


yuki no furu gogo ni koocha ya yamagurashi

it snows
in the afternoon with a cup of black tea . . .
my mountain life


Snow (yuki)
Many kigo related to snow.

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Two Wolves


CLICK For original LINK

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson
about a battle that goes on inside of all of us.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves.

One is Negative.
It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Positive.
It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute
and then asked his grandfather:
"But grandfather which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied,
"The one you feed."


feeding two wolves
or feeding just one ...
your haiku life


My QUOTES with Haiku

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. WKD : Wolf, Japanese Wolf (ookami 狼) .





so many memories
of Hachiman Shrines ...
my kigo trip

I lived close to Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine in Kamakura.

Today I collected some KIGO about these shrines in Japan.

. Hachiman Shrines and their festivals  

Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū (鶴岡八幡宮)
Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū (石清水八幡宮)


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living now


生きる力 与えてくれる 寒の月

the power
to live right now ...
moon in the cold


kan no tsuki .. moon in the cold

. WKD : the MOON and its kigo   

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blue sky


blue sky -
the cold sunshine
of winter


CLICK For original LINK

minus 5 centigrade in the morning,
plus 5 with cold wind now ... BUT ...


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windblown . . .
it's not a big leaf
but a small bird


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cold spell


I am almost glued
to my warm futon ...
icy morning

We have quite a cold spell, with minus 5 centigrade
in the morning and about

a warm PLUS ZERO during daytime ...

A warm Hamburger Futon !

. FUTON ... some warm KIGO


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first things


New Year starts
with a lot of work -
first things first

. New Year begins with WORK - KIGO
and work-related rituals

and here



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Tachibana ya
you never know
what's in a name

The Tachibana, Fujiwara, Genji and Heike
are the four great clans of Old Japan.

Here is more, and even some ancient citrus fruit.

tachibana 橘 (たちばな) Tachibana citrus fruit


Matsuo Basho

tachibana ya itsu no nonaka no hototogisu

fragrant mandarin oranges -
when and in what field (do I hear)
the hototogisu

hototogisu 時鳥 lit. "bird of time"

The fragrant tachibana are associated with the fourth lunar month, while the lesser cuckoo belongs to the fifth lunar month of old waka poetry.

Basho draws on a waka
from the Kokin Wakashu 古今集, Summer 139

五月待つ 花橘 香をかげば
昔の人の 袖の香ぞする

satsuki matsu hanatachibana no ka o kageba
mukashi no hito no sode no ka zo suru

When I breathe in the scent
of the mandarin orange blossoms
that await the Fifth Month,
I recall the fragrance of the sleeves
of one I loved long ago.

Tr. David L. Barnhill
- Reference -


with a memorial stone at Kiyomizu temple, Otowa town, Shizukoa
静岡市音羽町 清水寺

Suruga ji ya hana tachibana mo cha no nioi

Suruga road -
Tachibana blossoms
smell of tea too

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written on the 15th day of the 5th lunar month.
元禄7年5月17日, Basho age 51

The region was and still is famous for its tea planations.
The fragrance of Tachibana is very strong, but the smell of tea blossoms is even stronger here.
Suruga province 駿河国 is the old name of the Shizuoka region.
The bay is Suruga Bay 駿河湾.

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


Suruga Province (駿河国, Suruga no kuni)
was an old province in the area that is today the central part of Shizuoka prefecture.
It was sometimes called Sunshū (駿州). Suruga bordered on Izu, Kai, Sagami, Shinano, and Tōtōmi provinces; and had access to the Pacific Ocean through Suruga Bay.

Suruga was one of the original provinces of Japan established in the Nara period under the Taihō Code. The original capital of the province was located in what is now Numazu, which also had the Kokubun-ji and the Ichinomiya (Mishima Taisha) of the province. Under the Engishiki classification system, Suruga was ranked as a "major country" (上国), and was governed by a Kuni no miyatsuko.

In a 680 AD cadastral reform, the districts forming Izu Province were administratively separated from Suruga, and the provincial capital was relocated to the right bank of the Abe River in what is now Shizuoka City.

Records of Suruga during the Heian period are sparse, but during the Kamakura period, Suruga was under direct control of the Hōjō clan, and with the development of the Kamakura Shogunate came increased traffic on the Tōkaidō road connecting Kamakura with Kyoto. The province came under the control of the Imagawa clan for much of the Sengoku period, and the Imagawa made efforts to introduce the customs and rituals of the kuge aristocracy to their capital. After Imagawa Yoshimoto was defeated by Oda Nobunaga at the Battle of Okehazama, the province taken by Takeda Shingen of Kai, and in turn by Tokugawa Ieyasu from Mikawa and Tōtōmi.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi forced the Tokugawa to exchange their domains for the provinces of the Kantō region, and reassigned Sunpu Castle to one of his retainers, Nakamura Kazuichi. However, after the defeat of the Toyotomi at the Battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu recovered his former domains, and made Sunpu Castle his home after he formally retired from the position of Shōgun.

During the Edo period, Suruga prospered due to its location on the Tōkaidō, and numerous post towns developed. The Tokugawa Shogunate forbid the construction of bridges on the major rivers of Suruga Province (such as the Ōi River) for defensive purposes, which further led to town development on the major river crossings.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


tachibana 橘 (たちばな) Tachibana citrus fruit

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life's lessons


06 frosty morning

life's lessons -
the fast change from
frost to sunshine

09 from frost to sunshine

11 frosty details


. Forst in my Morning : ALBUM

! MORE of my FROST haiku

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Jakushitsu Genko



Neither seeking fame
nor grieving my poverty
I hide deep in the mountain
far from wordly dust.

