
small life


04 one bud

in the jungle
down at the bottom -
small life

06 grashoppers

08 grashopper again

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

so much small life -
graves of the ancestors

03 graves


Here the photo of the spider lilies provides the KIGO for the composition.

Higanbana, the spider lilies for the ancestors

visiting graves, hakamairi, is another kigo for autumn, related to the O-Bon ceremonies.

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Unknown said...

Oh well arranged pictures and poem.


Anonymous said...

spider lily --
the grave stone warms
in morning sun

I believe the spider lily is thought by some to be beautiful and others to be shunned. Those that shun it feel it associated with ghosts and graves.

I feel it is such a strickingly beautiful flower. Some parts of Japan have a spider lily festival along the rivers where the lily grows with such profusion as to look like a crimson carpet along the river banks.

ai... chibi

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