... www.google.co.jp/... March 1, 2010
Dear Friends,
GOOGLE and therefore BLOGGER
is posing me problems with the ABC indexes of the WKD...
quote : auto pagination with BLOGGER
Possibly the hottest issue this week, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, is the Auto Pagination feature, which was introduced last week.
Auto Pagination automatically helps people to limit the sizes of their archive / label / main pages, as downloaded from Blogger servers.
the "Jump Break" (aka "Read More ...") feature
Inserting <!-- more -->
I tried, but it does not work as described !!
HERE is more from BLOGGER
BLOGGER is attempting to explore the issues here
While there has still been no official word from Blogger/Google about any of this, the BlogStars are telling us that AP will not be rolled back and will not be optional.
If you need to control what appears on your main page, you may need to consider other blogging services ...
posted by Legacy2000, March 06
Google Help Groups
nitecruzr is the contact person from BLOGGEr
Auto Pagination for blogs with Classic templates
This is the one I used for the first WKD BLOGS,
and now have to re-format them all !!!
blogger advise for me
I would not consider that the primary objective, no. Consider this question:
and similar blogs is the primary objective, IMHO. That being said,
though, when FTP support ends next month, it's going to be harder to
make a business case for supporting classic templates.
Layouts Blogger is almost 4 years old. It's not unreasonable to
suspect that the next major revision of Blogger is being planned. In
order to do that, the last version has to be sunsetted. IOW, classic
templates have to be disposed of.
And BTW, the problem of the broken archives / label searches / main pages in classic templates, because there is no "Older Posts" / "Newer Posts", is a long known deficiency of classic templates. That in itself would convince me to upgrade.
blogger advise
Instead of putting the posts themselves into the main page, why not use a feed gadget, maybe one from FeedBurner?
FTP publishing will not be supported any longer
(but I do not even know what this is ... agggrrrrrr !)
FTP Publishing
FTP path tells Blogger where to place your blog files on your server.
Auto Pagination for blogs with Layouts templates
External LINKS about this problem
(as I find them)
The explanation is that Google (owner of Blogger) has introduced a new feature [sic] called auto-pagination, which limits the amount of material displayed on your main and archive pages, possibly causing the number of posts on the main page to be smaller than you have specified. As if that weren't rude enough, there are two further traps:
If, like me, you have set up your template to use the main page as a table of contents, showing only the date and title of each post, you get no credit. Auto-pagination assumes that everything above the tag is on the main page — or, if there is no tag, that the entire post is on the main page! Worse, if you edit your template in an attempt to insert a tag after the title in each post, it won't work; you have to edit every affected post!
New Post Editor
I do not find that helpfull either !
Working with photos is a drag ! (pun intended.)
Photos didn't move easily. Text didn't flow around them. They weren't where they appeared to be when looking at the blog later. Huge spaces appeared between photos, and photos placed side by side were stacked.
My guess is folks will be having problems with it, for months.
Blogger made the new editor a menu selected option, for a reason.
and static pages
what is this?
Backup of BLOGGER
get Blogger to restore your blog
One solution for this need is HTTrack, which is a free and very easy product to use. Note this caution when using HTTrack. And note this additional advice - backup your template, separately.
HTTrack allows you to mirror multiple blogs in one Project
Web Site Mirrors
Get HTTrack (free).
A backup takes maybe 5 - 10 minutes, and can be run while you are busy elsewhere.
about HTTrack website copier
change to wordpress
by Dusty Reagan
Step 1
First! I installed WordPress on my NearlyFreeSpeech.NET hosting account.
(Fact: NearlyFreeSpeech.NET is the best web host on the planet.)
Step 2
In Blogger (under Settings -> Publishing) I switched from “publish via FTP” to “publish on blogspot.com.”
Step 3
Then I used WordPress’s awesome Blogger Import feature! (Found under Manage -> Import) You’ll notice that you can not import blogger posts hosted via FTP. This is why I temporarily switched to blogspot.com.
Step 4
After the successful Import, I installed the “Maintain Blogger Permalinks” plugin. This plugin makes your new Wordpress permalinks match your old Blogger permalinks. You only need to run this plugin once, then you can uninstall it.
all is here
March 14
While Blogger/Google still has not bothered to tell us anything about their plans, it is becoming increasingly likely that this is the way it will be.
Their attitude seems to be that
if you don't like it, take your blog elsewhere
March 14
quote from a closed thread
Join The *Freedom Fighters*!
If you're displeased with "auto-pagination," please consider this a petition.
if you want A-P discontinued immediately, if you blog has been thoroughly screwed, if you're "mad as hell and you're not going to take this anymore," then please "sign" this petition.
you only need post the name of your blog. there are already a number of good topics for discussion.
if everyone bothered by this posts their blog name, this will be an overwhelming cry to overcome an overwhelming error.
March 15
That Google would ignore bloggers who complain that AP has reduced their readership cannot possibly be a marketing decision, nor can telling them that if they don't like it they should take their content elsewhere. Bloggers do not benefit from this, and neither does Google. I strongly suspect that this issue has not progressed past the programming level at Blogger, and that Google execs will only become aware of the current discontent when the fallout is reflected in the numbers in a month or two. By that time, the damage will have been done and heads may roll.
Again, it is not an issue of limits, but of managing limits. The label limit is manageable - people know what it is, and can deal with it. The current problem that people have been pointing out, and that apologists for AP have been ignoring, is that this is an unmanageable limit, since nobody seems to know how it works. Why is Blogger so opposed to a fixed limit that bloggers can learn to work with? Why are Blogger techs so set against the many other suggestions to conserve bandwidth?
As far as not complaining because we're not paying, with all due respect, that's just a cop out, and a denial of the nature of blogging and bloggers.
More discussions :
source : Did-you-know-that- ? -on-Blogger
March 19
"I started my blog in 2002, and spent years getting it to where I wanted. I have several other blogs that have been customized considerably. And what you are telling me is that Google is spitting on me and saying my blog isn't worth reading because I didn't move with the times.
In short, those of us with heavily customized classic templates are being punished for not downgrading to layouts when they were first offered."
It seems that to keep your blog where you want it, you may have to move it somewhere else.
Blogger in Draft
The Template Designer is not supported on Internet Explorer 6, nor, for that matter, are the new templates.
April 12
If you are using Classic Templates and would like to add pagination links to your blog, there are currently two options for setting this up. Both involve adding a snippet of code to your blog's template, which can be done from the Template Edit HTML tab.
Adding a statcounter counter, hit counter
Sign up for a free account at StatCounter and follow the 'Install Code' wizard to generate your StatCounter code.
In the Gadgets of the layout
Click the text (that says HTML/JavaScript) to add the gadget to your blog.
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