googling ...
the daily fight
with memory
"flame tree"
another googling spree
to keep me happy
the more I forget
the more I google -
winter solitude
the more I google
the more I forget -
winter solitude

Holiday Season
the Amazon jungle---
people now find their way
using Google
Fred Masarani
Joys of Japan, FB, December 2012
Google, googling, googeling ...
topic for haiku
Google Directory - Arts > Literature > Poetry > Forms > Haiku and ...
click at your own risk ... :)
google groups :
source : Doodle 4 Google 2010
. . . CLICK here for Photos : google logo!
The world of Googling is great.
It has so many posibilities. A friend from a diferent state sent a picture of a bird in her back yard and asked if I knew the name of it. I didn't, but searched Google ... still didn't find the name. Then found an e- mail address on one of the web pages... sent him an e-mail request... and in an hour, half way around the world I got an answer...(Anhinga)
I love Googling, it connects people around the world...
tt, USA, July 2008
Weatherhuman was going to indulge his/her creativity in a pre-Thanksgiving haiku but forgot how many syllables go where.
Funny how Googling "haiku" gets erotic haiku in just a few clicks.
source : www.dailynexus.com

google logo January 10, 2011
LOGO ... www.google.co.jp/... March 1, 2010
LOGO ... www.google.co.jp/... February 26, 2011
Birthday of Okamoto Taro
LOGO ... www.google.co.jp/... March 3, 2011 Hina Dolls
. LOGO ... Leap Day February 29, 2012 .
Yoshizawa Akira 吉澤章 and origami
March 14, 2012
aasu dii アースデイ earth day
April 22, 2012
kinkan nisshoku 金環日食 solar eclipse
May 21, 2012
Olympic Summer Games 2012
July-August 2012
Google LOGO on April 1, 2011
They kept changeing every time I clicked ... I wonder how many they have altoghether.
April first -
time to google
with Daruma
Google Daruma
. Daruma Museum Japan
. . . . .
. Momotaro ( 桃太郎 ) The Peach Boy
. . . . .
. All about SUSHI .
. Udon noodles うどん
. . . . .
. Miyajima 宮島 and Itsukushima Shrine
. Mount Fuji (富士山, Fuji-san, or Fujiyama)
GOOGLE art inspired by . my facebook friends .
Elaine Andre :
Pat Geyer :
. January 18: (万籟鳴・万古蟾) .
featuring the famous
Monkey Son Goku 孫悟空, who travelled to China to obtain Buddhist sutras.
saiyuuki 西遊記
the internet seas -
a boat called google
Shared by Stella Pierides .
Joys of Japan, February 2012

May 4, 2012
Keith Haring キース ヘリング
May 4, 1958 - February 16, 1990
Keith Haring died of AIDS-related illnesses in 1990 at the age of 31.
Keith Haring Foundation
- Reference -
June 15, 2013
This is in memory of Kobayashi Issa Birthday 小林 一茶、
宝暦13年5月5日(1763年6月15日)- 文政10年11月19日(1828年1月5日))
. Kobayashi Issa in Edo ! .
June 23, 2013
Mt. Fuji will likely become heritage site
UNESCO's World Heritage Committee is likely to recognize Japan's Mt. Fuji as a World Heritage site.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives
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