
Marushima Soy Sauce


magic patterns
in a circle . . .
all about food

. www.marusima.co.jp .  

丸島醤油 Marushima Soy Sauce


Soy Sauce , Sojasoße, Sojasauce

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





ice - - berg

Eis - - Berg


CLICK for more photos


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An island of ice more than four times the size of Manhattan is drifting across the Arctic Ocean after breaking off from a glacier in Greenland. Potentially in the path of this unstoppable giant are oil platforms and . . .
source : www.bestbe.com

A massive iceberg in Greenland has sparked a scientific debate over its threat to shipping and possible links to global warming.

The largest iceberg in almost five decades split from Greenland's Petermann Glacier last Friday and is drifting towards the Arctic Ocean.

A University of Delaware researcher said the ice island, about 30 kms long and 10 kms wide, is four times the size of Manhattan. The last time the Arctic lost such a large chunk of ice was in 1962.

While it is drifting slowly, it is now a constant reminder of the massive maritime tragedy which sank the once-thought unsinkable Titanic passenger liner in 1912.

Some experts worry the iceberg, which is too huge to be stopped, will pose a danger to oil platforms and shipping lanes, while others think the danger is not that immediate.

Researchers are trying to draw up the trajectory of the floating iceberg. They say it is drifting toward the Nares Strait which separates Greenland's northwestern coast and Canada's Ellsemere Island.
source : news.xinhuanet.com


Greenland (Kalaallisut: Kalaallit Nunaat)
is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark, located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

icebergs and seals hulks
bark of dogs

- Shared by Gennady Nov -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013


. Place Names of the World and Haiku .






siesta time -
the gentle humming
of my fan

. ventilator (senpuuki 扇風機)

It is another hot afternoon here
in the mountains of Okayama ...


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



summer morning


summer morning -
there is always time
for another snooze

morning news -
the other side of
summer holidays

accidents on the beach, in the mountains,
on the roads
traffic jams ...


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





celebrating o-bon -
we pour some sake
on grandfather's grave

hibiscus friends

. Bon Festival (o-bon, obon お盆)  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



lily to be born ubayuri


01 fingers in prayer lily

what is her face
before she was born ?
koan in the making


DAY 02

02 finger lily side


DAY 03

03 lili 400


DAY 04

02 all trumpets are open

taking a look
inside the flower heart -
koan fulfilled

04 looking inside


DAY 05

02 lily another angle

looking in wonder -
the open mouth
of my lily

04 lily open mouth

what was her face -
she never asked
she never asked


DAY 06

02 whole 400

all the beauty
withered and gone - - -
what was her face ?

Koan and Haiku - 公案と俳句

. What is your original face
before your parents were born?

. My Lily with Grashoppers Wedding
in 2008


January 2011

. Snow Meditation


August 2012 - first sunshine on the ubayuri

September 2012

and new dreams
side by side

For more photos check
. My Photo Album .


August 1, 2014

There are now four lilies in the same place, two are open today.

- - - -

View from my kitchen window, the next rainy morning. . .


- Reference : Ubayuri lily - 姥ユリ -ウバユリ -
Cardiocrinum cordatum

. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .



writers block


13 sunflower waiting END

every day
she waits patiently -
lady in the shadow

This is still early in the morning. Later she gets the full sunshine.

And here is her friend next-door

waiting for the morning sun


The last line might also read

lady in shadow
lady in the shadows


. Sunflower (himawari)

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



QUOTE : Four Directions


We have to have one mind for the Four Directions.
Until we reach that one mind, we cannot be filled with understanding . . .

The Creator will not answer until you have just one mind,
just like if you have one person.

The Elders have taught us to balance our lives
emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

If I am out of control emotionally, I get angry, doubtful or erratic, I am out of balance.

If I trigger bad mental pictures of my brothers and sisters, I am out of balance.

If I get too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, I am out of balance physically.

If I don't pray and talk to the Creator daily, I am out of balance spiritually.

To be centered, I must be in balance.
The Creator talks to me in the quiet and still place.
So if I get angry, what I should do first is to pause
and get still so I can hear the guidance of the Grandfathers.

source : The White Bison
Daily Meditation


. My QUOTES with Haiku  

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



summer evening


summer evening -
pink clouds build up
and dissolve

Finally a bit of a cool breeze !



. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


lavender spotlight


waiting for the morning sun

burning bush -
the long wait for
the sun

11 burning 400

. START the full lavender morning show !  


