shizukesa ya tani o mau no wa hotaru dake
静けさや 谷を舞うのは 蛍だけ
this quietude -
only fireflies dancing
in the valley
Fireflies (hotaru) (Japan)
my fireflies haiku
Read my Haiku Archives 2007
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query hotaru. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query hotaru. Sort by date Show all posts
BACKUP worldkigo 2008
World Kigo Database
..................................................................... December 2008
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) Yemen
cha no hana 茶の花 (ちゃのはな) tea blossoms Japan
Nettle tree (enoki) Japan
Dinner, dining, eating ... and more worldwide
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps
..................................................................... November 2008
Rabbit, hare (usagi), snow rabbit (yukiusagi) Japan
Kaninchen, Hase
Firefly squid (hotaruika, hotaru ika ホタルイカ(蛍烏賊))
Ika ... squid dishes
Fish roe dishes (hararago) Japan
Mamakari ままかり Fish dishes from Okayama
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)sweet potatoes
Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹). Seeigel
Kani 蟹料理 CRAB dishes Krabben.
Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe
BUTA ... Pig and Pork (buta, ton 豚 ぶた)
Daruma Ramen, raamen ラーメン Chinese noodle soup
Ainu Food アイヌ料理
Tosa no Inakazushi (inaka sushi) 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa
..................................................................... October 2008
Ogata Korin Memorial Day (koorin ki)
Winter honey ... Yemen
Sunbirds... India
Pillow (makura, kukurimakura) Japan
Lobster Decoration (kazari-ebi, Ise-ebi kazaru ) Japan
Stone fish, bullhead (okoze)Fish. Japan
Leek (naganegi) green onions, scallion, porree Japan
Itokoni いとこ煮 boiled pumpkin with red beans Yamaguchi
Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice. Japan
Inkstone (suzuri) Japan
..................................................................... September 2008
World Heart Day September 28
Night of Power, Lailatul Qadr / Lailat-Ul-Qadr Yemen
Shichirin 七輪 portable cooking stove Japan
Onigiri おにぎり rice balls Japan
Hanbaiki 販売機 vending maschines for food Japan
Praise, flattery (homekotoba, o-joozu) Japan
Eel dishes (unagi) Japan. Some are kigo
Burdock root (gobo, goboo) Japan. Arctium lappa
Sansai 山菜 Mountain vegetables
. . . Including
Hahakogusa 母子草(ははこぐさ) sweet cudweed
Kogomi こごみ kind of fern
Nobiru のびる (野蒜) wild rocambole
Tsukushi 土筆(つくし)horsetail plant
Warabi わらび(蕨) bracken, fern
Zenmai 薇(ぜんまい) Japanese Royal Fern
Mori no Megumi, Bountiful food from the Forest
Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy HodgepodgeMomotaro Haiku by Issa
Dumplings of all kinds (dango) Japan. Mitarashi dango
Yaseuma, "thin horse" wheat noodles from Oita
Fast Food Gourmet ... the Japanese Version
Inari Sushi (inarizushi) Japan
Kanro-Ni, kanroni, sweet simmering Japan
Tsukuda-ni, Tsukudani ... simmered in sweet soy sauce Japan
Konchu Ryori, konchuu ryoori Insects as food
Citrus fruits (kankitsu rui) Japan
mikan, ponkan, hassaku, sudachi, daidai, kabosu, iyokan, sudachi, yuzu, oranges and others
Interesting, exciting, entertaining, amusing ... (omoshiro ya) Japan
Hara hachibu ... eating only 80% of your capacity an Okinawan diet
Breakfast (asagohan, asameshi) Japan
Kitchen (daidokoro) Japanese Kitchen
Trout and sweetfish (ayu, masu, iwana and more) and salmon (benimasu) and yamame Japan
Hamaguri, clam shells, venus clams Venusmuscheln
Tsukiji, the big fish market in Tokyo Tsukiji shijoo
SHUN ... Specialities of the Season
Spring Chrysanthemum (shungiku) Japan
Rape flower pickles (nahanazuke)/ nanohana rapeseed flower dishes Japan
Hitashi, Ohitashi ... quickly boiled vegetables Japan
Cod (tara) and various food items Japan
Kogawa Festival, Kogawa Sai Wakayama, Japan
Brazier (jiko) Kenya
Sambosa, samosa Food during the Ramadan. Yemen
Ameyoko Cheap shopping alley, from Ueno to Okachimachi.
Mikan, mandarin orange, tangerine Japan
Senbei, sembei 煎餅 (せんべい) rice crackers, sweet and salty
Godairiki san festival at temple Daigoji Kyoto, Japan
Golden Pavillion, Kinkaku-ji Kyoto, Japan
..................................................................... August 2008
This month and the following months are full of FOOD kigo and topics,
since I am preparing a WASHOKU SAIJIKI.
Loquat fruit (biwa) Japan
Tonburi seeds from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia Akita, Japan
Donburi Bowl of rice with topping
Shiokara ... salty and pungent fermented fish pasteJapan
Jizake, local ricewine brands
Chopping board, cutting board, chopping block (manaita) Japan
Nara pickles (narazuke) and other tsukemono pickles. Japan
Myoga Ginger (myooga) Japan
Myoga Ginger Festival.
