
Mother Mosquitoe


I watch her
s l o w l y .. sucking my blood -
mother mosquitoe


This one became so dear to me, I just could not swat her off. She left quietly after finishing her meal, and the spot did not itch as much as it usually does ...


Actually, the first version of this one was written a few days ago in hospital, when a young unexperienced sister nurse tried her hand at my veins ... only later, when this mosquito choose almost the same spot for her action, it clicked again

I watch her
s l o w l y sucking my blood -
sister Mosquito

... Mosquitoes (ka 蚊) ... a KIGO

Comments from HH

hey Gabi, I like how you stretched out "slowly"


Oh, a beautiful moment, Gabi...
(I've done this -- once or twice, lol!)


Lovely GABI!
I like the way you've done it!


Hi Gabi. I can't think of anything else that I would watch "slowly sucking my blood" so L3 seems rather obvious. If your remove "my blood" I think your 'ku will pack more of a punch ...

I watch her
slowly sucking ...
mother mosquito

... now I see a baby at the breast in the first two lines - suddenly transformed in the third.


a s l o w rise
to the bump --
blood plump "ka"




Read my Haiku Archives 2007


Early Morning


early morning -
the joy to be
BACK again

gentle rain
on the parched fields -
Namu Amida Butsu


Read my Haiku Archives 2007






first Bon ceremony -
a rainbow joins
the sunset clouds

CLICK for more photos !CLICK for more photos !CLICK for more Photos !


First Bon Ceremony (hatsu Bon)
Performed for a person that died during the last year.

My aunt has died just a month ago, at age 93!
This sunset spectacular was like a special present from heaven.

My Last Bon Ceremony, August 15


some comments

Oh, beautiful shots, Gabi!
I really like the haiku too... how nice to have heavenly colors added to the celebration!


Lovely colours in the photo, Gabi. Looks like a good omen to me!


Lovely GABI
I loved your poem and nature's gift to you with the rainbow. Lovely !


Hi Gabi,
I like the haiku and the photo. The idea of 'first Bon ceremony' is interesting in that instead of being a 'first' for someone, such as a child's 'first' of some kind, it has a totally different feeling being both for the deceased and still-living family.

The skies have been beautiful here, too, the past few days.


. WKD : Rainbow (niji 虹) Regenbogen .



autumn sunset


watching the sunset
my long shadow


long, nagai 長


some comments


This haiku surprises me!
I thought you never deviate from a three line haiku?!!!
Good one!


very interesting how you wrote the word longer!


I like your sense of humour Gabi!
Works for me, and I usually don't care for concrete poetry. ( I think that's what it's called when you design with text) But this is easy to read and brings a smile... How long is this haiku 'moment'


Reiterating: all haiku are haiku.


Oh, this is delightful, Gabi... I love it!


Effectively your visual disposition of the adjective "long" really fits the kanji transcription !


Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Kannon Bosatsu


思いのまま 宝をくれる 仏かな

Click for more information !

omoi no mama takara o kureru hotoke kana

"Omoi no mama ni takara o kureru hotoke-san"

As a Buddhist sculptor and conservator of many Japanese works of art, including National Treasures, and an Esoteric priest of the Tendai school, Nishimura Kocho has special access to icons such as the Nyoirin Kannon-- and special control over their interpretation.
Pilgrims beseech the Nyoirin Kannon for blessings through the power of the "wish-granting gem" held in the innermost right hand of its six arms.

source : www.westga.edu

Nyoirin Kannon, Temple Kanshin-Ji - CLICK for more photos !

My Page
Dedicated to Nishimura Kocho, Master Carver

Nishimura Koochoo 西村公朝, 仏師

Nyoirin Kannon
Daruma Museum


Kannon with a thousand arms
Senju Kannon 千手観音

Thanks to some friends, we have English verisons

it grants me
whatever I wish –
this Buddha



giving me gifts
as she wishes--


ask this Buddha
and ye shall

Jesus in the New Testament (King James translation of the bible) which may be applicable here: "Ask, and ye shall receive."


ask this Buddha
and you shall

"ask and it shall be given [un]to you"


as he likes
giving me treasures


if I ask
this buddha answers
my prayers


summer dreams -
ask this Buddha and
you shall receive

summer dreams -
this Buddha gives all treasures
in abundance



. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 .

Read my Haiku Archives


Evening clouds


evening clouds -
my valley vibrates
in colors

CLICK to look at more PHOTOS !


