
anthropo morphs visitors


Collecting some haiku about visitors . . .


visitors gone -
I am the great dishwasher,
laughs the rain

I usually leave the dirty dishes outside in a great barrel, and last night, there was a good heavenly help !


rainy season ...
the first drop
on my Buddha's face

He sits outside in my garden and when it rains, he looks like getting the measels ...

Here he is still in the sunshine

Azalea and Shaka


hitori kite hitori o tou ya aki no kure

a person comes
to visit another -
autumn evening

Tr. Gabi Greve

A single person comes
To visit one alone
On an autumn evening.

Tr. McAuley

hitori kite hitori o tou ya fuyu no tsuki

a person comes
to visit another -
moon in winter

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


Joys of Japan, 2012

visit ends
two sugar cubes beside
the cold tea cup

- Shared by Hengameh Ahmadi -

visit ends --
in the rear view
the sun goes down

- Shared by Arvinder Kaur -


some of my old ones

waiting for guests ...
I sweep the path again
and again

客を待つ 吐く息ごとに 春深む

waiting for visitors -
with each breath
spring deepens

footsteps -
the nightly visitors
all exposed

summer visitors ...
the mind cluttered
with trivia

winter visitors -
two friendly demons
smile at me

preparing a teahouse for visitors

ancient tea garden -
polished leaves sparkle
in the spring sun


Anthropomorphism (personification, gijinka 擬人化)
. Anthropomorphism - Pro and Con .

Read my Haiku Archives


Buddha and Rain


rainy season
the first drop
on the Buddha's head


Read my Haiku Archives 2007


rose buds


on the rose buds -
a letter from home


Comments from HH Members!

Very nice, Gabi. Your third line makes me think that the letter's arrival is as nurturing as the raindrops on the rose. I really like this.


Roses are for remembrance and love _ your 3rd line is most appropriate!
Lovely poem!


well done, enjoyed the moment.


i enjoyed to read your haiku, Gabi! very nice!

Nice one, Gabi . . . and always lovely to get a letter from home.


What I like about it is the way it lets go of the first image.
We are often so focused on playing off of that first image, resonating with it, or paralleling in some way -- prescribing, if you will, some sort of unity. This haiku is totally unforced, unconstructed I guess you could say, but nevertheless, a unified whole.
I learned from this one. Thank you for posting it.

..... GABI says:

Guard well your spare moments.
They are like uncut diamonds.
Discard them and their value will never be known.
Improve them and they will become
the brightest gems in a useful life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


your spare moments
your treasure moments
your haiku moments



I am aware that you practice shasei, because you linked to my short analysis of Joan Payne Kincaid's shasei in your blog http://haikutopics.blogspot.com/2006/07/shasei-sketch-from-nature.html

I've been meaning to thank you for that.

Anyway, even in shasei, take Joan's as an example, there is often an authorial "construction." I don't really have appropriate language to express this. I mean some sort of intervention or interpretation. The haijin has selected the elements with an eye towards, I don't know, cleverness maybe, or beauty sometimes -- towards INTENTIONAL resonance in either case

I often feel that I can't "get" a haiku on a given day; that I can not espy some interesting elements to connect, and so, have nothing to write.

Your haiku makes no attempt tat intentional resonance.. It "let's go" (again, suffering from lack of useful phrasing) of the first image entirely, instead of try to hinge upon it or play off of it. Personally, from where I am at in my development as a haijin, I just find that very instructive and I thank you for it.

I also enjoyed the quote from Emerson, by the way, and intend to pass it along to a friend who is having a bad day today.

..... GABI says:

Dear T.,

the difficult part is really to let go, the timing ...
After practising Japanese Archery, Kyuudoo for more than 30 years, I have come to value the exercise as a means of taiken 体験, physical experience, much more than the philosophical bubbles about it.

If you are not absolutely with the action, the bowstring will soon punish you, so to speak, with a bruise on the arm or broken spectacles or whatever ... ...
any intentions (will people like my haiku? will it go published here or there?) will hamper the natural flow ... so you have to experience the

aiming without aiming ...

I might try and put my thoughts about this

............ Japanese Archery and the Art of Haiku

one of these days, haha, if my arrow hits my haiku or vice versa ...

a bit of it is here


Thank you, Gabi, that was interesting.

For me, whether someone else will like and certainly not whether it will ever get published, truly never enters my mind. It's more "Is there something WORTHY here?" Either something remarkable or a way of showing it remarkably or perhaps, does some align with something else in a way that is, well, remarkable. See what I mean?