Spikenard, Japanese spikenard (udo)
Alfonsino fish (kinmedai) Beryx splendens
Higo zuiki 肥後ずいき dried taro root
Shippokuk ryoori 卓袱(しっぽく)料理 Shippoku dishes , shippoku cuisine
Sawachi ryoori 皿鉢料理 Sawachi cuisine, celebration food
katsuo no tataki かつおのたたき chopped katsuo fish
Gameni がめ煮 mixed boiled vegetables and chicken meat
Chinmi, special delicasies
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
Egg, eggs (tamago) Japan
Cherry Blossom Time ... Food Kigo
Deafness-curing sake (jirooshu) Japan
Famine in spring (shunkyuu) Famine in Japanese History
Herring roe praparations (kazu no ko tsukuru) Japan
Mirin (sweet sake for cooking) Japan
Miso paste and related kigo Japan
Turban shell as food (tsuboyaki, yakisazae) Japan
Starwort in cooked rice (yomena meshi)Japan
Rice cakes (mochi) for SPRING a KIGO list
Namasu vinegar dressing (namasu) Japan
Mountain pepper (sanshoo, sansho) Japan
Water (mizu) Drinking Water of Japan
Drinks for summer Japan
Including sweet rice wine (amazake), beer, ice shavings with flavor (kakigoori), barley tea (mugicha), strong liquor (shochu) and many more
Soy Sauce, soya sauce Japan
Rice (gohan, meshi) as food. Japan
Flounder, sole (karei) as food. Japan
SUMMER ... preparing Japanese food
Including natto fermented beans, vinegar (su)
Spring pickles (tsukemono)
Including namasu dressing, dengaku, wasabizuke and many more
Tablewear for Couples rice bowls (meotojawan) / chopsitcks (meotobashi)
Food from the sea and the mountains (umi no sachi, yama no sachi)
Kitaoji Rosanjin, a cook and potter
Knife (hoochoo, waboochoo) Japan
Miso paste Japan
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food Saijiki
Naracha Rice Gruel Japan
Yuba, skin of soy milk Japan
Arisoumi coast, Ariso-Umi Japan
Grasshopper (Platyphyllum concavum, Gampsocleis buergeri) Japan
Autumn Food ... ... KIGO list
Winter food ... ... KIGO LIST
Roe, fish roe dishes (sujiko and many others) Japan
Yam potatoe dishes (tororo jiru) Japan
Temple Kokawadera and a Basho stone memorial
Pivot ... its use in waka and haiku
Kamakhya Temple near Guwahati in Assam India.
And other pilgrimages worldwide.
..................................................................... July 2008
Sweat (ase) Japan. Perspiration, transpiration and related kigo
Asakayama ... 安積山 Mountain near Koriyama, Fukushima pref. Matsuo Basho on his way ...
Demon's gate (kimon) ... Japan
Dinner tray (zen), box tray (hako zen) ... Japan
Nishiyama Soin and the Danrin School (Soo-In) 西山宗因, 談林派
Lottery, lottery ticket (takarakuji) Japan
Melon / cool melon / watermelon Yemen
Flood (koozui, aki demizu) .. Japan. Floods, flooding. Worldwide.
..................................................................... June 2008
Karma, the Net of Indra ... Indra Net, Inter Net ... :)
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja) North America
WKD : New England Saijiki
Naked Festivals (Hadaka Matsuri) Japan. LIST
Yui Town Big Drum Festival (O-Taiko Matsuri ) Japan
Urasa Naked Festival at Temple Fukoo-Ji (Urasa no Doo Oshi) Japan
Jazz Music North America
Violett and Purple : MURASAKI in Haiku Lady Murasaki Shikibu
Chameleon, Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) Yemen
Shrine Tada Jinja ... and Matsuo Basho
Rice gruel (kayu) Japan
Toji, Temple Too-Ji in Kyoto Japan
Independence Day, June 12, 1898Philippines
Swallowtail butterflies (agehachoo) Yemen, Japan
Elm tree (Ulmus) Europa, North America
Kasuga Shrine Festivals (Kasuga matsuri, Wakamiya On Matsuri)
Rhode Island USA
Kuromori Kabuki ... 黒森歌舞伎 (くろもりかぶき ) Yamagata prefecture. Japan
Donzuki Matsuri ... どんづき祭 "Body throwing festival", Niigata, Japan
Hasedera no Tada-oshi ... 長谷寺のただ押し (はせでらのただおし)Hasedera Temple Festival, Sakurai, Nara, Japan
Takewari Matsuri ... 竹割祭 (たけわりまつり) Bamboo splitting festival. Japan
Kashihara matsuri ... 橿原祭 Kashihara Shrine Festival. Japan
Towns of India and haiku India
Dream (yume), First Dream (hatsuyume) Japan
Official, minor official (yakunin, koyakunin) Japan, Edo period
Kato Shuson (1905-1993)
Sand, hot sand (nessa) Japan
..................................................................... May 2008
Family altar, Buddhist family altar (butsudan) Japan
Spikemoss (iwahiba, iwamatsu) Japan. Sellaginella tamariscina
Iris, bearded Iris (Iris albicans) Yemen
Paper clothing, paper robes (kamiko) Japan
White Dew (shiratsuyu) Japan
Lawn, grass, turf (shiba) Japan. ... and related kigo
New Year Arrow (hamaya) Japan
Goto Takatoshi Takatoshi Gotoh
Trillium family of flowers (kinugasa soo) .. Japan. North America
Delhi, Old Delhi, New Delhi. India
Bombay, Mumbai . India
Lucknow . India
Kumano Road (Kumano Kodo Japan
Saga Dawa / Vesak Celebrations Buddhist Communities
Rhododendron (shakunage, sekinan ) Japan
Shimabara no taiyuu no doochuu ... Shimabara Geisha Procession (Kyoto)
Shimabara taiyuu no doochuu
Miyako Odori .. "Dance of the Capital" in Kyoto
Naniwa Odori ... Naniwa Dance in Osaka
Haru Matsuri .. Spring Festival. General
Azuma Odori .. Azuma Dance, Tokyo Dance
Kamogawa Odori .. Kamogawa Dance in Kyoto
Garden (niwa), Park (teien, tei-en) Japanese Garden, Zen Garden ...
