It has been rather a dry spell lately and wildfires started in some parts of Western Japan. So today the sounds on my roof and the rain is very welcome,
thinkng of the dry woods and the wet rice paddies.
rain in spring -
the rain of today is
spring rain
春の雨 今日の雨なら 春雨じゃ
In the Japanese language, there are some fine differences, concerning the kigo about natural phenomenon.
Haiku poets in Japan observe nature very closely.
There are different types of rain, which makes it so pleasant to read the different Japanese haiku with different feelings toward how the rain is experienced.
This is the true power of kigo when used properly in Japanese haiku.
And it is a challenge for the translator, I must admit.
But it should at least be attempted to show the differences:
rain in spring (haru no ame 春の雨) :
that could be any kind of rain, usually an unpleasant cold one, during springtime.
spring-rain, spring rain (harusame 春雨):
harusame is the word for Chinese glassnoodles. This is a kind of soft, welcome rain for the forest and the rice paddies which are so dry from the winter time.
RAIN in various kigo
Tr. Gabi Greve
- - - - - Matsuo Basho
春雨や 蜂の巣つたふ 屋根の漏り
harusame ya hachi no su tsutau yane no mori
spring rain -
drips from a wasp's nest
through the leeking roof
harusame ya futaba ni moyuru nasubidane
spring rain -
two leaves sprout
from the eggplant seedling
harusame ya yomogi o nobasu kusa no michi
spring rain -
the mugwort grows
along a road with weeds
bushoosa ya kaki-okosareshi haru no ame
such laziness -
finally woken up
by rain in spring
Written in Iga Ueno, at the home of his brother in 1691 元禄4年2月頃. Basho age 48
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 and the Spring Rain .
Buson has quite a lot of poems about the spring rain!
Kobayashi Issa
harusame ya sakazuki misete kitsune yobu
spring rain -
I show my sake cup
and call the foxes
harusame ya Kamakura suzume nan to naku
spring rain -
the sparrows of Kamakura
how they sing!
春雨や ばくち崩と夜談義と
harusame ya bakuchi kuzure to yo dangi to
spring rain -
some old gamblers
and a night sermon
meguri-bi to haikai-bi nari haru no ame
a day of menstruation
becomes a day for haikai ...
rain in spring
o-meguri お回り is another expression for menstruation.
David Lanoue has this version
meguri hi to haikai hi nari haru no ame
a day for wandering
a day for haiku...
spring rain
Issa Haiku with Meguri
and written with Chinese characters
巡り / 廻り
how many times / ambling down my road / makeing the rounds / after twists and turns / circling
浅間巡り - Mount Asama's pilgrims
Tr. and Comment by Chris Drake
kata-hoo wa yuki no furu nari haru no ame
on the other side
they say it's snowing --
spring rain
This hokku is from the 2nd month (March) of 1822, when Issa is either in his hometown or a village near it. His hometown was on a plateau nearly surrounded by mountains, and beyond the mountains to the northwest was an area of very heavy snowfall, so he may looking toward the north or northwest.
Spring rain is coming down around him, but travelers tell of snow coming down only a few miles away. Perhaps this feeling of being near the border of snow and rain physically suggests to Issa his own existence as a borderer, living in a hometown that only feels like half a hometown while his mind is so often with haijin in Edo, in the area around Edo, and in other parts of Shinano, the area in which he now lives. Of course, as a haijin himself, he always lives halfway between experience and representation.

(A Small Boat in the Spring Rain
Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水, 1920)
April rain –
the boatman watches
a flying skylark
- Shared by Virginia Popescu
Joys of Japan, 2012
kooen de hashiru kodomo to haru no ame
In the park
kids running...
Spring rain
Alberto Sanz
Look at the haiga HERE
source : www.targetjpn.com
Tuesday, 02 March 2010
bands of heavy rain
play music with the wind...
spring concert
- Shared by Pat Geyer
Joys of Japan, March 2012

harusame ya kyoo no shokuji wa harusame ja
spring rain -
lunch today is
harusame noodles
RAIN in various kigo
Gabi san,
Thank you so much for your nice explanation!
Also related to Spring natural phenomenon I wonder about the word " shunrai " or Spring Thunder. Does it have any other nuances rather than a probable
unpleasant noise in the middle of a quiet Spring day...? My feeling when I imagine a thunder in Spring is that of a noise that disturbs me (or even threatens my plans to enjoy the Spring time related outdoor activities...)
What do you think?
Thank you!!!
Hey Gabi... thanks for the nifty post.
I love the differences, Gabi.
Thank you for the information.
How interesting, Gabi!
Our English language can be quite dull...
I love the idea of such variations.
Goodness Gabi, I would never wiggle your translations but ...
Gabi....the poem has a nice rhythm to it but I wonder about the multiple use of multiple words.....
Dear Friends,
This is mostly an educational one, just an excuse to tell you about the different kinds of rain kigo we have in spring
grin... Gabi
Beautiful sound
Spring thunder
Parched earth ~ listens
Here in my part of Florida, even the weeds are struggling.
The sound was followed by a welcome torrent.
spring rain
the fragrance of mangoes once again
fill the air
Manu Kant
Matsuo Basho
harusame no koshita ni tsutau shimizu kana
near temple Hasedera, Nara
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