Echizen kurage ...
a monster tamed with
miso paste

Checking about Washoku ...
the Echizen kurage are huge jellyfish at the coast of Echizen, lately bringing much harm to the local fishernets because of their enormous numbers and sheer size ...
And yes ...
if you have lemons, make lemonade, so the locals made it ...
chopped finely and eaten with a mix of miso paste and salted plum paste.
Enjoy Japanese Food, Culture and Haiku !
Echizen kurage 越前水母(えちぜんくらげ)
kigo for all summer
. WKD : Jellyfish (kurage) and related KIGO
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008
Hi's a fact that global warming, higher ocean temperatures are good for jellyfish [if not for some other species] and jellyfish of all kinds are on the increase.
... eating them, though Very resourceful, but not quite my cup of tea.
But no wonder Dhugal Lindsay is busy over there with his marine biology 'field trips' at present, then
His haiku , which turned me on to haiku:
sukuu te-no kurage-ya seimeisen fukaku
picking up a jellyfish...
my lifeline
clear and deep
Wow! Are those jellyfish ever huge, Gabi!
I think I'll pass on the miso, though!
I enjoyed your haiku...once I knew what it meant!
Gabi - I wouldn't have had a clue without the explanation
....but both amusing and stomach churning
Can I now eat my breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast?
I like this Gabi san. The way a monster can be tamed by something as innocuous as a paste makes it even more interesting.
Dear Gabi ... I LOVE what you bring to our community ... to my experience and reading ... i am often 'gob smacked' and enjoy so much a traipse through your world your moment ...
i went to your link but couldnt see the size of the beasts but found this which i love (with explanation for NEET)
floating around
like an Echizen jellyfish ...
poor NEET
as for the 'real ' haiku of this discussion
Echizen kurage ...
a monster tamed with
miso paste
i lose much - cant ascertain, without the link ...
i am sure that years from now we will have those links directly connected to our brains so we wont ever be confused again ! ...
much enjoyment of your persepctive >>> G.
"Guten Appetit!"
thank you, dear Gabi... But I suppose that I`ll never eat jellyfish ...
but I ate salted plums for breakfast in Japan and naturally miso soup (and we eat often miso soup at home). In my brain the taste of umeboshi is connected with the view on a special temple (the Nanzenji).
...and one of mine.
turn of the tide...
the sea taking back
its jellyfish
I think 'jellyfish' seems a valid Summer 'kigo' for at least the east coast of Australia, too...from sub-tropical down to Tasmania. Possibly for further north, too, but the season would start earlier. Stingers are in the waters around Cairns from about September onwards.
[ ...but we don't eat them... :-)
Thanks for stepping in here, Lorin!
I should try and order some to eat!
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