Storehouse, warehouse (kura, dozoo) Japan
Masahide, Mizuta Masahide (1657-1723)
Shushiki (Shuushiki 秋色) (1668-1725)
Hi no Oka Pass (Hi no Oka Tooge) Japan
Sand skiing, dune skiing Yemen
Pinewood Derby North America
Barangay Fiesta Philippines. and The Santacruzan
Haiku Sweets (haika 俳菓) Japan
Ghosts (yookai, bakemono) Japan
Imagination in Haiku ... Theory
San Miguel Beer Philippines
Straw hats (dholas, kofias and hadrami) Yemen
Sunflower (himawari) Japan. Europa. North America
Four Directions (toozai nanboku)East, West, North, South
Dontaku .. Dontaku Festival in Hakata, Japan
Go, a board game, igo 囲碁 (Japan)
Green Week, Greenery Day (midori no shuukan, midori no hi) Japan
Cassia blossoms (Cassia fistula) India. ... amaltaas, bendra lathi, aragvadha and other names
Cockroach (gokiburi, aburamushi) Japan
..... and more summer insects and little animals ...
Turtle, turtoise (kame) Japan
Grains, the five grains (gokoku) Japan
Deutzia blossoms (u no hana, unohana) Japan
Bataan Beach, Bataan Day Philippines
Buddha's Birthday, Flower Festival, Flower Hall (kanbutsu-e, kambutsu-e, shuuni-e, hanamatsuri, hana midoo Japan. sweet tea (amacha) and more
Utamakura, Place Names in Japanese Poetry "Poetry Pillow Words", makurakotoba
PLACE NAMES used in Haiku Japan and Worldwide
..................................................................... April 2008
Nozawa Boncho 野沢 凡兆 (Nozawa Bonchoo, 1640? - 1714) and his wife Tome, Ukoo 羽紅
Bulbul bird (hiyodori) Japan, Yemen, Kenya and other regions
Grouse, snow grouse, "Thunderbird" (raichoo) Japan
Fish Market Philippines
Airlie Beach Australia
Olympic Games Olympics
Malaysia Haiku
Tourist, sightseer, traveller, visitor ... worldwide
Larks, various types Yemen
Beans in autumn kigo ... the plants also Peanuts plants. Ingen Mame.
Taal Lake Philippines
Tawilis (Sardinella tawilis) Philippines
Peanuts Japan, Philippines
Scilla, Siberian Squill (Scilla Sibirica) Russia, Europe.
Coconuts, Coconut palms Philippines, India
Higashiyama Culture and Haiku
Japanese Culture Week, 2008 Kenya
Ageing ... Kenya
Milkfish (Chanos chanos) also called Bangus. Boneless Bangus. Philippines
Flamingo Yemen
Snack served with tea (cha no ko, o-cha no ko) Japan
Botamochi Rice Cakes (Botamochi) Japan
Botamochi Ceremony
Water dragon, Physignathus lesueurii Australia
..................................................................... March 2008
Herring (nishin) Japan. Koorai Iwashi
Flame of the Forest (Butea monosperma, Delonix regia) Two Trees with orange blossoms
Migrant fishermen (watari gyofu) Hokkaido, Japan
Irrigation Ceremony (minakuchi matsuri, nawashiro matsuri) Japan
Will-o'-the-wisp (kitsunebi, onibi) Japan
Groundbreaking ceremony (jichinsai, jimatsuri) Japan
Dawn in spring, Spring morning light (shungyoo, haru no akebono)
Spring morning (haru no asa, haru no akatsuki) and others
Holi Festival.. Dol Yatra (the Swing Festival)India. Also introducing Chillum and Bhang.
Jelly strips (tokoroten) Japanese Food
Blind Woman from Echigo (Echigo goze) Japan. Introducing haiku from Echigo
Manzai (New Year's Comic Performance) Japan
Polar bear = ours polaire (ou « ours blanc » ) Canada. Eisbär
Husky = chien de traîneau (ou « husky ») Canada
Kuroda Momoko 黒田杏子 Haiku Poetess
Chichibu Festival (Chichibu Matsuri
Chichibu Night Festival (Chichibu Yomatsuri)
Kobo Daishi Kukai (Kooboo Daishi Kuukai) and Esoteric Buddhism Japan
Neem blossoms, neem tree, magosa (Azadirachta indica) India. And Ugadi Pachadi
Saigyo Hoshi Memorial Day (Saigyoo Ki) Japan. Saigyoo Hooshi
Nightingale singing competition (uguisu awase) Japan.
Arii Shokyu-Ni(1713-1781) "the Nun Shokyu". Nagamatsu Nami, Kohakuan.
