Although nothing is said of reward and punishment, this return is certainly favorable, for such a resolve to choose the good brings its own reward.

Six in the fifth place means:
Noblehearted return. No remorse.

When the time for return has come, a man should not take shelter in trivial excuses, but should look within and examine himself. And if he has done something wrong he should make a noblehearted resolve to confess his fault. No one will regret having taken this road.

Six at the top means:
Missing the return. Misfortune.
Misfortune from within and without.
If armies are set marching in this way,
One will in the end suffer a great defeat,
Disastrous for the ruler of the country.
For ten years
It will not be possible to attack again.

If a man misses the right time for return, he meets with misfortune. The misfortune has its inner cause in a wrong attitude toward the world. The misfortune coming upon him for without results from this wrong attitude.
What is pictured here is blind obstinacy and the judgment that is visited upon it.
source :  www.akirarabelais.com


American haiku poets questioning
the use of "simple statement kigo"

so my ansewer

are you happy
with your first line !?
this longest night

and D. replied

solstice night --
the longest line is
in the middle

HH December 2008

Wow, this one is so fresh, and something we can all relate to.
A few words that say a volume.



My shadows from yesterday

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winter sunshine -
the shadows on my Buddha
grow older

this was yesterday

winter sunshine -
the slow growth of a stone's

. . . swinter sunshine -


I think most of you remember
my old stone Buddha sitting there in meditation



A shadow growing older strikes me as conceptual, rather than perceptual.

As I watch my Buddha I get older
and the shadow shares my fate with me ...
I am one with the shadow

shadows change over time, am to noon, shorter and shorter, noon to sunset, longer.
winter to summer ever shorter, summer to winter ever longer
both perceptual as well as conceptual


I like your ku as it is now. As you mentioned, a lengthening shadow isn't necessarily a kigo. Heck, my shadow lengthens and shortens all times of the year... though I prefer the taller one! LOL I have three stone monks in my backyard garden.... and I went just now to check their shadows... you indeed have a shasei here and one that is distilled in a wonderful way!


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sea of light


unkai 雲海 our sea of clouds

winter sunrise ...
the sea of clouds
turns sea of light

winter sunshine -
the crows wings turn

winter sunshine -
the slow growth of a stone's




I have seen quite a few spectacular winter mornings here,
but this one shines above all of them.

And a leisurely day today with more haiku ...

More SHADOWS the next day ... LOOK !

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memories ...
the taste of STOLLEN
on your lips

a christmas present from Germany ...


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December 8


demons in distress ...
a bowl of steaming soup
brings good luck

Joodoo-E Ceremony 成道会 Daikodaki 大根焚

WASHOKU : cooking radish soup, Jodoe  

5000 radishes are cooked and served in 10.000 portions for two days to the parishers to celebrate the death day of Buddha on December 8, when Shakyamuni Buddha reached the final nirvana.
A bowl of soup costs 1000 Yen.

It was a very cold morning this year in Kyoto and the steam curling out of these many little bowls rising in the air could well frighten away anyone with a bad conscience.


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ice and frost


.............. only ice
in the birds basin ...
orange morning sky

just awoke again to minus six around
and all white with deep frost and ice ...
much too early for the season this year


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Ainu food


Ainu food -
I look for medical herbs
in my own woods


WASHOKU : Ainu Food アイヌ料理 Ainu ryoori  

my inspiration for the above haiku

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samui cold


samusa ni mo
hodo ga aru ya

It was minus 6 centigrade this morning
and a daily high of .. well, just one degree centigrade
and one more day like this to come ...
very unusual for the season, to say the least ...

December 7 ...
the cold goes on


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Moon Venus Jupiter


04 less wobbely

05 in the dark

whow and behold !
a special performance
in the sky


Jupiter, Venus, Moon are coming closer -

The waxing crescent moon and blazing planet Jupiter
Throughout November, Venus will be climbing upward toward Jupiter,

MORE information

My neighbour called twon nights ago to ask if I had seen the aliens which where aiming their spotlights at our valley!
The two planets where shining so strongly in our absolutely dark night sky ... it was quite amazing.

Today it is a bit lighter when I took the photos, but if you look carefully you can see all the three of them.

December 02
Tonight, the moon is above the two stars!
Quite a change from last night!
The smiley face in the sky is gone already.

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