globalization -
he serves the sushi fish
on french bread
I am talking about Japanese food here, not Haiku !

click the smiley, grin ...
This kind of SUSHI is maybe my own invention.
Since my husband's diet is without rice in the evening, we started placing the delicious sushi fish cuts from the local store on french bread ... and well ... it tastes great. I love the red caviar (ikura) best!
Gabi, to me sushi means fish, which makes the word "fish" redundant.
But I may be wrong. (I do prefer the rhythm without "fish.")
a friend
Dear friend
here is Japan, they put a lot of things on sushi rice (rice cooked with vinegar, sumeshi 酢飯), maybe I can pick up the details up later ...
cucumbers or aubergines or other vegetable, sorts of omelette and egg stuff (they cook it with a bit of sugar, it is a wee bit sweet)
raw chicken or raw horse meet (yes!!) with lots of wasabi for the faint of heart ...
other types of seafood of any kind like mussles and shripms ... and so on.

We usually buy an item called .. cut fish pieces for sushi rice .. at a special fish store and put it on the french bread, my husband is on a diet, but we do without most of the other ingredients.
Enjoy Japanese food and Japanese culture and Haiku on the sideline !
Thanks for the information, Gabi.
To New Yorkers "sushi" means pretty much a way of preparing raw fish.
But, then, to New Yorkers, "haiku" means a light or humorous verse arranged in three lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables, e. g., "Haikus for Jews," "Haikus for Gays," "Haiku U."
The Conclusion of this discussion:
Raw Fish: Sashimi and Sushi
And, Gabi, American definitions of "haiku" are still another story.
Your friend
... ... agreed, agreed, my dear American friend!
Read my Haiku Archives 2007
Dear Gabi san,
This is one hilarious ku! :) It is so true, about globalization. Was it your own experience?
Recently, I had a similar experience, at my son's wedding. My son and his bride are vegetarians, and they both like sushi. They asked me to make sushi for the wedding... but, vegetarian sushi! :)))
So, I did -- and I also made a sushi dish set as a wedding gift for them. You may see the set in my LJ:
-- along with the story how I made it. I even managed to write in Japanese on the yin-yang plates! :)
wedding day --
vegetarian sushi
for bride and groom
Enjoy your sushi! :)
Dear Origa san,
maybe I was the one who invented it?
I just love to eat IKURA fish eggs, the red caviar, they call it, on fresh french bread!
Dear Gabi san
Thank you very much
woow nice Sashimi
Ok, I will eat Sashimi with sake tonight
Etsuko ;o)
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