Kohakuan Fufuu, Arii Fufuu (1702 - 1762), her husband
Chomu (Choomu) 蝶夢 (1732 - 1796), a Buddhist priest shookyuuni shokyuuni shokyu ni
Kite, black kite, Milan noir (tobi, tombi) Japan. Milvus migrans
Amihan and Habagat Monsoon Philippines
Boomerang Australia
Insects awaken, insects come out, bugs come out, bugs wake up, insects appear again, insects stir (keichitsu) Insects wake up. Japan
..... Frost descends (sookoo)
Matsushima 松島Japan
Leap day, leap year (2008) February 29
Bud of trees, treebuds (ko no me, konome) Japan
Bat (koomori, kawahori) Japan
Stone wall (stonewall) (ishigaki) Japan
..................................................................... February 2008
Wheat and Barley (mugi) and related kigo Japan
Coral Tree Blossoms (Erythrina indica) Tiger's claw, Sunshine Tree. India
Common cold and flu (kaze) coughing, sneezing, God of the Cold. Japan, worldwide
Water tank (As-Saharieg) Yemen
Desert rose (Adenium obesum). Yemen
Utsu no Yama, Mount Utsu, Mt. Utsu near Okabe in Shizuoka, Japan
Three treasures of Haiku and ISSA
Temple Saimyo-Ji and Issa
I, the first person (ware, watakushi, ore) used in haiku Japan
Donald Keene
Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia Family . Yemen, North America
. . . . . Pakistan ... Haiku in Pakistan
Desert, sand desert Yemen
Canna lily Yemen
Dates, ripe dates from the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) Yemen
Eid Al-Kabir, Aid Al Kabir Yemen
Khat, Catha edulis, chewing khat Yemen
..................................................................... January 2008
Jasmine Yemen
Oleander (kyoochikutoo) Japan. Yemen
Rose of Sharon (mukuge) / Hibiscus (bussooge) Japan. Yemen
Toribeno Cemetery in Kyoto Japan
Sumidagawa River Tokyo, Japan
Tao Yuanming To Enmei, Chinese poet 365 - 427 陶淵明
Takeda Butsugai Fusen ... 1795~1867
Kamikaze, Divine Wind Japan
Dalia (daria) Japan, India
Salt (shio) and salted winter food Japan
Issa and the God of Poverty (bimbogami)
Naito Joso (Naito Joosoo 内藤丈草) (1662 - 1704)
Tattoo, Tatoo (irezumi, horimono) Japan
Garlic chives (nira) and its blossoms (nira no hana) Japan
Balls, decorative hand balls (temari) Japan. Ball catching song, ball bouncing song (temari uta)
KAMASU : straw back, tobacco pouch, Pacific sandeel (Ammodytes personatus) Japan
Swan (hakuchoo) Japan
Fatsia japonica blossoms (yatsude no hana) Japan, Japanese Aralia
Iida Ryuta (Iida Ryouta) 1920-2007
Iida Dakotsu, his father (1885 - 1962)
Buddha Dainichi Nyorai Ceremonies and kigo
First Day of the Tiger (Hatsu Tora ) Japan. visit to Kurama Temple in Kyoto on the first day of the tiger: Kurama hatsu tora mairi .. and related kigo
Pongal Spring Festival India. Kolam decorations.
Boma Homesteads Kenya
Juuni Shinshoo 十二神将 Twelve Heavenly Generals, 12 Warrior Generals
Bishamonten, Tamonten (Vaishravana) Japan. Bishamonten Festival, Messenger of Bishamonten
Song, singing (uta) Japan. A list of kigo.
First Poetry Meeting at court(utakai hajime)
Eid Al-kabir on the pilgrimage to Mekka
Lotus Temple Delhi
Issa and O-Take Nyorai お竹如来
... Kamakura, a Haiku Town in Japan
Flamingo Gulf of Aden
Night work (yonabe) Japan
Mallet for good luck (fuku tsuchi) Japan. Mallet for pounding cloth (kinuta)
Fulling block (kinuta) Japan.Pounding cloth. Mallet for beating straw (wara kinuta) and more
Onomatopoetic Words used in Haiku
Boxing Day Australia, New Zealand, UK
Basho and the Ukimido Floating Hall, Lake Biwa
Australian Seasons ...
Seasons Beginning ... Japan, a KIGO list
Long Life Ceremony (enjusai ) Japan
Inahata Teiko (1931 -)
President of the Japan Traditional Haiku Association
Discussion Forum !!!!!
Current Events !!!!!
NEW Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
CONTINUE HERE for all the additions of 2007
CONTINUE HERE for all the additions of 2006
World Kigo Database
..................................................................... December 2008
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) Yemen
cha no hana 茶の花 (ちゃのはな) tea blossoms Japan
Nettle tree (enoki) Japan
Dinner, dining, eating ... and more worldwide
Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu, strong distilled liquor, Schnaps
..................................................................... November 2008
Rabbit, hare (usagi), snow rabbit (yukiusagi) Japan
Kaninchen, Hase
Firefly squid (hotaruika, hotaru ika ホタルイカ(蛍烏賊))
Ika ... squid dishes
Fish roe dishes (hararago) Japan
Mamakari ままかり Fish dishes from Okayama
Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)sweet potatoes
Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹). Seeigel
Kani 蟹料理 CRAB dishes Krabben.
Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉) basashi, sakuranabe
BUTA ... Pig and Pork (buta, ton 豚 ぶた)
Daruma Ramen, raamen ラーメン Chinese noodle soup
Ainu Food アイヌ料理
Tosa no Inakazushi (inaka sushi) 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa
..................................................................... October 2008
Ogata Korin Memorial Day (koorin ki)
Winter honey ... Yemen
Sunbirds... India
Pillow (makura, kukurimakura) Japan
Lobster Decoration (kazari-ebi, Ise-ebi kazaru ) Japan
Stone fish, bullhead (okoze)Fish. Japan
Leek (naganegi) green onions, scallion, porree Japan
Itokoni いとこ煮 boiled pumpkin with red beans Yamaguchi
Kiritanpo (kiritampo) きりたんぽ skewers of mashed rice. Japan
Inkstone (suzuri) Japan
..................................................................... September 2008
World Heart Day September 28
Night of Power, Lailatul Qadr / Lailat-Ul-Qadr Yemen
Shichirin 七輪 portable cooking stove Japan
Onigiri おにぎり rice balls Japan
Hanbaiki 販売機 vending maschines for food Japan
Praise, flattery (homekotoba, o-joozu) Japan
Eel dishes (unagi) Japan. Some are kigo
Burdock root (gobo, goboo) Japan. Arctium lappa
Sansai 山菜 Mountain vegetables
. . . Including
Hahakogusa 母子草(ははこぐさ) sweet cudweed
Kogomi こごみ kind of fern
Nobiru のびる (野蒜) wild rocambole
Tsukushi 土筆(つくし)horsetail plant
Warabi わらび(蕨) bracken, fern
Zenmai 薇(ぜんまい) Japanese Royal Fern
Mori no Megumi, Bountiful food from the Forest
Momotaro Nabe ... Peach Boy HodgepodgeMomotaro Haiku by Issa
Dumplings of all kinds (dango) Japan. Mitarashi dango
Yaseuma, "thin horse" wheat noodles from Oita
Fast Food Gourmet ... the Japanese Version
Inari Sushi (inarizushi) Japan
Kanro-Ni, kanroni, sweet simmering Japan
Tsukuda-ni, Tsukudani ... simmered in sweet soy sauce Japan
Konchu Ryori, konchuu ryoori Insects as food
Citrus fruits (kankitsu rui) Japan
mikan, ponkan, hassaku, sudachi, daidai, kabosu, iyokan, sudachi, yuzu, oranges and others
Interesting, exciting, entertaining, amusing ... (omoshiro ya) Japan
Hara hachibu ... eating only 80% of your capacity an Okinawan diet
Breakfast (asagohan, asameshi) Japan
Kitchen (daidokoro) Japanese Kitchen
Trout and sweetfish (ayu, masu, iwana and more) and salmon (benimasu) and yamame Japan
Hamaguri, clam shells, venus clams Venusmuscheln
Tsukiji, the big fish market in Tokyo Tsukiji shijoo
SHUN ... Specialities of the Season
Spring Chrysanthemum (shungiku) Japan
Rape flower pickles (nahanazuke)/ nanohana rapeseed flower dishes Japan
Hitashi, Ohitashi ... quickly boiled vegetables Japan
Cod (tara) and various food items Japan
Kogawa Festival, Kogawa Sai Wakayama, Japan
Brazier (jiko) Kenya
Sambosa, samosa Food during the Ramadan. Yemen
Ameyoko Cheap shopping alley, from Ueno to Okachimachi.
