


sunset -
a thousand dragonfly wings
over the paddies

They seem to have come out all at once !
The reflection of the late sunshine on all these wings is just fascinating !

dragonfly wings -
whispering the words of
an old love song

Click for more information !


Dragonfly (tombo, tonbo) Japan KIGO

an argument :

... not to use the numeral 'thousand', that would be untrue because you couldn't have counted them?!!


We were sitting on the terrasse when the dragonflies suddenly showed up below us in the rice fields.

My husband said: "There must be a thousand!", So I added (an old joke of us):
"Why not count the wings and divide the number by four?"

Comments of some friends at HH.

Easy to visualize, Gabi, but I agree with xxx san on this one. (Only because I've received similar comments! )
You might want to find another way of showing the number, rather than counting them. Then again, this may simply be a haiku for your own 'memory bank' and be perfectly fine for the purpose!


Love the image, Gabi san!
I did a bit of research...found a few cases where "a thousand" is used...perhaps it's accepted as a "round number"?

2 on this page: (in the "notebook" section)

2nd place poem:

An interesting topic!


i took the thousand to be the kind of exaggeration one uses in the moment ... wonder, disbelief, tautology ... and so on ...

i tend to use a million ...

i hesitated at the wings ... i thought to myself why not dragonflies ... why dragonfly wings ... but ... it does work !


"Like" one-thousand.. . . . . . . . . . . .

works for me. BTW, english is a non-literal language sometimes, and also sometimes breaks its own "rules". re:

" haiku rules! "


" haiku-rules"


Hi Gabi,
I like both versions very much...the 'thousand' and the 'old love song'..lovely.

P.S. Hate to make you jealous, but I had no mosquitos this year up on the 6th floor in the city!


Yes! Yes! Yes! What sparkling silences you tell !!


Whether or not to use a thousand, a million or just say many, a lot ...
I prefer to use the numbers, a million stars in the sky ... even if it is quite a cliche. Something you can not count, well, you just can not count.

There is no special guideline in Japanese for this type of vocabulary use, as far as I am aware of.

We also have Ten thousand (man, ban 万) in Asia, an expression dating back to the Chinese T'ang Dynasty. It signifies a long time, usually eternity.
BANZAI 万歳, ten thousand years, is a common cheer in Japan.



Here are some more of my Dragonfly Haiku :
Vaughn Seward's haikuworkshop:
The Dragonfly Haiku Series

At www.wonderhaikuworlds.com

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Threatening Clouds


threatening clouds
in the darkening sky -
and then this FLASH

Right in front of my nose, an unexpected lighning struck the bamboo grove on the other side of the valley, and an immediate thunder brought it all to vibrate in a hellish symphony


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



old farmer


battling weeds -
the old farmer sprays poison
on his fields

At age 82, he is too weak now to plant anything on the large fields and can not even keep up with cutting the weeds regularly, so today he and his old wife took the great poison spray buckets and sprayed his former fields.

This will be his final battle, since with that kind of poison, nothing worthwhile will grow there for quite some time! And his children are not inclined to come back to this closeknit rural community.

This is the reality of much of rural Japan !

we met him before:

his last apple tree


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Praying Mantiss


a visitor's card
left at my doorstep ...
praying mantiss


This is her husk on the red cap of my husband.

She left it to start her new life a size bigger than before !
Like a cicada or snakes, they change size and leave us their treasures behind ...

Some even grind these hulls to powder and make Chinese medicine for long life out of it!
To find one is an auspicious omen !

. Comments from HH friends

I saw the photo of the Praying Mantis. Very sad . . .
But a thought provoking haiku.


Hi Gabi,
This is amazing..gives me the shivers, but I love the sabi element. Our life is so short and so fragile, isn't it.


it's beautiful GABI and your haiku resontes well!


Oh, this is wonderful, Gabi san!
I didn't realize they did that...
I've never seen one around here, although I think they do live in our area.


Praying Mantiss, a KIGO

Read my Haiku Archives 2007


WKD - New Roof - Carpenter


autumn rain -
a new roof grows
under blue shadows

September first -
a new roof
on the old house


PHOTOS start from HERE !

Our roof is originally a thatched one, like most of them in rural areas more than 80 years ago, with the thatch fastened with ropes on a bamboo grid. That was simply covered with tin plates maybe 40 years ago, when the thatch had too many holes and was not watertight any more. Covering it with tin plates is much cheaper than re-thatching ...