And here is its friend next-door

. Lady Sunflower  

. rabendaa ラベンダー lavender

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Myoga Ginger


myooga no ko -
the roots of life
on my table

We harvested our first myooga of the year.
It is delicious fried with a crambled egg or in miso soup.

More ways to eat it are here
and more kigo too :

. Japanese ginger (myooga)  
myooga no ko 茗荷の子 "children of myoga"


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





06 dahlia pink

again and again
I look at this -
mandala in pink

07 one more dahlia


. Dahlia, KIGO for late summer

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010




13 turkish lily Turkenbund

Türkenbund -
remembering one thousand
and one nights

15 one blossom turkenbund

Lilium martagon,
リリウム・マルタゴン / リリー・マルタゴン


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





02 lost trees like lost teeth

five thirty -
the woodcutters chainsaw
sounds deep in the forest

Friday, 9th of July

They start early to avoid the daily heat.
Lying in my bed,
I hear the huge stems creak and fall, one after the other.

How will the pine forest below look
when I go up and look out of the window?

Well, it seems the forest is loosing teeth.

Even the hawk kept circling many times over the spot,
wondering at what happened to his hunting ground.

04 result of one morning of cutting

Friday, 16th of July

They stopped for three days, due to strong rain.
This morning, they were back at six ... and the forest is loosing more shape.

Tuesday, 20th of July
They are back every morning ...
We see a huge truck carrying the long stems out of the valley.

And more sounds of splitting wood
and thudding on the ground.

five thirty -
the chainsaw sounds again
deep in the forest

Wednesday, July 21

05 woodcutters

Friday, July 30
They have been working almost every morning.
Today again, at 5:30 the chainsaw started ...

100730 woodcutter 01

I wonder how the trees on this mountain feel when they hear the sound?
And see their tree friends fall down one after the other ?

birdsong -
again and again
the same song

chainsaw -
again and again
the same sound

100730 missing trees

In the afternoon, I took a walk to the cutting area.

a02 waiting for transport

Wood waiting for transportation

a03 wood waiting

a05 nenrin 400

to kill a tree -
the mind goes
in circles

to kill this tree -
life grows
in circles


concave or convex -
the mind still goes

(for my haiku friends)


Now on August 8

A02 scars in the forest

looking like mountains -
peace on earth

A01 woodcutters area

August 17
They are back, more noisy than ever ...

woodcutters august 17


Here is a story send by a friend about a

One day, while a woodcutter was cutting a branch off a tree above a river, his ax fell into the river. When he cried out, the Lord appeared and asked,
"Why are you crying?" The woodcutter replied that his ax had fallen into the water, and he needed the ax to make his living.

The Lord went down into the water and reappeared with a golden ax. "Is this your ax?" the Lord asked.
The woodcutter replied, "No."

The Lord again went down and came up with a silver ax. "Is this your ax?" the Lord asked.
Again, the woodcutter replied, "No."

The Lord went down again and came up with an iron ax. "Is this your ax?" the Lord asked.
The woodcutter replied, "Yes."

The Lord was pleased with the man's honesty and gave him all three axes to keep, and the woodcutter went home happy.

Some time later the woodcutter was walking with his wife along the riverbank, and his wife fell into the river.

When he cried out, the Lord again appeared and asked him, "Why are you crying?"

"Oh Lord, my wife has fallen into the water!"

The Lord went down into the water and came up with Jennifer Lopez. "Is this your wife?" the Lord asked.

"Yes," cried the woodcutter.

The Lord was furious. "You lied! That is an untruth!"

The woodcutter replied, "Oh, forgive me, my Lord.
It is a misunderstanding. You see, if I had said 'no' to Jennifer Lopez, You would have come up with Catherine Zeta-Jones. Then if I also said 'no' to her, you would have come up with my wife. Had I then said 'yes,' you would have given me all three. Lord, I am a poor man, and am not able to take care of all three wives, so that's why I said yes to Jennifer Lopez."

The moral of this story is:
Whenever a man lies,
it is for a good and honorable reason, and for the benefit of others . . .


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



summer matting


the summer heat -
no time for poetry

01 sunshades

Reed matting to shade the path in front of our home.
This keeps the inside about three degrees cooler than without.
But we have to sit in the semi-dark now
for more than a month.

This is the first time in 15 years living here.

02 sunshades GokuRakuAn

Seen from below

16 our valley

(The big house is our neighbour below.
The two peeking roofs is our GokuRakuAn.)


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


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