Mikan, mandarin orange, tangerine Japan
Senbei, sembei 煎餅 (せんべい) rice crackers, sweet and salty
Godairiki san festival at temple Daigoji Kyoto, Japan
Golden Pavillion, Kinkaku-ji Kyoto, Japan
..................................................................... August 2008
This month and the following months are full of FOOD kigo and topics,
since I am preparing a WASHOKU SAIJIKI.
Loquat fruit (biwa) Japan
Tonburi seeds from the summer cypress Kochia scoparia Akita, Japan
Donburi Bowl of rice with topping
Shiokara ... salty and pungent fermented fish pasteJapan
Jizake, local ricewine brands
Chopping board, cutting board, chopping block (manaita) Japan
Nara pickles (narazuke) and other tsukemono pickles. Japan
Myoga Ginger (myooga) Japan
Myoga Ginger Festival.
Spikenard, Japanese spikenard (udo)
Alfonsino fish (kinmedai) Beryx splendens
Higo zuiki 肥後ずいき dried taro root
Shippokuk ryoori 卓袱(しっぽく)料理 Shippoku dishes , shippoku cuisine
Sawachi ryoori 皿鉢料理 Sawachi cuisine, celebration food
katsuo no tataki かつおのたたき chopped katsuo fish
Gameni がめ煮 mixed boiled vegetables and chicken meat
Chinmi, special delicasies
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
Egg, eggs (tamago) Japan
Cherry Blossom Time ... Food Kigo
Deafness-curing sake (jirooshu) Japan
Famine in spring (shunkyuu) Famine in Japanese History
Herring roe praparations (kazu no ko tsukuru) Japan
Mirin (sweet sake for cooking) Japan
Miso paste and related kigo Japan
Turban shell as food (tsuboyaki, yakisazae) Japan
Starwort in cooked rice (yomena meshi)Japan
Rice cakes (mochi) for SPRING a KIGO list
Namasu vinegar dressing (namasu) Japan
Mountain pepper (sanshoo, sansho) Japan
Water (mizu) Drinking Water of Japan
Drinks for summer Japan
Including sweet rice wine (amazake), beer, ice shavings with flavor (kakigoori), barley tea (mugicha), strong liquor (shochu) and many more
Soy Sauce, soya sauce Japan
Rice (gohan, meshi) as food. Japan
Flounder, sole (karei) as food. Japan
SUMMER ... preparing Japanese food
Including natto fermented beans, vinegar (su)
Spring pickles (tsukemono)
Including namasu dressing, dengaku, wasabizuke and many more
Tablewear for Couples rice bowls (meotojawan) / chopsitcks (meotobashi)
Food from the sea and the mountains (umi no sachi, yama no sachi)
Kitaoji Rosanjin, a cook and potter
Knife (hoochoo, waboochoo) Japan
Miso paste Japan
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food Saijiki
Naracha Rice Gruel Japan
Yuba, skin of soy milk Japan
Arisoumi coast, Ariso-Umi Japan
Grasshopper (Platyphyllum concavum, Gampsocleis buergeri) Japan
Autumn Food ... ... KIGO list
Winter food ... ... KIGO LIST
Roe, fish roe dishes (sujiko and many others) Japan
Yam potatoe dishes (tororo jiru) Japan
Temple Kokawadera and a Basho stone memorial
Pivot ... its use in waka and haiku
Kamakhya Temple near Guwahati in Assam India.
And other pilgrimages worldwide.
..................................................................... July 2008
Sweat (ase) Japan. Perspiration, transpiration and related kigo
Asakayama ... 安積山 Mountain near Koriyama, Fukushima pref. Matsuo Basho on his way ...
Demon's gate (kimon) ... Japan
Dinner tray (zen), box tray (hako zen) ... Japan
Nishiyama Soin and the Danrin School (Soo-In) 西山宗因, 談林派
Lottery, lottery ticket (takarakuji) Japan
Melon / cool melon / watermelon Yemen
Flood (koozui, aki demizu) .. Japan. Floods, flooding. Worldwide.
