
Plum Blossom Park


02 one big pink face

just one face
in the spring sunshine ...
my love for you

05 pink branch

12 detail

Pink and Red

16 pink and red END

The Busy Bee

22 big busy bee

Hiroshige Branches

07 Hiroshige branches


Plum Blossom Park
Album from here to Number 23 !

Kume Plum Park Visit in 2006

The Background Box Color is "Plum Mousegrey",
ume nezumi #c099a0.

AAah and by the way, for those with rules to break,
this is not a personification of the flower, but a poem for my dear husband!

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008



Ram Dass


The next message you need
is always right where you are.

Ram Dass

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The next haiku you need
is alwayas right where you are!

. . . Read my QUOTES with HAIKU

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watch the cat


feeding time -
birds watch the cat
watch the birds


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next box


warm sunshine -
a sparrow peeks out
of the new nest box


Bird's Nest (tori no su 鳥の巣)
kigo for all spring

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Swami Satchidananda


Any kind of expectation creates a problem.

We should accept, but not expect.
Whatever comes, accept it.
Whatever goes, accept it.

The immediate benefit is
that your mind is always peaceful.

Sri Swami Satchidananda

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accept it
as it is -
write haiku about it

My Quotes with Haiku


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first plum blossom


first plum blossom -
finally we feel
some warmth


Read the famous PLUM haiku by Ransetsu:
ume ichi-rin ichirin hodo no atatakasa

Plum Blossoms, a KIGO

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Helen Keller


Your success and happiness lie in you.
External conditions are the accidents of life,
its outer trappings.
The great, enduring realities are love of service.
Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm

and our intelligence aglow.

Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you
shall form an invincible host against difficulty.

Helen Keller

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resolve to keep happy
resolve to write one haiku each day


This is a coincidence, read in the Japan Times today:

Picture of Helen Keller as a child
revealed after 120 years

By David Usborne in New York
Friday, 7 March 2008

Photographs of Helen Keller, the world-renowned advocate for the deaf and the blind who suffered from both handicaps herself, are not hard to come by. After all, she only died in 1968, at the age of 87. However, an image of the pioneer which has surfaced this week is a little bit different. Above all, there is its age.

The image, released by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, was taken 120 years ago and shows an eight-year-old Keller holding the hand of Anne Sullivan, whose legacy is almost as important. She was the teacher who first taught Keller how to understand and articulate language. More important still for Keller scholars, the black and white photograph shows her holding in another hand a doll. The word "doll" was the first Keller ever spoke – the fruit of her lessons from Ms Sullivan, whose technique included spelling out words on the palm of the little girl's hand.

The picture, apparently taken at Cape Cod in July 1888, was found in an album by Thaxter Spencer, 87, whose mother was a childhood friend of Keller. Mr Spencer donated the album and other items including diaries and letters to the genealogical society last June. However, the group did not notice the particular photograph until now. Mr Spencer said his mother, Hope Thaxter Parks, used to play with Keller when her family travelled from their home in Tennessee for summer holidays on the Cape. Unaware of who might have wielded the camera that day, he recalls his mother saying that Keller used to explore her young friend's face with her hands.

He admitted he had no idea how much of a stir the photograph would create, saying: "I never thought much about it. It just seemed like something no one would find very interesting."

What he missed were the combined components of the image, probably the first ever taken of Keller and Ms Sullivan together. It shows the strength of their bond, even at that early stage.

The inclusion of the doll is a virtual metaphor for Keller's breakthrough from being a child angered and frustrated at her handicap to becoming a tireless scholar and activist for blind and deaf people everywhere.

"It is really one of the best images I have seen in a long, long time," Helen Selsdon, an archivist at the American Foundation for the Blind, where Keller worked for more than four decades, told the Associated Press news agency. "This is just a huge visual addition to the history of Helen and Annie."

Not that the picture has been entirely unseen until now. After announcing its discovery on Wednesday, the genealogical society, which will continue to hold it, discovered that it had been published in a Cape Cod journal in 1987 and by The Boston Globe newspaper half a century before that. It is not yet clear whether more than one copy may have existed at one time. Nevertheless, scholars and advocates for the deaf-blind will consider the image one of the most important additions to the Keller archive for a generation.

