dewdrop haiku -
a diamoment frozen
in my words

diamond moment ... diamoment

the Diamond Sutra
kongookyoo 金剛経

diamond scepter
dorje, kongoshoo 金剛杵

diamond bell
kongoorei 金剛鈴

diamond world mandala
kongookai mandala 金剛界曼荼羅
to paraphrase Decartes
I think
therefore I am confused -
aah, the rainy season
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2009
thank you for giving me a diamoment-Fran
Thanks, Fran, for taking it!
i love 'diamoment' gabi. i'm always finding new words morphed words in my mind.
most mornings i walk slowly around the garden pondering each diamond dewdrop as i go. lupin leaves are especially good at cupping them and lady's mantle (hamamelis mollis) for dotting them around the rim...
S. HT2
You are getting too spitirual Gabi this last week!!
What's up?
I like your coined word - diamoment!
A gem, Gabi (if you will pardon my pun...but no, on second thought - ).
Lovely: diamoment;
- also: diamond sutra...along with sceptre, mandala...but good to think about these...more diamoments
Thanks for your visit, my green friend!
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