..................................................................... June 2008
Karma, the Net of Indra ... Indra Net, Inter Net ... :)
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja) North America
WKD : New England Saijiki
Naked Festivals (Hadaka Matsuri) Japan. LIST
Yui Town Big Drum Festival (O-Taiko Matsuri ) Japan
Urasa Naked Festival at Temple Fukoo-Ji (Urasa no Doo Oshi) Japan
Jazz Music North America
Violett and Purple : MURASAKI in Haiku Lady Murasaki Shikibu
Chameleon, Veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) Yemen
Shrine Tada Jinja ... and Matsuo Basho
Rice gruel (kayu) Japan
Toji, Temple Too-Ji in Kyoto Japan
Independence Day, June 12, 1898Philippines
Swallowtail butterflies (agehachoo) Yemen, Japan
Elm tree (Ulmus) Europa, North America
Kasuga Shrine Festivals (Kasuga matsuri, Wakamiya On Matsuri)
Rhode Island USA
Kuromori Kabuki ... 黒森歌舞伎 (くろもりかぶき ) Yamagata prefecture. Japan
Donzuki Matsuri ... どんづき祭 "Body throwing festival", Niigata, Japan
Hasedera no Tada-oshi ... 長谷寺のただ押し (はせでらのただおし)Hasedera Temple Festival, Sakurai, Nara, Japan
Takewari Matsuri ... 竹割祭 (たけわりまつり) Bamboo splitting festival. Japan
Kashihara matsuri ... 橿原祭 Kashihara Shrine Festival. Japan
Towns of India and haiku India
Dream (yume), First Dream (hatsuyume) Japan
Official, minor official (yakunin, koyakunin) Japan, Edo period
Kato Shuson (1905-1993)
Sand, hot sand (nessa) Japan
..................................................................... May 2008
Family altar, Buddhist family altar (butsudan) Japan
Spikemoss (iwahiba, iwamatsu) Japan. Sellaginella tamariscina
Iris, bearded Iris (Iris albicans) Yemen
Paper clothing, paper robes (kamiko) Japan
White Dew (shiratsuyu) Japan
Lawn, grass, turf (shiba) Japan. ... and related kigo
New Year Arrow (hamaya) Japan
Goto Takatoshi Takatoshi Gotoh
Trillium family of flowers (kinugasa soo) .. Japan. North America
Delhi, Old Delhi, New Delhi. India
Bombay, Mumbai . India
Lucknow . India
Kumano Road (Kumano Kodo Japan
Saga Dawa / Vesak Celebrations Buddhist Communities
Rhododendron (shakunage, sekinan ) Japan
Shimabara no taiyuu no doochuu ... Shimabara Geisha Procession (Kyoto)
Shimabara taiyuu no doochuu
Miyako Odori .. "Dance of the Capital" in Kyoto
Naniwa Odori ... Naniwa Dance in Osaka
Haru Matsuri .. Spring Festival. General
Azuma Odori .. Azuma Dance, Tokyo Dance
Kamogawa Odori .. Kamogawa Dance in Kyoto
Garden (niwa), Park (teien, tei-en) Japanese Garden, Zen Garden ...
Storehouse, warehouse (kura, dozoo) Japan
Masahide, Mizuta Masahide (1657-1723)
Shushiki (Shuushiki 秋色) (1668-1725)
Hi no Oka Pass (Hi no Oka Tooge) Japan
Sand skiing, dune skiing Yemen
Pinewood Derby North America
Barangay Fiesta Philippines. and The Santacruzan
Haiku Sweets (haika 俳菓) Japan
Ghosts (yookai, bakemono) Japan
Imagination in Haiku ... Theory
San Miguel Beer Philippines
Straw hats (dholas, kofias and hadrami) Yemen
Sunflower (himawari) Japan. Europa. North America
Four Directions (toozai nanboku)East, West, North, South
Dontaku .. Dontaku Festival in Hakata, Japan
Go, a board game, igo 囲碁 (Japan)
Green Week, Greenery Day (midori no shuukan, midori no hi) Japan
Cassia blossoms (Cassia fistula) India. ... amaltaas, bendra lathi, aragvadha and other names
Cockroach (gokiburi, aburamushi) Japan
..... and more summer insects and little animals ...
Turtle, turtoise (kame) Japan
Grains, the five grains (gokoku) Japan
Deutzia blossoms (u no hana, unohana) Japan
Bataan Beach, Bataan Day Philippines
Buddha's Birthday, Flower Festival, Flower Hall (kanbutsu-e, kambutsu-e, shuuni-e, hanamatsuri, hana midoo Japan. sweet tea (amacha) and more
Utamakura, Place Names in Japanese Poetry "Poetry Pillow Words", makurakotoba
PLACE NAMES used in Haiku Japan and Worldwide
..................................................................... April 2008
Nozawa Boncho 野沢 凡兆 (Nozawa Bonchoo, 1640? - 1714) and his wife Tome, Ukoo 羽紅
Bulbul bird (hiyodori) Japan, Yemen, Kenya and other regions
Grouse, snow grouse, "Thunderbird" (raichoo) Japan
Fish Market Philippines
Airlie Beach Australia
Olympic Games Olympics
Malaysia Haiku
Tourist, sightseer, traveller, visitor ... worldwide
Larks, various types Yemen
Beans in autumn kigo ... the plants also Peanuts plants. Ingen Mame.
Taal Lake Philippines
Tawilis (Sardinella tawilis) Philippines
Peanuts Japan, Philippines
Scilla, Siberian Squill (Scilla Sibirica) Russia, Europe.
