
why fight


why fight
for the last word ?
summer heat

My neighbours are at it again,
and all the windows are open ...


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summer sky


summer sky -
blue sunshine in the west
black thunder in the east

04 cloud detail END

promises -
blue sunshine in the west
black thunder in the east

02 cloud big

We just made it through another fury of nature.

. na no hana ya tsuki wa higashi ni hi wa nishi ni

rapeseed flowers -
the moon is in the east
the sun in the west

Yosa Buson


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wash your face


13 a face freshly washed END

did you wash your face ?
I remember the voice
of my mother

12 yellows with rain


09 one daylily

06 lily with raindrops

The last day of the rainy season !


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first cicada


hatsu semi no koe ni amaete asa neboo

lulled by the voice
of the first cicada ...
I sleep longer

The rainy season is over at last,
now even the animals make this anouncement.


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bees and lavender


F03a lavender bush

anybody home ?
a bumblebee searches
among the lavender

F03a bee in flight

F04 bumblebee : click for enlargement

. Lavender and My Buddha
July 2009


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rain rain rain


no birdsong -
only strong rain drums
on my roof

Japan is full to the brink with rainwater ...
For the last three days, almost constant rain of the strongest kind.


I wake up from the pounding, after an almost sleepless night, the third in a row.
The grey umbrella shows we had 11 mm/h from six to nine this morning.
The grey umbrella shows we had 7 mm/h from nine till 12 this morning.

. 大雨 まだ 大雨 


Just watched the 11 o'clock news
Wednesday, 14th of July 2010

Kagoshima is hit in many places, rivers overflowing, mudslides, hole mountain slopes coming down.
Forcast is more heavy rain for Western Japan, including red-alert warnings for our area.

More rain is expected until mid-day tomorrow, the 15th:
maybe 150 ml in 24 hours
with strong downpoors of 50 - 70 ml in one hour ... oh dear !


Morning of Thursday, July 15

The night was not as bad as predicted in my area, now it is raining "peacefully" just a little, until tomorrow ... we hope.


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orange delight


F02 orange wonders

orange delight --
the rainy days

F01 daylilies till F14


F14 one day lilly

F13 day lilies full

I caught them in a sunny moment,
but this year, there is plenty of

. Rain in my Valley


. flowers of the daylily, kanzoo no hana 
萱草の花 (かんぞうのはな)

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QUOTE : facing blank paper


Facing blank paper
is an artist's terror.

When an artist creates, he or she is like a shaman. Inspiration comes as a gift. Those who follow Tao are the same. Their awareness is not something they have cleverly formulated, nor is it something that they possess.
Tao comes to them like a gift.
That is why the arts and Tao are so closely allied.
The act of receiving and expressing is the same.

Just as an artist dreads not being able to make art, so too does one who follows Tao dread not feeling Tao.

There are many times when we are called upon to be creative; an athlete on the field, a lecturer before an audience, a musician on stage, a cook at the stove, a parent with a child. How do we keep the channel open? Some people try by maintaining tidy and regular lives, others by being constantly active. We are all different, and there is no right or wrong. The only thing that counts is feeling Tao in your own life and maintaining that feeling as much of the time as possible. If you find those special things that are latent in you and learn to express them, then you will know Tao.

365 Tao Daily Meditations
Deng Ming-Dao (author)
ISBN 0-06-250223-9

source : duckdaotsu.blogspot.com


haiku is like a gift -
the act of receiving and expressing
is the same

haiku and ants

Can you find the five ants ?

. . . three ants are here

. . . two ants are here


My Quotes with Haiku

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Ladies in Waiting


15 colorful iris

all dressed up
and whispering by the roadside -
Ladies in Waiting

14 iris

These few flowers stand at the side of a lonely road, halfway in a bamboo grove, maybe three, four people pass here regularly.
The old grandmother, who cares for them, lives much further down the valley. So they are really waiting to be seen.
On that day I took some friends for my usual walk and the flowers seemed soooo pleased with the new visitors ... :)


. Iris (ayame, shoobu, kakitsubata, airisu)

including Daruma Dolls with Iris design


Ooku no O-Tsubone sama
お局 大奥

Waiting for the Shogun at Edo castle

CLICK for original link ... toshishuppan.co.jp


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almost like TWITTER
he encourages folks to communicate ...
Nobo san

Here is a bit I wrote a while ago about
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規


Today, June 30, in the Japan Times

"In finding fulfillment in expressing
what's on your mind for the moment,
Twitter is like haiku,
It is so Japanese."

Rocky Eda, manager for Digital Garage

source : By YURI KAGEYAMA, Japan Times

Twitter is a hit in Japan, succeeding where other social networking imports like Facebook have foundered as millions "mumble" — the translation of tweet — and give miniblogging a distinctly Japanese flavor.

The arrival of the Japanese-language Twitter service in 2008 tapped into a greater sense of individuality, especially among younger people less accepting of the understatement and conformity the culture is usually associated with, analysts say.

Twitter estimates Japanese write nearly 8 million tweets a day, or about 12 percent of the global total. Data from Tweet Sentiments, a Web site that analyzes tweets, show Japanese are sometimes tweeting more frequently than Americans.

"Twitter is turning out to be like a cocktail party," he said. "Japanese see how fun it is to network and casually connect with other people."

Rocky Eda, corporate communications manager for Digital Garage, which supports Twitter's Japan operations, is thrilled people are embracing Twitter.

"In finding fulfillment in expressing what's on your mind for the moment, Twitter is like haiku," he said. "It is so Japanese."


Googeling my own records about TWITTER, I found this one

so many twitters
of the invisible birds -
autumn afternoon

Gabi Greve, October 2009


CLICK for more twitter  logos

And one last remark:

I am not on TWITTER online.


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rainy season


rainy season -
all the different shades of

long summer rain . . .
the weeds grow wild
with every drop

... Rainy Season (tsuyu) Japan


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first firefly



first firefly -
the moon also shows
his face

Fireflies (hotaru) ... KIGO


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fried onions


trying to loose weight -
the lingering fragrance of
dried fried onions

CLICK for more onions

. tamanegi 玉葱 (たまねぎ) round onion  


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less rain, more rain
much more rain

The rainy season started with quite a BANG.
We managed finally to get all the gutters cleared,
water rushing down everywhere like little rivulets.



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tsuchi no ko ya
do I find you in my garden
or in my kitchen ?

. "Hammerspawn" (tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子)  

Have some fun with this monsterlin !


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