
persimmon leaves



柿若葉 kaki wakaba

01 persimmon

young persimmon leaves -
the old man tries hard
to regain his strength

02 persimmon up

young persimmon leaves -
the old tree tries hard
to regain its strength

03 persimmon branch

In Memory of my Father


Young leaves (wakaba, Japan)

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



summer lake


Terraced rice fields of Ohaga

summer lakes -
I look deep down
for the words


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008


my life


- 身に上 - mi no ue -

... my life ...
a sparrow balances
on a thin branch

わが命 小枝にとまる雀かな
waga inochi kozue ni tomaru suzume kana

Tr. by. Esho Shimazu, facebook friend


My Life, my fate (mi no ue) and haiku

. . . Read my Haiku Archives


WKD - road michi



this road
where no one travelles -
autumn dusk

Matsuo Basho

道 MICHI . Painting by Higashiyama Kaii
Tr. Gabi Greve


For Higashiyama, painting was like a prayer. He felt the divine presence in nature and tried to capture it on canvas, just as a Buddhist sculptor feels the divine in a piece of wood and helps it to come alive in a statue.

Because of the exhibition we see a lot of features about Higashiyama these days.

My details are HERE:
. . . Higashiyama Kaii 東山魁夷


"The way in which the elements of nature are singled out
for sensory consumption is remarkably similar to how a good haiku works."

A look at the spirituality of Kaii Higashiyama
C.B. LIDDELL in the Japan Times, May 2008

There are two primary ways in which art can give a sense of spirituality. One is by portraying religious iconography and spiritual concepts. The other is by fostering a meditative, transcendent feeling in the viewer.

As far as I understand it, the latter type of artistic spirituality, in Western culture, began with the 18th Century European philosophic concept of the Sublime, which in turn influenced the 19th Century American concept of Transcendentalism.

For a discussion of this:

I like Higashiyama Kaii's "The Road" quite a bit, not only for its appeal to emotion, but also for its semi-abstract style. That road is a long, narrow rectangle that simultaneously goes into the landscape's distance, and stays on the plane of the painting's surface.

 © Compiled by Larry Bole
Haiku Information Board


Special Thanks for this page go to Larry Bole!

Buddhist Sculptors Gallery

More translations of

kono michi ya yuku hito nashi ni aki no kure

... kono michi ya ... this road ...


ippon no michi o mishoo no kingyo uri

a goldfish seller
with a smile
on this straight road

Hirahata Seito (Hirahata Seitoo) 平畑静塔


spring mud -
the bumpy road ahead
for Japan

Gabi Greve, March 11, 2011

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .  


The word road (michi), just like that, is a topic for haiku.
The same holds for

bumpy road
muddy road



on bends in the road,
the sound of rolling potatoes
from the trunk

- Shared by Tomislav Maretic -
Joys of Japan, 2012


observance kigo for early autumn

bon michi 盆路 (ぼんみち) road for O-Bon
bonmichi zukuri 盆路作り(ぼんみちづくり)making a Bon-road
tsuitachi michi 朔日路(ついたちみち)road on the first day
shooryoomichi 精霊路(しょうりょうみち)road for the souls
michikari 路刈り(みちかり)cutting grass along the road
michinagi 路薙ぎ(みちなぎ) cleaning the road

In preparation for the arrival of the souls of the ancestors.
It used to be the first day of the seventh lunar month, now in August 1.
The roads along the graveyard are cleaned.

. Bon Festival, O-Bon, Obon お盆 .


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008




Golden Week


summer visitors ...
the mind cluttered
with trivia

Golden Week in Japan,
public holidays from April 29 to May 6 ...

Golden Week in Haiku


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



just enjoy it


Do we need to make a special effort
to enjoy the beauty of the blue sky?

Do we have to practice to be able to enjoy it?

No, we just enjoy it.
Each second, each minute of our lives
can be like this.

Wherever we are, any time,
we have the capacity to enjoy the sunshine,
the presence of each other,
even the sensation of our breathing.

We don't need to go to China to enjoy the blue sky.
We don't have to travel into the future
to enjoy our breathing.
We can be in touch with these things right now.

Thich Nhat Hanh

CLICK for more reference

the blue sky
and a deep breath ...
just enjoy it

we can be in touch
with haiku
right now !


. . . Read my QUOTES with HAIKU

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



quality for my day


Sometimes during the day,
I consciously focus on some ordinary
object and allow myself a momentary "paying-attention."

This paying-attention gives meaning to my life.
I don't know who it was, but someone said
that careful attention paid to anything
is a window into the universe.