Coconuts, Coconut palms Philippines, India
Higashiyama Culture and Haiku
Japanese Culture Week, 2008 Kenya
Ageing ... Kenya
Milkfish (Chanos chanos) also called Bangus. Boneless Bangus. Philippines
Flamingo Yemen
Snack served with tea (cha no ko, o-cha no ko) Japan
Botamochi Rice Cakes (Botamochi) Japan
Botamochi Ceremony
Water dragon, Physignathus lesueurii Australia
..................................................................... March 2008
Herring (nishin) Japan. Koorai Iwashi
Flame of the Forest (Butea monosperma, Delonix regia) Two Trees with orange blossoms
Migrant fishermen (watari gyofu) Hokkaido, Japan
Irrigation Ceremony (minakuchi matsuri, nawashiro matsuri) Japan
Will-o'-the-wisp (kitsunebi, onibi) Japan
Groundbreaking ceremony (jichinsai, jimatsuri) Japan
Dawn in spring, Spring morning light (shungyoo, haru no akebono)
Spring morning (haru no asa, haru no akatsuki) and others
Holi Festival.. Dol Yatra (the Swing Festival)India. Also introducing Chillum and Bhang.
Jelly strips (tokoroten) Japanese Food
Blind Woman from Echigo (Echigo goze) Japan. Introducing haiku from Echigo
Manzai (New Year's Comic Performance) Japan
Polar bear = ours polaire (ou « ours blanc » ) Canada. Eisbär
Husky = chien de traîneau (ou « husky ») Canada
Kuroda Momoko 黒田杏子 Haiku Poetess
Chichibu Festival (Chichibu Matsuri
Chichibu Night Festival (Chichibu Yomatsuri)
Kobo Daishi Kukai (Kooboo Daishi Kuukai) and Esoteric Buddhism Japan
Neem blossoms, neem tree, magosa (Azadirachta indica) India. And Ugadi Pachadi
Saigyo Hoshi Memorial Day (Saigyoo Ki) Japan. Saigyoo Hooshi
Nightingale singing competition (uguisu awase) Japan.
Arii Shokyu-Ni(1713-1781) "the Nun Shokyu". Nagamatsu Nami, Kohakuan.
Kohakuan Fufuu, Arii Fufuu (1702 - 1762), her husband
Chomu (Choomu) 蝶夢 (1732 - 1796), a Buddhist priest shookyuuni shokyuuni shokyu ni
Kite, black kite, Milan noir (tobi, tombi) Japan. Milvus migrans
Amihan and Habagat Monsoon Philippines
Boomerang Australia
Insects awaken, insects come out, bugs come out, bugs wake up, insects appear again, insects stir (keichitsu) Insects wake up. Japan
..... Frost descends (sookoo)
Matsushima 松島Japan
Leap day, leap year (2008) February 29
Bud of trees, treebuds (ko no me, konome) Japan
Bat (koomori, kawahori) Japan
Stone wall (stonewall) (ishigaki) Japan
..................................................................... February 2008
Wheat and Barley (mugi) and related kigo Japan
Coral Tree Blossoms (Erythrina indica) Tiger's claw, Sunshine Tree. India
Common cold and flu (kaze) coughing, sneezing, God of the Cold. Japan, worldwide
Water tank (As-Saharieg) Yemen
Desert rose (Adenium obesum). Yemen
Utsu no Yama, Mount Utsu, Mt. Utsu near Okabe in Shizuoka, Japan
Three treasures of Haiku and ISSA
Temple Saimyo-Ji and Issa
I, the first person (ware, watakushi, ore) used in haiku Japan
Donald Keene
Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia Family . Yemen, North America
. . . . . Pakistan ... Haiku in Pakistan
Desert, sand desert Yemen
Canna lily Yemen
Dates, ripe dates from the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) Yemen
Eid Al-Kabir, Aid Al Kabir Yemen
Khat, Catha edulis, chewing khat Yemen
..................................................................... January 2008
Jasmine Yemen
Oleander (kyoochikutoo) Japan. Yemen
Rose of Sharon (mukuge) / Hibiscus (bussooge) Japan. Yemen
Toribeno Cemetery in Kyoto Japan
Sumidagawa River Tokyo, Japan
Tao Yuanming To Enmei, Chinese poet 365 - 427 陶淵明
Takeda Butsugai Fusen ... 1795~1867
Kamikaze, Divine Wind Japan
Dalia (daria) Japan, India
Salt (shio) and salted winter food Japan
Issa and the God of Poverty (bimbogami)
Naito Joso (Naito Joosoo 内藤丈草) (1662 - 1704)
Tattoo, Tatoo (irezumi, horimono) Japan
Garlic chives (nira) and its blossoms (nira no hana) Japan
Balls, decorative hand balls (temari) Japan. Ball catching song, ball bouncing song (temari uta)
KAMASU : straw back, tobacco pouch, Pacific sandeel (Ammodytes personatus) Japan
Swan (hakuchoo) Japan
Fatsia japonica blossoms (yatsude no hana) Japan, Japanese Aralia
Iida Ryuta (Iida Ryouta) 1920-2007
Iida Dakotsu, his father (1885 - 1962)
Buddha Dainichi Nyorai Ceremonies and kigo
First Day of the Tiger (Hatsu Tora ) Japan. visit to Kurama Temple in Kyoto on the first day of the tiger: Kurama hatsu tora mairi .. and related kigo
Pongal Spring Festival India. Kolam decorations.
Boma Homesteads Kenya
Juuni Shinshoo 十二神将 Twelve Heavenly Generals, 12 Warrior Generals
Bishamonten, Tamonten (Vaishravana) Japan. Bishamonten Festival, Messenger of Bishamonten
Song, singing (uta) Japan. A list of kigo.