... Clouds in my Haiku Valley ...

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



Beetle visitor


ghost stories -
a silhouette and then
a peeking face


CLICK for more photos !CLICK  for more photos !CLICK for more photos !


In Summer in Japan it is custom to tell stories about Ghosts and gruesome events, so people will get a chill from it to keep cool.

My Ghost Stories from 2005

Wenn du Zen erfassen möchtest,
musst du dich mit fragenden Zweifel nach innen wenden
und es mit aller Eindringlichkeit erforschen.
Ist dein fragender Zweifel tief genug,
so erscheint die transzendente Weisheit.


autumn deepens
and I wonder,
what is my neighbour doing?

. Autumn deepens .

Read my Haiku Archives



Typhoon Usagi


tpyhoon usagi -
a wild rabbit leaves
its wet footprints

Rainclouds over Japan
© Photo: YAHOO 台風情報


My Japanese LINK with more photos !


Last Updated: Friday, 3 August 2007

Typhoon Usagi hits southern Japan

Eighteen people were injured and thousands sought shelter as Typhoon Usagi struck Japan's southern island of Kyushu.
The typhoon made landfall late on Thursday, bringing winds of up to 180 km/h (110mph).

It cut power to thousands of homes and felled trees. Bullet trains from the main island, Honshu, were suspended.

Usagi is moving northwards, but it has weakened and meteorologists have now downgraded it to a tropical storm.

Television footage showed uprooted trees and flooded rivers. A number of flights were cancelled.

Among the injured was an 81-year-old woman in the southern prefecture of Kagoshima who was blown over and broke her thigh, a local official said.
A postman was injured after wind overturned his van, another official said. Two people were reportedly hurt in falls from roofs.

In the hardest-hit areas, families and the elderly took refuge in municipal shelters.

Usagi, which means rabbit in Japanese, is the second major storm to hit Japan this season.
In July, Typhoon Man-yi left three people dead when it struck Kyushu and neighbouring island Shikoku.

 © news.bbc.co.uk


TYPHOON, a kigo for haiku

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



legless beetle


I wonder why ?
this beetle with
a missing leg


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almost full
the moon hangs on a cloud
in the pines


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red leaves in July


red leaves
by the little lake
already autumn ?


Click on the PHOTO to see some more.

Autumn Leaves (momiji) yellow leaves, colored leaves

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



healing power


early morning -
the healing power
of birdsong

Morgenfrühe -
die heilende Kraft
des Gesangs der Vögel

I am not sure about the plural form in English.
It is meant to mean the many different songs of many different birds.
Quite a concert this morning !

And the cicadas out in the background, the odd frog once in a while, the heron family on its way to "work" in the ricefields to the East, putting in a word from high above.


Healing Power - Iyashi
Gabi Greve

saszuri, 囀, さえずり zwitschern, the twittering and chirping of small birds, is a kigo for spring.


Next morning I overslept, which is a good sign ...

early morning snooze -
the healing birds
sing anyway

and later

Kneipp morning -
the healing power
of cold well water

Our own well water is rather cold, even in the hottest summer!

Father Kneipp and Cold Water Therapy
Gabi Greve


some comments

I love both the versions GABI!
to me the 2nd is a wee bit more powerful . . .

early morning -
the healing power
of birds songs

I think bird without 's' should suffice ????


Just beautiful GABI.


early morning -
the healing power
of birdsong

Oh Gabi, I didn't know about your health...
I send warm thoughts for healing, and this is beautiful!


This is beautiful.
It has a certain lilt to it. Almost a 'mantra' feel. ;-)
Healing vibes from here to there, Gabi . . .


This is the one, Gabi. I think it must be working.
Take care,


. WKD : saezuri 囀 (さえずり) birdsong .
twittering of birds, chirping, warbling,







summer sunset -
suddenly a red
mushrooming cloud


white mushrooming clouds
over the green bamboo –
autumn sunset in action

Clouds in my Valley 谷に雲

. WKD : Cloud, clouds (kumo) .

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tallest tree



praying in front
of the tallest tree
namu amida butsu

Click for more information !


The Amida Prayer and Haiku

Read my Haiku Archives 2007



end of rainy season


梅雨明けて 緑溢れる 通学路

end of rainy season -
the way to school
abounds with green


Read my Haiku Archives 2007


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