
pine and gate


look at this pine !
a home is growing

19 pine above the gate

. 亀甲 - Kamenoko in Okayama   


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


Tamago Egg Festival


Egg Festival in Kamenoko



06 tensui no sato tent

07 tensui vegetables

10 tensui no sato stamp

"Tensui no Sato" Club
A group of my village, Ohaga

. 天水の郷クラブ Tensui no Sato

20 Egg Festival Eggs

. Photo Album

. Egg (tamago, ran 卵) and KIGO  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



dear flower


dear flower -
please teach me to grow old
so gracefully

10 growing old gracefully

. My Lady Murasaki

. Yellow Orchids

04 clouds reflected

Takitani Pond Album

Cosmos fields and Tanada


No one gets out of here alive.

although we all like to believe
we will be the exception,
our death is inevitable


. Autumn flowers and kigo  

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


Lady Murasaki


22 colors of hope

Lady Murasaki
tries on her new robes -
just for me

23 natural colors


. Murasaki the Color and Kigo

Genji Monogatari and Murasaki Shikibu ... 紫式部

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010




15 yellow orchids by the roadside

haiku TBA

17 two orchid faces


25  three violet faces up END


. Orchids and kigo  

. Autumn flowers and kigo

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



ten past ten


ten past ten -
a long minute
for a short wish

Today is the tenth day
of the tenth month in the year
two thousand and ten.

Sunday (10/10/10)
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Double Tenth Day in Taiwan
10/10 The national day in Taiwan,
the anniversary of the Wuchang rebellion of 1911.


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Autumn Festival


02 autumn festival at Ichi no Miya Shrine

autumn festival -
ever more moss
on the pines

05 moss and stone

06 the pine stem

07 more moss

. Wadakita Autumn Festival 2010
Photo Album ... start here

01 Wadakita Aki Matsuri .. Till Nr. 35


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



colors of hope Tanada


Tanada 01 higanbana till 05

before the storm -
all the colors
of hope

Tanada 04 just one yellow


before the storm -
all the colors
of hope

Tanada 05 storm coming

TANADA 棚田 大垪和西

. Ohaga Nishi - the Terraced Rice Fields  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





F08 colorful cosmos

dear cosmos !
he points with his finger
at grandma

F07 pind and white cosmos

. kosumosu コスモス cosmos  

akizakura 秋桜(あきざくら) "autumn cherry"  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


Abason Village Visit


Chiiwa shrine 千磐神社

famous for its huge trees and clear water

06 stone water basin

water clears -
to quench the thirst
of all the demons

Abason, 阿波村, the village of Aba in Northern Okayama, north to Tomada district and bordering to Tottori, with a small pass leading over the mountains to Chizu town.

The shrine Chiiwa Jinja 千磐神社 looked rather forelorn and not in use. The wooden stage for the lion dance was in a very bad shape, certainly not ready to be used for this year's autumn festival.


. Abason Village 阿波村 my TEXT  

. Abason ... my Photo Album  

. Chizu 智頭 (Tottori)  


In summer, the demons are out there in the heat :

jaki ga fumu Yamato bonchi no atsusa kana

as if the demons
tread on the Yamado plains -
this heat

Kadokawa Haruki 角川春樹 (1942 - )

This year the summer heat was especially HOT, and it seems all demons had come out to dance in all of Japan. ....

seeing this huge bolder as a natural basin reminded me that the cool water of the River Yoshiigawa will now bring coolness to Okayama as will all the other rivers bring coolness to the other over-heated parts of Japan.


. Water clears (mizu sumu)  
kigo for all autumn

. INDEX for my haiku trips in Japan  

Read my Haiku Archives



one day at a time


one day at a time -
we all have to cope
with life

For a Haiku Friend.


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



orange delight


F14 the crown is hers

here comes the queen -
she wears her crown
with dignity

F13 one more yellow face

F15 among the flowers


F06 one yellow face

F05 orange cosmos

Autumn Flowers 2010


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



spider and tanada


19 spider and Tanada whow

autumn deepens -
does the spider know
the big picture ?

06 Tanada valley

LOOK at the terraced rice fields of today

. Photo Album : Rice Fields

Flowers ...  a hungry visitor butterfly

LOOK at the flowers and animals by the roadside

. Photo Album : Flowers by the Roadside


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



What’s a Basho?


What’s a Basho?

This question has been asked (jokingly),
but I will try and answer with kigo.

We have to consider the spelling, basho and bashoo with a long-sounding oo in Japanese:

spring tournament, haru basho 春場所 (はるばしょ)
summer tournament, natsu basho 夏場所
shichigatsu basho 七月場所 (しちがつばしょ)
Nagoya basho 名古屋場所(なごやばしょ)Nagoya Grand Sumo
. Grand Sumo KIGO

bashoo 芭蕉 (ばしょう) plantain, banana plant ( Musa paradisiaca)
Japanese Skunk Cabbage , mizu bashoo (Lysichiton camtschatcense)
. bashoo in plant names

. bashoofu 芭蕉布(ばしょうふ) "banana fiber cloth"

Matsuo Basho, a Haiku Poet  
松尾芭蕉 (Matsuo Bashoo)


The question is here

Is Haiku Poetry?
A Quiz of THF The Haiku Foundation

Is Haiku Poetry? / 4th POSITION


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Japan in London


Japan in London ...
my childhood dream
come true

CLICK for enlargement

I went to school in London for a while,
getting immersed in Japanese Buddhist art and culture at the museums . . .


CLICK for more photos

Charnwood celebrates Japan in the Heart of London

Join us on the path to UK2K12 and contribute to the
London Japan Matsuri 2010
wherever in the world you are!

‘Haikumania’ Rides Again!
Haiku poets Paul Conneally and Kevin Ryan will revive their work with Loughborough based Charnwood Arts to launch a new two year programme of Haikumania projects beginning at the London Japan Matsuri 2010 at Spitalfields this Saturday, 18th September.
This event is in partnership with The Japan Society.

Haikumania at the Matsuri will involve a series of interactive haiku activities exploring Spitalfields Market and the surrounding area.

Haikumania will lead ‘Ginko‘, haiku walks, through and around the market and responding to the event itself. The resulting works will be displayed on a large 18 feet x 6 feet board featuring images, haiku and map references to the area and will be collected together to share back to participants later.

Details are HERE
. Haikumania in London



is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, and the largest city, urban zone and metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its founding by the Romans, who named it Londinium.
London's ancient core, the City of London, largely retains its square-mile medieaval boundaries.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

London -
the Thames aspires to the sea
Big Ben's sound

- Shared by Gennady Nov -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013


Years later after my stay in London, moving to Japan
I wrote two books about Buddhist art.

. Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen
ISBN 4-938864-01-0

. Buddhistische Kultgegenstände Japans  
ISBN 4-938864-05-3




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