First Poetry Meeting at court(utakai hajime)
Eid Al-kabir on the pilgrimage to Mekka
Lotus Temple Delhi
Issa and O-Take Nyorai お竹如来
... Kamakura, a Haiku Town in Japan
Flamingo Gulf of Aden
Night work (yonabe) Japan
Mallet for good luck (fuku tsuchi) Japan. Mallet for pounding cloth (kinuta)
Fulling block (kinuta) Japan.Pounding cloth. Mallet for beating straw (wara kinuta) and more
Onomatopoetic Words used in Haiku
Boxing Day Australia, New Zealand, UK
Basho and the Ukimido Floating Hall, Lake Biwa
Australian Seasons ...
Seasons Beginning ... Japan, a KIGO list
Long Life Ceremony (enjusai ) Japan
Inahata Teiko (1931 -)
President of the Japan Traditional Haiku Association
Discussion Forum !!!!!
Current Events !!!!!
NEW Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
CONTINUE HERE for all the additions of 2007
CONTINUE HERE for all the additions of 2006
icicles and Kisagata

cold sunshine -
the icicles refuse
to melt
rondo in my valley -
now snowfall
now sunshine
Morning minus seven centigrade
Mid-day minus three centigrade
next morning, Monday 31
minus nine -9℃
kylmä auringon paiste -
jääpuikot kieltäytyvät
My Icicle haiku in Finnish, translated by
Juhani Tikkanen
. . . . .
and this is how America feels in the last few days, too much snow
Snow My Gosh
all snover again
Mega Snowstorm Pounds Moves East with Snow, Ice, Freezing Temperatures
A colossal winter storm dropping snow and ice from Texas to Maine has left two thirds of the nation facing downed power lines, shuttered highways and thousands of airport cancellations.
source : abcnews.go.com
drinking at the lake
first it is sunny
then it rains
SU DONG-PO (1037-1101)
kisagata no kake wo kazoete naku chidori
counting the remains
of Kisa Lagoon...
a singing plover
This haiku has the prescript: "Into the bowels of the earth." Kisa Lagoon (Kisagata) was ravaged by an earthquake in Sixth Month, 1804. The effect, according to Shinji Ogawa, was that the seabed was raised and the "beautiful scenery like a miniature archipelago suddenly became dry land."
Tr. and comment, David Lanoue
kisagata ya hotaru mabure no sanae fune
Kisagata lagoon -
fireflies sparkle
around the rice-planting boat
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
When I visited Kisakata in Akita, it was not a lagoon any more, an earthquake in 1804 had lifted the ground and many former islands where standing above the ground.
The landscape is most impressive, often compared to the islands of Matsushima.

象潟や 雨に西施が ねぶの花
kisakata ya ame ni seishi ga nebu no hana
Kisagata lagoon,
in the rain Xishi,s eyes are closed
blossoms of the silk tree
Tr. Massih
A flowering silk tree in the sleepy rain of Kisakata
Reminds me of Lady Seishi
In sorrowful lament
Tr. Nobuyuki Yuasa
Matsuo Basho
. Comments of Facebook
Matsuo Basho - Oku no Hosomichi
. Tsuruoka and Kisakata 鶴岡 と 象潟 (きさかた).
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011

cold sunshine -
the icicles refuse
to melt
rondo in my valley -
now snowfall
now sunshine
Morning minus seven centigrade
Mid-day minus three centigrade
next morning, Monday 31
minus nine -9℃
kylmä auringon paiste -
jääpuikot kieltäytyvät
My Icicle haiku in Finnish, translated by
Juhani Tikkanen
. . . . .
and this is how America feels in the last few days, too much snow
Snow My Gosh
all snover again
Mega Snowstorm Pounds Moves East with Snow, Ice, Freezing Temperatures
A colossal winter storm dropping snow and ice from Texas to Maine has left two thirds of the nation facing downed power lines, shuttered highways and thousands of airport cancellations.
source : abcnews.go.com
drinking at the lake
first it is sunny
then it rains
SU DONG-PO (1037-1101)
kisagata no kake wo kazoete naku chidori
counting the remains
of Kisa Lagoon...
a singing plover
This haiku has the prescript: "Into the bowels of the earth." Kisa Lagoon (Kisagata) was ravaged by an earthquake in Sixth Month, 1804. The effect, according to Shinji Ogawa, was that the seabed was raised and the "beautiful scenery like a miniature archipelago suddenly became dry land."
Tr. and comment, David Lanoue
kisagata ya hotaru mabure no sanae fune
Kisagata lagoon -
fireflies sparkle
around the rice-planting boat
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
When I visited Kisakata in Akita, it was not a lagoon any more, an earthquake in 1804 had lifted the ground and many former islands where standing above the ground.
The landscape is most impressive, often compared to the islands of Matsushima.

象潟や 雨に西施が ねぶの花
kisakata ya ame ni seishi ga nebu no hana
Kisagata lagoon,
in the rain Xishi,s eyes are closed
blossoms of the silk tree
Tr. Massih
A flowering silk tree in the sleepy rain of Kisakata
Reminds me of Lady Seishi
In sorrowful lament
Tr. Nobuyuki Yuasa
Matsuo Basho
. Comments of Facebook
Matsuo Basho - Oku no Hosomichi
. Tsuruoka and Kisakata 鶴岡 と 象潟 (きさかた).
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011
first firefly
first firefly -
the moon also shows
his face
Fireflies (hotaru) ... KIGO
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
first firefly -
the moon also shows
his face
Fireflies (hotaru) ... KIGO
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
fireflies again
watching fireflies ...
the first, the second and then
Fireflies (hotaru) (Japan)
my fireflies haiku
Read my Haiku Archives 2007
watching fireflies ...
the first, the second and then
Fireflies (hotaru) (Japan)
my fireflies haiku
Read my Haiku Archives 2007
First Firefly
初蛍 嬉しい限りの 初蛍
first firefly
I am so happy
first firefly

firefly (hotaru) KIGO
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008
初蛍 嬉しい限りの 初蛍
first firefly
I am so happy
first firefly

firefly (hotaru) KIGO
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2008
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