no birdsong -
only strong rain drums
on my roof
Japan is full to the brink with rainwater ...
For the last three days, almost constant rain of the strongest kind.

I wake up from the pounding, after an almost sleepless night, the third in a row.
The grey umbrella shows we had 11 mm/h from six to nine this morning.
The grey umbrella shows we had 7 mm/h from nine till 12 this morning.
. 大雨 まだ 大雨
Just watched the 11 o'clock news
Wednesday, 14th of July 2010
Kagoshima is hit in many places, rivers overflowing, mudslides, hole mountain slopes coming down.
Forcast is more heavy rain for Western Japan, including red-alert warnings for our area.

More rain is expected until mid-day tomorrow, the 15th:
maybe 150 ml in 24 hours
with strong downpoors of 50 - 70 ml in one hour ... oh dear !
Morning of Thursday, July 15
The night was not as bad as predicted in my area, now it is raining "peacefully" just a little, until tomorrow ... we hope.
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Thinking of you, Gabi san. Hold on to your roof, your cats and your garden! And wishing you a night of sound sleep very soon.
Gabi I have read a number of your haiku on rain and here is one I wrote while we still had rain...
rainy morning--
my tattered umbrella
saves the day
Vos haïkus sont toujours aussi intéressants.
Thanks for checking in on my rainy days, Marcel !
hoping the last rainy day for this tsuyu season will be tomorrow .
strong beam
sky is occupied by the brightness
being busy at computer
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