Pausing to think this way,
even for a brief moment, is very important.
It gives quality to my day.

Robert Fulghum

CLICK For more reference about Robert

to write haiku ...
quality to my day


. . . Read my QUOTES with HAIKU

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



Road to Izumo


Momiji in Spring: Red Dragon Branches

007 momiji behind wall

006 momiji in spring

dragon branches
all in red ...
another spring


I invite you to join me on a trip along the
Old Road to Izumo ... Izumo Kaido

............... On the road to Mikamo

Keep going for the NEXT station of the road.

Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Mikamo and Shinjo Village
and the God for the Rich in Kamochi ...

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



Spring Festival


01 Temple Tanjo-Ji Festival until Nr. 34

procession of the children

15 proud to be one of them

procession of the 25 Bodhisattvas starts

20 Bosatsu leaving Main Hall

24 proud husband leading his bosatsu wife

26 bosatsu with a drum

Bosatsu with a flute

28 bosatsu with a sho flute

spring ceremony -
he leads his Buddha
by the hand


Tanjo-Ji Neirkuyo 誕生時 練り供養

Procession of the 25 Bodhisattvas in honour of the parents of Saint Honen Shonin, who was born here.

The masks do not provide much vision for the wearer, so eack Bosatsu is trusting its leader on the way. It is a special honour to be choosen as one of the 25 each year.

The Amida Prayer  Namu Amida Butsu was chanted the whole day via loudspeakers in the temple compound.

. Check the PHOTO ALBUM from here to Nr. 34

. Temple Tanjo-Ji ant Saint Honen

25 Bosatsu

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



white butterfly


68 my colorful garden

colorful spring garden -
a white butterfly seeks
the white tulips

71 four friends END


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



disposition toward life


I've learned from experience
that the greater part of our happiness
or misery
depends on our dispositions
and not on our circumstances.

Martha Washington

CLICK for more photos and info


my disposition
toward writing haiku ...
daily happiness

. . . Read my QUOTES with HAIKU

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



Basho Blossoms


19 swan house


so many things
that I remember -
these cherry blossoms

Matsuo Basho
Tr. Gabi Greve

128 what a beauty

134 blossoms in front of the eye


Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉

This haiku is also often quoted starting with
... samazama no

「さまざまなこと思い出す桜かな 芭蕉」
written in 元禄元年(1688), one year before he left for the Narrow Road to the North.

with this subscript:
in modern Japanese

. WKD : Cherry Blossoms .


My SAKURA trip to Takahashi

. . . Read my Haiku Archives
samazama na koto o omoidasu sakura kana
samazama no koto o omoidasu sakura kana




Kagura Kaido

[ . BACK to TOP . ]



Bitchu Kagura Poster

The Bitchu Kagura Ritual Dance originated in the ancient belief, held by the local people of Nariwa, that natural disasters, disease and other such misfortunes were brought upon them by a wild god named Kojin.
This special dance was created in order to appease the angry god.

117 Bitchu Kagura Poster

Kagura Kaido Mountain Road かぐら街道

At a rest area close to the Matsunaga Bridge
there is a special dramatical exhibition ...

071 Kagura Mountain Road

deep in the mountains
a dragon unfolds ...
Bitchu Kagura

073 the magic dragon


Susano was punished for his bad behavior and sent to the far away land of Ne no Kuni. As he wanders the region, he comes upon an old couple
doing a dance of mournig.

When he asked them, they told him of a giant serpent, which was attacking and eating the young maidens of the village, and now they fear for the safety of their own daughter.

Susano wished to take their daughter as his wife, and so enlisted the help of the Deity "Matsu no Myojin" who prepared a concotion of poisonous rice wine.
Susano gave this sake to the serpent and could now slay it.
Thus he saved the village.


076 gyaaaaa


Kagura Poster

102 Kagura poster

備中中部広域農道 (かぐら街道)
Kagura Kaido
Main Entry is HERE

Fukiya Village

Takahashi and Fukiya Village

Take your time for 140 photos !
Photo Album

Kagura Dance for the Gods My Information

Read my Haiku Archives




online ...
outside of my window
the seasons change


Computers and Haiku

Haiku Day (haiku no hi) August 19 Japan. Including haiku about "haiku" and "kigo"

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



Takitani Pond


33 shining bright

17 park

so many blossoms ...
the swan house on the lake
still empty

44 lake and mountain

37 park pleasures

41 branch in sunshine

Friends in the Sky
talking of old times
and yesteryear

25 friends in the sky

sudden suspense ...
and here he comes
our way

30 heron

and who might this be?


There is a lot more !
. . . Look at more in my ALBUM

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008


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