
Beetle buzzes


early summer -
a beetle buzzes
around my head


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Medicine Day


medicine day -
the old cat nibbles
some weeds


Medicine Day (kusuri no hi)... KIGO

And before I knew it, there was this treatment

... a sunray ...

Read my Haiku Archives 2007




cold summer storm -
the sudden warmth
of a single sunray


Trying to recover from a sudden feverish ailment, I went outside for some cool fresh air !
And just at that moment, this sunray caressed my aching cheek !
Now, it is raining again ...

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



season walk



四季の道 一歩一歩の 新しき

walking the seasons
each step, each step is


Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake)

Rice plants (ine) Japan. A list of kigo.


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Shades of green


early summer <>
all these shades
of green


Japanese traditional colors


spring palette --
highlights of birch bark
splash green foliage


young birches
swing green leaves
song of wind


Thank you, my friends !


Read my Haiku Archives 2007





Confucius -
another long path
to the old pond


Confucius, a Chinese Scholar : Kooshi, Koshi, Koushi, Kōshi 孔子
孔夫子, Kung Tzu, Kung Fu Tzu, Kung Fu Zi, Kǒng fū zǐ

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



WKD - Clover genge


only clover
flowering by the pond -
and yet


Take a better look around the pond !

Read my Haiku Archives


Finding a clover with four leaves ... this is the ultimate good luck symbol !

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kigo for mid-spring

Chinese milk vetch, genge げんげ
Astragalus membranaceus / Astragalus sinicus
"Lotus weed", rengesoo 蓮華草(れんげそう)
..... gegebana 五形花(げげばな)
..... gengen げんげん
field full of milk vetch, gengeta げんげ田(げんげた)

This plant gives one of the most popular early honey variations in China and Japan. The fields in my area close to the bee farm are all pink in spring.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clover, a kigo for late spring

"horse manure" umagoyashi, uma goyashi, mokushuku
苜蓿 / うまごやし(もくしゅく)
Medicago polymorpha

Lucerne, alfalfa, murasaki umagoyashi 紫うまごやし(むらさきうまごやし)
Medicago sativa

kuroobaa クローバー clover, Klee
"white overgrowing weed", shiro tsumekusa しろつめくさ
"Dutch clover weed", oranda genge オランダげんげ

genge maku 紫雲英蒔く (げんげまく) sowing milk vetch (clover)
kigo for late autumn


Milk-vetch honey, renge hachimitsu れんげはちみつ 蓮華蜂蜜
.............. rengemitsu れんげみつ 蓮華蜜
(this is NOT Lotus Honey)

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

Compiled by Larry Bole

A couple of haiku by Seishi Yamaguchi, taken from "The Essence of Modern Haiku: 300 Poems by Seishi Yamaguchi," translated by Takashi Kodaira and Afred H. Marks:

sankaku o imazu genge no sankakuda

A triangular
milk-vetch field that doesn't mind
the triangular.

Composed 1971.

Seishi's comment:

It is a triangular field, beautiful because of the milk-vetch growing in it. Being a three-cornered field may seem to give it bad luck, but just as it was once a three-cornered rice field, it is now a three-cornered milk-vetch field.

gengeda no koodai kore ga Mino no kuni

Where the milk vetch fields
become broad plains, there you have
the land of Mino.

Composed 1972.

Seishi's comment:

Mino provincw is given over to fields of milk vetch. The milk-vetch fields 'are' Mino. As you go deep into the province, the milk-vetch fields get broader. Those broad milk-vetch fields are Mino.

Some info from within the vocabulary notes, from the book:

'田 -da' (or 'ta' when standing alone) usually refers to rice paddies/fields, but is also used in 'gengeda', "milk-vetch fields," because milk-vetch is often planted as a second crop in dry rice

Mino was the southern part of today's Gifu Prefecture.

It appears a stamp was issued by Japan "1997, November 28. Definitive Stamps. The Nature of Japan: ニホンミツバチ"

"20¥ Nihon-mitsubachi (Japanese honey bee) and Rengeso (Chinese milk vetch)."

And here is someone's reminiscence, found at Kimono Flea Market Ichiroya:

When I was a child ( approx 35 years ago ), I used to go to school walking through the rice paddy. As many customers know, our staple food is rice. From ancient days, people breed rice, and when I was a child, there remained many rice paddy even in cities. In the winter, rice paddy don't have the rice and water, but when spring comes in the many paddy 'renge'(Chinese milk vetch) bloom.

Girls used to play with renge flowers. Yuka (she is from Nara--near the famous deer park)has nice memories of playing for hours in the renge field. Right by her house was a renge field so she spent hours there everyday--making garlands, lying down on the ground and sucking the sweet flower nectar. Unfortunately, renge field are not seen everywhere any more.

And finally, from Asahi Haikuist Network, March 1, 2004:

closely viewed
a wisp of spring haze
is milk vetch

-Kitazaki, Motoaki


Amulets - o-mamori お守り

kuroobaa クローバー守り clover, four-leaves clover

to find a good partner in life (enmusubi 縁結び)

shiawase mamori しあわせ守り for your happiness luck

. Koofukuji 興福寺 Temple Kofuku-Ji Nara .
clover amulet for good luck クローバー

- - - - -

. Aoshima Jinja 青島神社 Aoshima Shrine - Miyazaki .

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 





Lilies by the pond


iris by the pond -
one two three
five six plop


More PHOTOS in my ALBUM !

Terraced rice paddies of Ohaga
My Valley

Iris (ayame, Japan)
Iris called Kakitsubata

Read my Haiku Archives 2007





deep afternoon -
the fascinating RED
of another azalea


My Azalea and Shaka

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



My Cat


O-Tsu chan ...
I never want to be your
Takezoo Kun !


O-Tsu was the beloved of Takezoo, who later changed his name to Miyamoto Musashi.
We got a baby cat in hope of a Takezoo, but well, life gave us O-Tsu instead. And she just loves her Papa san !

Our Cats in Paradise - O-Tsu and Haiku-kun

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



fragile life


just one puff
and you are gone -
fragile life of spring


Read my Haiku Archives 2007


Red Leaves


red leaves
in my spring valley <>
happy kigo life



Red autumn leaves, momiji もみじ  。KIGO

My Red leaves at Mt. Koya
May 1995

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Tulip Petals


growing older -
a tulip petal
flaps in the storm


My Tulip Haiku




enjoying narcissus,
plums and more ...
mountain hermit


Hermits (sennin) and Haiku ... narcissus, plum and chrysanthemum and ...

My Home, Paradise Hermitage GokuRakuAn

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Rain on Roof



spring rain -
the voices of ancestors
on my roof


Read my Haiku Archives 2007


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