tsunami warning
along the coast ...
everyone on the run

青森県太平洋沿岸 3m 28日13時30分
岩手県 3m 28日13時30分
宮城県 3m 28日13時30分
北海道太平洋沿岸東部 2m 28日13時0分
東京湾内湾 1m 28日14時30分
Tokyo Bay, about 1 Meter around 14:30
兵庫県瀬戸内海沿岸 0.5m 28日16時0分
Hyogo Prefecture
岡山県 1m 28日18時0分 Okayama prefecture
Okayama is in the yellow alert region.
Tsunami prediction in the Inland Sea area

The tsunami seems late and much less violent than predicted.
At 14:15, still not much happened.
At 14:37 Tsunami hight of 40 cm in Choshi,Chiba prefecture.
30 cm in Hokkaido, mostly 10 cm in the other costal areas.
at around 15:00
90 cm in Kuji, Iwate, Northern Japan. 久慈 岩手 , but the port seemed all quiet right now on TV.
at Hanasaki, Nemuro in Hokkaido, the houses along the port are slightly under water.
at 15:40
Kuji has 1.20 m tsunami,
Sendai has 90 cm tsunami
at about 17:00 again
Kuji has 1.20 m tsunami,
Sendai and others in Northern Japan have 90 cm tsunami
No major damage so far.
Peope stay evacuated on high ground in schools and community houses over night, it has been decided; food and bedding will be provided for them.
Roads and railways near the coast are all closed, no ferries are running ... every precaution is taken.
TV gives constant feedback about the situation along the coastline.
at 21:00
no major damage.
The tsunami seems to have reached 1.40 meters in Northern Japan.
Some rafts with oyster farming were floated and damages.
Roads under water, but no human damage, thanks to the vast evacuation procedures.
It all seems like a great training for the "real big one".
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Next Morning ...
HONOLULU – The warning was ominous, its predictions dire: Oceanographers issued a bulletin telling Hawaii and other Pacific islands that a killer wave was heading their way with terrifying force and that "urgent action should be taken to protect lives and property."
But the devastating tidal surge predicted after Chile's magnitude 8.8-earthquake for areas far from the epicenter never materialized and by Sunday, authorities had lifted the warning after waves half the predicted size tickled the shores of Hawaii and tourists once again jammed beaches and restaurants.
Scientists acknowledged they overstated the threat, but defended their actions, saying they took the proper steps and learned the lessons of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami that killed thousands of people who didn't get enough warning.
"It's a key point to remember that we cannot end the warnings. Failure to warn is not an option for us," said Dai Lin Wang, an oceanographer at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii. "We cannot have a situation that we thought was no problem and then it's devastating. That just cannot happen."
Hundreds of thousands of people fled shorelines for higher ground Saturday in a panic that circled the Pacific Rim after scientists warned 53 nations and territories that a tsunami had been generated by the massive Chilean quake.
It was the largest-scale evacuation in Hawaii in years, if not decades. Emergency sirens blared throughout the day, the Navy moved ships out of Pearl Harbor, and residents hoarded gasoline, food and water in anticipation of a major disaster. Some supermarkets even placed limits on items like Spam because of the panic buying.
And in Japan, where authorities ordered 400,000 people out of coastal communities, the biggest wave was a 4-foot surge that hit the northern island of Hokkaido, flooding some piers.
Still, scientists offered no apologies for the warning and defended their work, all while worrying that the false alarm could lead to complacency among coastal residents — a disastrous possibility in the earthquake-prone Pacific Rim.
A similar quake in Chile in 1960 created a tsunami that killed about 140 people in Japan. The same surge hit Hawaii and devastated downtown Hilo, on the Big Island, killing 61 residents and wiping out more than 500 homes and businesses.
"If you give too many warnings and none of them materialize, then you lose your credibility," Wang said. "That's something that we have to deal with and we have to improve."
Eugene Okamoto, 33, said he came to Honolulu from Hilo to visit some tourist attractions with his father and was disappointed the two had to cancel their plans because of the evacuation orders.
But Okamoto said his family understands the tsunami threat better than most because some of his relatives lived through the tidal surge in 1960. They remember how the water was sucked down the beach moments before the wave hit.
"My uncle was on the top floor when all the water washed away and all the kids ran out to grab the fish and before they could get back, the wave came. He was way up top, he saw all his friends get washed away and none of them were found, ever," Okamoto said, as he sat with his father in a hotel lobby. "They did the right thing."
Read more :
source : news.yahoo.com
Google Information: Chile Earthquake
Earthquake in Chile,
but even here the reverberations are awaitet later in the day
Magnitude 8.8
Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 06:34:14 UTC
This earthquake occurred at the boundary between the Nazca and South American tectonic plates. The two plates are converging at a rate of 80 mm per year. The earthquake occurred as thrust-faulting on the interface between the two plates, with the Nazca plate moving down and landward below the South American plate.
SANTIAGO, Chile, February 27, 2010 (ENS) -
At least 85 people have been killed in an 8.8 magnitude earthquake that rattled central Chile early Saturday at 3:34 am local time, exposing 12 million people to strong shaking. The epicenter of the quake was offshore of the town of Maule at a depth of approximately 21.7 miles or 35 kilometers.
The quake has generated a tsunami and the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii has issued tsunami warnings covering most of the Pacific Ocean from Japan to New Zealand and from Mexico to Taiwan.
The tsunami "could cause damage along the coastlines of all islands in the state of Hawaii," said the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. A wave as high as eight feet, or 2.5 meters, is expected to hit the Big Island of Hawaii beginning at 11 am local time.
Chilean President Michele Bachelet said there were more than 85 deaths in southern Maule region alone, and that the nationwide death toll is rising, but officials had no information on the number of people injured.
President Bachelet has declared a "state of catastrophe" in central Chile, where dozens aftershocks are continuing. Most are in the range of magnitude 5.0 to 5.9, but seven aftershocks were measured at more than magnitude 6.0, including one with a magnitude of 6.9 centered south of the original quake off the coast of the Bio-Bio region.
By now, 14:00 in Japan, more than 300 people are dead in Chile.
Chile Earthquake 2010
After Yesterday’s Scare. Japan experienced a 7.0 earthquake off their coast yesterday, prompting tsunami warnings.
The Japan 2010 quake didn’t do any damage or hurt anyone as it was at sea; however, Chile was not so lucky.
Chile earthquake 2010 has shocked the whole world today.
沖縄本島近海 Okinawa Main Island
マグニチュード 6.9 Magnitude Earthquake
at 5 this morning 2010年2月27日 5時37分
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
has the all clear sounded yet?
have been holding good thoughts for you and the lone wanderer -- hope he had a bed in a school, a donut and hot chocolate last night.
Next morning, dear b.,
and all is fine, just minor damage.
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
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