But I do appreciate your thoughts about the arrow, which I take to mean, the direction of one's consciousness.


This is a perfect moment... captured so well, Gabi!


I agree...one of those rare perfect moments captured perfectly --
in awe..... xxx applauds


Read my Haiku Archives 2007





morning meditation -
a gray spot
on my gray carpet



If you find the SPOT in the box above, contact me!

Read my Zen Haiku Archives

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Lilies in the rain


iris in the rain -
a bright star in the
flower heart


little spider -
trying to peek
in the flower heart ??


Flower-Heart (hana gokoro) and haiku

more . SPIDERS in my Paradise !

Read my Haiku Archives 2007


Rainy Season


rainy season -
I join my cat


Cats in Paradise ..
O-Tsu and Haiku-Kun お津と俳句くん

Read my Haiku Archives 2007





shizukesa ya tani o mau no wa hotaru dake

静けさや 谷を舞うのは 蛍だけ

this quietude -
only fireflies dancing
in the valley


Fireflies (hotaru) (Japan)

my fireflies haiku

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Thirsty Butterfly


watering flowers -
a huge butterfly waits
for his turn


Read my Haiku Archives 2007





sheet lightning -
the frogs are quacking
louder tonight

sudden thunder -
the frogs suddenly stop
quacking right now


Wetterleuchten -
die Froesche quaaaken lauter
heut nacht

Read my Haiku Archives 2007





稲妻は 遠くなるや 初蛍

still so far away -
first firefly


The weather has been quite unstable, but here we are with our FIRST visitor!
Looking up and then down in the valley ... what a light show !

Read my Haiku Archives 2007





dinnertime -
four tiny ants drag
a huge caterpillar


mid-day heat -
four tiny ants drag
a huge caterpillar

Watching such scenes in Kenya, I am inclined to interpret the ants' unco-ordinated dragging as the will to co-operate, handicapped by lack of overview...!

Here is a recent scene from Japan :

shinkansen platform --
a woodlouse goes its way

Right among the passengers' big feet...!


... ... ...

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Summer day


summer morning -
another weed blossoming
by the roadside

summer lunch -
a beetle dives
into the curry pot

summer eve -
a badger nodds
its "good night"


The badgers always trodd along when we have dinner outside. They stop, watch us for a while and then start nodding their heads before they move on ...

Read my Haiku Archives 2007


AHA the moment


I guess many expect tooooo much of the

AHA moment.

For me, it is just the little things in daily life that catch my attention at any moment, on the daily walk to the letterbox all these flowers by the wayside, my cat sleeping happily in his box, a mosquito trying to pierce the window pane, the raindrops still rolling down of leaves after the rain has stopped ... the problem is to be attentive to these small things.

Once you are attentive in every moment, you see sooooo many things to add your AHA ! Sometimes I can,t stop to use the shutter of my mental camera to catch all these little bits and pieces ... just, they are not GRAND in any way, not spectacular, not sensational, but they ARE !

I have learned to be attentive during the practise of Kyudo, Japanese archery. It is the same awareness, now clad in words, not in arrows ... hahaha

a last drop
from the bent leaf ...
summer rain is over

GABI responding to some discussions about the moment.

New Year's morning -
I wipe some dirt
from my glasses

January 2011


Tempted to go on by so many reactions ...

aaa, the "haiku no shunkan 俳句の瞬間、あああの瞬間" as it would be in Japanese, has never come to my attention yet !

It seems the term was coined by the haiku translators, like Kenneth Yasuda and R.H. Blyth.
source : simplyhaiku.theartofhaiku.com

The other day a group of rakugo tellers would make senryu starting with

aa, arara

to express surprize at something

a-a arara
another forum
to spent my time


No, I did not write WASTE ... hahaha


My Japanese haiku sensei would say:

genba ni tatte ... write from the place where you are ...
from reality and experience, as opposed to composing solely from your desk.

That is maybe misinterpreded as
show, don't tell
in the ELH world.
I still have not found a Japanese equivalent for this kind of advise.

Childhood memory ...

I guess when something was so unforgettable that you still remember now, it must have been quite a strong impresison at its real time ... therefore, somehow, you are still back there in the moment ... sort of a time slip moment ... dont know how to put that into English.

I think there is a difference between something you really experienced (either now or in the past)
and something you just make up, as you would write a novel or fiction.