"The way Anne is gazing so intently at Helen, I think it's a beautiful portrait of the devotion that lasted between these two women all of Anne's life," said Jan Seymour-Ford, a research librarian at Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts, which both Sullivan and Keller attended. "It is a beautiful composition. It is not even the individual elements. It is the fact it has all of the components."
© www.independent.co.uk

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.. More of my quotes with haiku

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Tea Ceremony


どうどうと茶をのみなされ 初茶会
doodoo to cha o nominasare

drink your tea
with great dignity !
first tea ceremony

どうどうと句を詠みなされ 初句会
doodoo to ku o yominasare hatsu kukai

write your ku
with great dignity !
first haiku meeting

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那須正丘 .. Nasu Masataka

Inspired by the words of a tea master
who is 100 years old.
He lives in the North of Japan and still teaches
more than 20 students weekly.


新潟県長岡市の那須正丘 (まさたか)
© www.nhk.or.jp

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how perfect !
all the colors of sunrise
in my valley


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Shunryu Suzuki


If you can just appreciate each thing,
one by one,
then you will have pure gratitude.

Even though you observe just one flower,
that one flower includes everything.

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Branching Streams Flowing in the Dark

Shunryu Suzuki (Suzuki Shunryū, dharma name Shogaku Shunryu) (May 18, 1904 - December 4, 1971) was a Soto Zen priest born in the Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan.
Suzuki was occasionally mistaken for the Zen scholar D.T. Suzuki, to which Suzuki would reply,
"No, he's the big Suzuki, I'm the little Suzuki."


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sounds of spring


sounds of my spring -
the call of pheasants
in my valley


ora ga haru ... (sounds of) my spring

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snow and sunshine


dancing in sunshine -
a change of seasons

steep roof -
the snow melts
before it slips

(Usually, the snow slips down in noisy avalanches from the roof!)


. . . SNOW in this winter !

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first crocus


first crocus -
almost overlooked amongst
brown wet leaves


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WKD - Tombi, tobi kite

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Tombi 01

signs of my spring -
the tombi high
above my roof

Tombi 02


He lives with his family in the nearby forest and when he starts cruising the valley, we know its time for nestbuilding ! The pronounciation of his hame is tobi or tombi.

The motto of my hermitage is:

To live whilst looking at the back of the tombi.

when he cruises the valley below us ...


nest of the black kite, tobi no su 鳶の巣(とびのす)
kigo for all spring


The name of the bird by itself is not used as a kigo, we observe the bird all year round.


. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

- Matsuo Basho told his disciples:

tobi ni notte haru o okuru ni shirakumo ya

Riding on a kite
to see the parting spring--
the white clouds

... alludes to the Xiaoyaoyou (carefree wandering) chapter of the Zhuangzi, in which the philosopher Liezi is depicted as soaring to the skies by rinding on the wind.
source : Peipei Qiu: Basho and the Dao

Liezi 列子 Resshi (れっし)
[Liezi] could ride the wind and go soaring around with cool and breezy skill, but after fifteen days he came back to earth.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Chinese background of Japanese kigo .


The Black Kite, Milan noir

The Black Kite (Milvus migrans) is a medium-sized bird of prey in the family Accipitridae which also includes many other diurnal raptors such as eagles, buzzards, and harriers.
Wikipedia has more !

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high autumn sky -
the soaring kite
takes my soul

© Gabi Greve, 2005

The days are getting warmer.
We have started cooking outside in the garden, enjoying the splendid view of the green mountains while food is simmering.
The big kite and his wife are circling slowly over our valley.

summer picknick -
a bird dropping right into
the cooking pot

© Gabi Greve, Summer 2007


. tobishoku, tobi-shoku 鳶職 carpenters
who worked in the fire brigade in Edo .

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hawk spring tobi

orange mist


early morning -
the shadow of pines
behind orange mist


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