When we bought the house 12 years ago, they told us the roof needed repair, so we pondered it ... until two years ago, a typhoon took part of the ridge decoration off.
We asked a carpenter to do some repairs, but he never showed up, until this year, another typhoon got the bottom plates really welded up high in the air ... now this was time to act !

So we asked a different carpenter, who did it all with his crew of two, in the rain, within three days, to make sure the arriving typhoon number 9, already brewing, will not do more harm.

We were really lucky with the weather, forecast for a strong rainy week, but when the carpenters came, there were dry spells and only soft rain in our area, so they could work under their makeshift tents. And we spent two nights without a proper roof, crossing our fingers for the blue sheets to keep in place, with success, so not much rain found its way inside.

They took off all the old wooden grid and the rusty nails, put on a new thicker grid and added the long tin plates with a new method of screwing it tightly on the thick grid. They also re-screwed the ridge decorations and secured the top decoration, so we hope this will last for a while ... and still hope number nine will pass a different route ...

We have not had any strong wind since the repair started, .. thanks GOD ! .. but I have the feeling it has become more quiet in my bedroom, which is just below this roof and has been moaning and groaning in the slightest wind, when the tin plates started vibrating with their loosened rusty nails.

..... ..... 2007年の台風情報
..... Typhoon Season 2007 .

Read my Haiku Archives


daiku 大工 carpenter
tooryoo 棟梁  master carpenter

He is a most important person when building a new wooden home, temple or shrine.

Though there is a core practice shared by all Japanese carpenters, defined by a vocabulary of tools and joints and a methodology of working, a carpenter will typically identify with one of four distinct carpentry professions.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

煤はきは 己が棚つる 大工かな
susuhaki wa ono ga tana tsuru daiku kana

year-end cleaning —
the carpenter builds a shelf
for his own home

Tr. Stephen Addiss

housecleaning day —
hanging a shelf at his own home
a carpenter

Tr. Makoto Ueda

Großreinemachen –
ein Bord ins eigene Heim hängt
sich der Zimmermann

Tr. Udo Wenzel

Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
元禄6年冬 - winter of 1694

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. . . . .

the master carpenter
loves the new potatoes best -
let's take a quick lunch

Yoshioka Yutaka 吉岡ゆたか , 2007

. . . . .

Building my new home - Gabi Greve :
. Ground-breaking ceremony (jichinsai 鎮祭 ) .

An important tool of the carpenter:
. nokogiri 鋸 (のこぎり) saw .






looking up -
a first sign of autumn
in the net


Spiders in Paradise 。。極楽の蜘蛛

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



virtual silence


virtual silence


nobody comments
on my haiku

Prof. John Stackhouse

E-mail Silence:
I’m Not Writing Back Because I Hate You

I’ve come to see e-mail silence–when someone takes longer to reply than I think she should–as a Rorschach test. How I interpret that void, how I fill it in, tells me what’s in my mind to use as filler.

Earlier this year, a friend of mine in another city did not reply to several e-mails I sent him over three months. I passed through a succession of emotions: denial (”It’s no big deal”) to anxiety (”I wonder what’s wrong”) to anger (”That conceited jerk!”) to sadness (”He doesn’t like me anymore”).

Finally, he did reply, and told me that he and his professional website had encountered a terrible series of problems with their ISP that lasted, yes, three months, and he was only now back online and catching up.

Have you ever had to take one of those psychological tests consisting of sentence stem completions? They look like this: “When I walk into a room, I feel ____” or “When people look at me, they think ___.” Well, e-mail silence is like that: “My boss isn’t writing me back right away because ____” or “My father isn’t writing me back right away because ____” or “My girlfriend isn’t writing me back right away because ______.”

What I fill in tells me something of what I have in mind to fill it in with. And when I consider my customary reactions to e-mail silence, I sometimes don’t like what I see.

Cognitive therapist Dr. David Burns warns us against “mind reading” and “catastrophism,” the habits of mind by which (1) we assume we know what someone else is thinking and (2) we assume the worst. Indeed, a therapist friend of mine says that most people who engage in mind reading also engage in catastrophism, rather than assuming positive motives: “He’s not writing me back right away because he’s mulling over just which superlatives to use!”

Read it all HERE

 © John Stackhouse


More abuot EMAIL SILENCE !


some comments

Love your senryu, Gabi!
And a good question...
it's funny how I can sense what I like or don't like about someone else's work, yet
can't tell about my own!
But as you say, when the comments are contradictory... that doesn't help much!