I love to read biographies of famous people, but novels about nonexistant personalities are usually kind of boring ...

For me, the real quality in haiku, maybe shasei is the better word for that, brings it to live and makes it so unique.

Should we use imagination when composing a haiku?

For me, Japanese haiku is a snapshot of a moment of real life, presented without judgement or imagined embellishing whatnots ... indeed, that is the most important part of haiku training for me. This is where I find haiku so much different from Western poetry. It teaches me to be attentive, without being judgemental, philosophical or hunting for special effects.
Maybe we should go back and examine the motives of WHY we write haiku
and not any other kind of short-form poetry.

More about this in my LINK about shasei, sketching from real life.

My Haiku Training, My Haiku Doo  俳 句 道

There are of course other attempts when composing haiku,
shasei is not the only one.

Poetry is
the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings:
it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility."

William Wordsworth


Matsuo Basho to his student Hattori Doho :

If you get a flash of insight into an object,
record it before it fades away in your mind.

- Reference - Blyth on Basho

. Hattori Dohoo 服部土芳 .

Matsuo Basho also has two haiku by himself, where he uses the expression
. - shibaraku wa しばらくは for a while - .   


a moment of experience

In Japanese, we sometimes call it TAIKEN 体験, experience with your whole body ... children are great at this!

Of course I KNOW that the charcoals are hot, but only when I touch them ... hopefully by accident ... can I experience this physically.
and then write my haiku about it ...

lunchtime -
a hot potato
on my plate

My husband does the cooking and I burn my fingers on the hot potatoes ... grin grin ... got this hot one before putting it into my mouth.

a "moment of real experience" is wonderful and alive and right here and now.
But stretching this to a moment of "temporary enlightenment" and then "Zen enlightenment" ... is something quite different.

Take your time to check this discussion

Susumu Takiguchi : Aha, Just A Moment, Please 

Not 'Here and Now' but
'Everywhere and Everywhen'

Haiku Time versus Newtonian Time
WHR Susumu Takiguchi


Beyond the Haiku Moment
Haruo Shirane

If Basho and Buson were to look at North American haiku today, they would see the
horizontal axis, the focus on the present, on the contemporary world, but they would probably feel that the
vertical axis, the movement across time, was largely missing.

There is no problem with the English language haiku handbooks that stress personal experience. They should. This is a good way to practice, and it is an effective and simple way of getting many people involved in haiku.

I believe, as Basho did, that direct experience and direct observation is absolutely critical; it is the base from which we must work and which allows us to mature into interesting poets. However, as the examples of Basho and Buson suggest, it should not dictate either the direction or value of haiku. It is the beginning, not the end. Those haiku that are fictional or imaginary are just as valid as those that are based on personal experience. I would in fact urge the composition of what might be called historical haiku or science fiction haiku.

As I have shown in my book Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Basho, Basho believed that the poet had to work along both axes. To work only in the present would result in poetry that was fleeting. To work just in the past, on the other hand, would be to fall out of touch with the fundamental nature of haikai, which was rooted in the everyday world. Haikai was, by definition, anti- traditional, anti-classical, anti-establishment, but that did not mean that it rejected the past. Rather, it depended upon the past and on earlier texts and associations for its richness.

Read more HERE
Beyond the Haiku Moment:
Basho, Buson and Modern Haiku myths

Haruo Shirane

More Reference


A Moment in the Sun: When Is a Haiku?
The “now” of haiku isn’t quite as simple as many haiku poets think. Is it the original moment of experience? Is it the moment of inspiration when you are moved to write about an experience, regardless of when that experience happened? Is it the “moment” that is captured within the poem, that may or may not have actually happened, but that readers believe happened, or could have? Or is it the moment when the reader “gets” the same experience upon reading the poem, upon realizing that he or she has had the same experience? It’s easy to say “all of the above.”
And perhaps that’s the fullest answer, but not every haiku poet believes that each of these possible “moments” has equal value. Some believe that haiku must be about direct personal experience, and that you must not alter any of the facts.

Michael Dylan Welch
source : graceguts/essays


inazuma ya kinoo wa higashi kyoo wa nishi

Enomoto Kikaku  

flashes of lightning -
yesterday in the east
today in the west

Tr. Gabi Greve

We might wonder if this is one moment or longer ...
I remember a terrible summer in our valley, with one thunderstorm chasing the other for about two weeks. Sometimes three separate thundres would show up in one evening and keep us awake and shaking, since the thunder really reverberates in the valley, in the house and in your own body after a while ...