Year ending
cold sky
who will befriend me?

Plum blossom on a new branch
wrapped in moonlight

寂室元光 Jakushitsu Genko (1290 - 1367)
Tr. Arthur Braverman

He was a Japanese Rinzai master, poet, flute player, and first abbot of Eigen-ji 永源寺, constructed solely for him to teach Zen. His poetry is considered to be among the finest of Zen poetry. He traveled to China and studied Ch'an with masters of the Linji school from 1320 to 1326, then returned to Japan and lived for many years as a hermit. It was only toward the end of his life that he decided to teach Zen to others.
source : wikipedia

CLICK here for PHOTOS of his temple!

Eigen-ji 永源寺
Mountain Name: Zuisekizan 瑞石山
41 Eigenjitakano-cho, Higashiohmi-shi, Shiga-ken, 527-0212

Eigen-ji was founded in 1361 by the lord of the omi domain, Sasaki Ujiyori 佐々木氏頼 (1326–1370), with the ascetic Zen master Jakushitsu Genko 寂室元光 (1290–1367) serving as the founding abbot. Jakushitsu practiced Zen widely in Japan under a number of masters, notably Yakuo Tokken 約翁徳儉 (1244–1320) of Kennin-ji and Yishan Yining 一山一寧 (J., Issan Ichinei; 1247–1317) of Nanzen-ji, before traveling in 1320 to China.

There he trained under the famous master Zhongfeng Mingben 中峰明本 (J., Chuho Myohon; 1263–1323), then visted a number of masters on pilgrimage before returning to Japan in 1326. In Japan he continued his ascetic, wandering lifestyle until invited by Sasaki to take up residence at Eigen-ji. Jakushitsu is renowned not only as an accomplished Zen master but also as one of the best of the Zen poets. He has been honored with a number of posthumous titles, including Enno Zenji 圓應禪師, by Emperor Go-Kogon 後光嚴 in 1369, and Shoto Kokushi 正燈國師 in 1928.

During the disturbances of the Onin War (1467–77) many of the most eminent monks of the Kyoto Five Mountain monasteries moved to Eigen-ji seeking safer and more tranquil surroundings, and it was said at the time that “culture is now centered in omi.” A series of fires during wars in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries reduced Eigen-ji to ashes. In 1643 the Zen master Isshi Bunshu 一絲文守 (1608–1646) became abbot at the request of Emperor Go-Mizunoo 後水尾 (r. 1611–1629), and worked to restore the temple; he is honored as the second founder.

Eigen-ji has been head temple of the Eigen-ji branch of Rinzai Zen since the Meiji Period(1868-1912), with over 120 affiliated temples and a training monastery (sodo 僧堂) for monks.
It is famed for the beauty of it autumn scenery.

source : zen.rinnou.net

CLICK for more autumn photos


Memorial stone with a haiku by Matsuo Basho

in the temple compound

こんにゃくのさしみもすこし 梅の花
konnyaku no sashimi mo sukoshi ume no hana

just a few
slices of konnyaku -
and some plum blossoms

Matsuo Basho

Basho was very fond of this kind of vegetarian food.
The temple Eigenji is famous for its konnyaku dishes.

. WASHOKU - Devil's-tongue (konnyaku)  
- - - and more translations of the haiku by Basho.


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


Fox and Raven


This morning I heared quite a racket outside the window. Looking out, I was really amazed at the sight in the early sunlight.

A small fox was there in the middle of the field, digging in the frozen ground to get something out.
Two rather large raven where hopping and crawing beside him, trying to get a hit at the prey. He barked at them, chased them a bit and kept digging eagerly.

He caught a rabbit, but the raven tried to steal it from him, pecking at his head and tail ... so he run a few meters but they came right after him, pecking and crowing like mad.

He took a few bites before one raven picked again at his tail. He ran away screaming, obviously in pain and left the rabbit lying on the ground.

One of the raven took it in his mouth, but could not fly away, so he dragged it into the opposite direction for a few more meters and took a good bite.

Then the next raven flew close, grabed the rest of the rabbit and flew off into a tree, starting his breakfast there.

The fox came back screaming in anger, following the smell of the pray on the ground and stood there where the raven had take off ... could not find the smell on the ground any more, shook his head in wonder and barked again in anger.

Then he took off slowly toward the forest
and was soon out of sight.

my neighbours
fighting for food again ...
cold morning sun


The Fox and the Raven
Fable by Aesop


Crow, Raven (karasu)

Fox (kitsune)

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Daruma Sunset


達磨記 きょうの夕日もだるま色
Daruma ki kyoo no yuuhi mo Daruma iro

Daruma Anniversary!
The sunset tonight
In Daruma Colors.

Sunset, Sunrise, Kigo and Daruma san

Daruma Sunset だるま夕日 Daruma yuuhi


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first dream


first dream . . .
the images frozen
on my pillow

The New Year started with quite a cold spell ...


CLICK for more photos

. WKD : First Dream (hatsuyume)  

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first day


元旦や 白黒の世界となりにけり
gantan ya shirokuro no sekai to nari ni keri

january first -
the world is becoming
black and white

We had a lot of snow on January first.


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