I remember your "silence of stones"... an awesome haiku!


bright autumn day -
listening to the silence
of stones growing older

This one's lovely, Gabi. And if we listen carefully, what will we hear, I wonder? Thanks for sharing this.


I say, think positive thoughts.
A autumn leaf desires nothing else than to be a leaf. Silence is only uncomfortable for those that need it filled. My thought for the day..


Hi Gabi,

I'm not sure we've met but it's a pleasure to read you!

your 'silence of stones' haiku is inspired, I truly enjoyed it!

this is a very interesting thread... I believe we sometimes assume the worst
because an ego is a fragile thing that needs careful handling and we all have a little...
after all, doesn't society teach us to "look out for #1"..,


Ahh yes... I ALWAYS assume, when there no comments, that my haiku so stunned the reader with its grace, trueness to form, and sense of wonder that they COULD NOT recover composure enough to respond...

THEN, I hasten back for a 're-write-...


gabi, my silence, virtual or actual, on this only means I've been to busy to check in for the last few days.


More of my Haiku about SILENCE !

Read my Haiku Archives 2007





what do you think?
he asked
nothing, said monkey

CLICK to read about Takamura Ko-Un !


Sculptor Takamura Ko-Un 老猿(ろうえん)

Read my Haiku Archives 2007






eternity -
the spider's thread
from HERE to THERE


After the rain, there was just this long one thread stretching from the stones to the chair on the terasse, sparkling in late sunlight.

I should get a better camera, but I hope you will see the beauty anyway.

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Layers of clouds


layers of clouds

and yet

the sky stays blue

The color BLUE for heaven and water


A while later I found this haiku by Bonchoo:

上行くと下来る雲や 秋の空
ue yuku to shita kuru kumo ya aki no sora

clouds floating above
and clouds floating below -
autumn sky

Nozawa Boncho 野沢凡兆
SKY and kigo

Clouds in my Haiku Valley 谷に雲

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



old and young


lush summer leaves <>
the old, the young and
the one's inbetween


Inspired from HERE !
Haibun by Larry Bole

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Sweltering Heat


just sitting outside in more than 38℃, sweating,
eyes closed, too hot for any action

sweltering heat -
the different songs
of cicadas


Read my Haiku Archives 2007




tiny roses
in late sunshine -
our great love


Read my Haiku Archives 2007


Last Bon ceremony


送り火や 家族で見えし 流れ星

okuribi ya kazoku de mieshi nagareboshi

sending-off the souls -
the whole family watches
shooting stars

The whole large family of our neighbour, now 82, has been back home this year, which is quite seldom lately in rural Japan.
So many generations watched the heavenly spectacle together in great awe!


The final ceremony for O-Bon is sending off the ancestor's souls with a special fire, okuirbi.

My First Bon Ceremony

My Shooting Stars

O-Bon rituals and related KIGO

CLICK for more photos !

Okuribi, the great send-off fire in Kyoto


some comments

Nice one, Gabi . . . and blessed, indeed.


How exciting, Gabi...
love the fireworks!
I enjoyed your haiku -- and learning about this event!


Hi Gabi - A very good haiku and one that has instructed me in a wonderful tradition. I only wonder if it would work better for most readers if you drop the hyphen after "sending"? I realize it can work either way . . . jez wonderin'

sending off the souls–
the whole family watches
shooting stars

.. GABI : Thanks, for your suggestion.

I guess I mixed it up with the usual translation for okuribi,
(送り火) (roughly, "send-off fire").


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Shooting Stars


....................................... \

\ ......... \

shooting stars -
how many promises
will he keep ?



catch the moment -
the shooting stars outnumber
my wishes




Meteor Showers as KIGO


some comments

This is SO good! It has the dreamy quality of the old masters. So reflective and just right.
Thoroughly enjoyed.


I missed it! Thanks for the links Gabi, and the lovely haiku.


Oh, a wonderful haiku, Gabi san! Fine work indeed!


Lovely, haiku, Gabi. Glad you've had a good view of the meteor showers. So often, we end up with clouds!!!


its a lovely haiku ... makes me go all tanka-ish ...
i cant see the pic ... i see the wording and what i think must be the stars are slashes and dots ... however i can imagine it ...


Aaaah! Hi Gabi, A beauty!


Read my Haiku Archives 2007


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