I would have written a haiku like this one too, after two weeks of constant fear and shaking, and still within the limits of this one moment when the thunder would come back again ... aaaa, here we go ...

flashes of lightning -
yesterday to the right
today to the left


Quote from the SHIKI archives

What is for YOU the 'aha moment' ?

Perhaps it's the moment when one recognizes what meets the eye as being more than what meets the eye. For me that can happen in the immediate moment, but also after the fact, upon reflection. It's also the awareness of a single moment in which one or more elements are encompassed, and which may be in striking (and sometimes ironic) contrast with one another.
- - -

Is it for you an important, an indispensable part of the haiku ?

Yes; without the 'aha' moment, it is just an interesting three-line poem.
The degree of the 'aha'-ness (!) might vary, but there is always something that makes you aware of more than just the description of the moment at hand. Here are two examples by Issa translated by Robert Hass. The first is more descriptive and pastoral, to my mind, than the second. which is more immediately striking; yet it makes me think on it longer:

snip snip

Can haiku be a neutral description of the world ?

Yes, it can be, but it is usually much more, because although a haiku poem is often a description of something (for instance) in nature, or of a single event, we bring our mind and our ability to make connections and recognize allusions and parallels elsewhere in our experience to our reading of the poem. And so the depth of it's 'description' increases. But I think Marjorie Buettner has put it much better than I.... :-)

susan bond
© Read more in the SHIKI archives

railroad crossing
their goodnight kiss
one hundred boxcars long


Free Format Theme: Time
Shiki Monthly Kukai April 2010

. . . . . More LINKS about this subject !


The Haiku Spirit

another topic often quoted in English language haiku theory.

俳句スピリツ ???

I wonder what this would be in Japanese?



俳諧の誠とは、俳諧の精神 ・価値 というほどの意味で、今の言葉で言えば、詩性とでも言うのでしょう。対象に直面したときのその場の生きた感覚に重きを置き、それが作品となるところに俳句の価値があるというのです。

1. Haikai no makoto (sincerity of haiku)

A haiku poet needs to feel inspiration from the varied emotions and impressions inspired by nature via looking and listening. It is the haiku true mind. Without sincerity, there is no haiku spirit. And without the spirit, a haiku is not a haiku.

俳諧の精神 ・価値 haikai no seishin to kachi

bilingual source : 烏山九齊

The Fishing Cat Press
Thanks to webmaster Gilles Fabre, the "Haiku Spirit" begun by Jim Norton and Sean O'Connor lives in a new form.
Haiku Spirit
in English and French ... www.haikuspirit.org/



further thoughts

Imagine a Catholic mass celebrated with green tea and rice crackers.
a Zendoo with chairs and everybody drinking coffee.

It is the essence, not the form, you might say.
But sometimes I wonder, if the simpler item, the form, does not even fit, how can the essence be the same?
If you do not make the effort and communicate in Japanese, live in Japan, how do you really expect to UNDERSTAND the essence of Japanese Zen or Japanese Haiku ?

. My Musings about cross-cultural understanding .


ZEN and HAIKU ... and the moments inbetween

about writing haiku ...
in the moment

Sketching from Nature , SHASEI 写生

Rakugo ... comic storytelling performances 落語

. . . . . BACK TO
My Haiku Theory Archives


some comments from friends

Some tend to say that the moment is less of an "aha" than "ah."
I also think there is some confusion as to whether the moment is in the haiku or prior to it. The former view leads, I think, to greater emphasis on rules, the latter to greater formal flexibility.


"show don't tell" is what they tell me often when workshopping. "show the moment".

Dear friend
this is a piece of advise I have not yet heared from my Japanese sensei. I guess it is a misunderstanding of the shasei concept of sketching from nature.
But there are many ways to write haiku, shasei is just one tool to use.


haiku moments -
in the temple garden
stones asleep

Shikoku, Summer 2005






blackberry flowers -
the biggest beetle
chases its rivals


More bees and butterflies are here
My Summer Flowers

Read my Haiku Archives 2007





The days are getting warmer.

We have started cooking outside in the garden, enjoying the splendid view of the green mountains while food is simmering.
The big hawk and his wife are circling slowly over our valley.

summer picknick -
a bird dropping right into
the cooking pot


Read my Haiku Archives 2007


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