
a single breath


There is a Zen story about
how a single breath can free us
from the confines of our intellectualizing
and unite us with all creation.

Tokusan was a brilliant scripture scholar who went
to study with Zen Master Ryutan.
One night as Tokusan was leaving to go home to bed after a long evening of discussion, he noticed that it was pitch black outside.
Zen master Ryutan lit a lantern and handed it to Tokusan.
Just as Tokusan reached for the lantern, Ryutan blew it out.

In that moment,
Tokusan experienced enlightenment and bowed in gratitude.

Tokusan realized that he was not dependent upon words and teachings to light the way for him. Even in times of darkness,
he could experience his essential nature directly
and be a lamp unto himself.

. — Ellen Birx in "Healing Zen"
Buddhist Wisdom on Compassion, Caring, and Caregiving —
for Yourself and Others

haiku -
a single breath
can free us


. my QUOTES with HAIKU

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



long long night


this long long night -
even the moon
feels pale


hoping for no clouds
in the sky
in the mind

There should be an eclipse visible in our region, from around sunset at 17:00 until 18:00. Let us hope the weather is fine and the full moon is visible!

Unfortunately, it was raining all day and most of the night.
We could only see a glimpse of the eclipse on TV, from Hokkaido.

Later in the night,
the full moon came out for a short while, immersing the lowly clouds in the valley with a whitish shimmer ...

. Winter solstice (tooji) .


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



silence of sunshine


43 water on stone OK

autumn brook -
the silence of sunshine
on stones

45 stone under water

. Okutsu, September 2007   


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QUOTE : English Language


"In our language there is no word
to say inferior or superiority or equality
because we are equal; it's a known fact.

But life has become very complicated
since the newcomers came here.
And how does your spirit react to it?.

It's painful.
You have to be strong to walk through the storm.
I know I'm a bridge between two worlds.
All I ask is for people to wash their feet
before they try to walk on me."

-- Alanis Obomsawin, ABENAKI

For native people who speak their language, English can be very confusing.
Many times you cannot express in English the true meaning of Indian words.
When we hear something in English we sometimes react or our spirit reacts.
Sometimes we need to use English words out of order to express our true meanings.

We need to be patient and pray.
Living in two worlds can be difficult.
Life is painful sometimes.
The pain of life is where the lessons are learned.

Creator, let me learn the lessons You have taught my people.

Elder's Meditation of the Day - December 13



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winter sunset


01 pink sunset

winter sunset -
a little pink hope
for tomorrow

02 pink sunset moves on END

. Sunset (nichibotsu, yuuhi, hi no iri)


Today the sunrise was also a very PINK one.

winter sunrise -
a little pink hope
for tomorrow


I have always been delighted
at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try,
one more start,
with perhaps a bit of magic waiting
somewhere behind the morning.

J.B. Priestley


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first snow



07 snow on our roofs

08 roof with powder snow

first snow -
the patterns of roof tiles
in black and white

10 tile patterns END


. First Snow - hatsuyuki
at GokuRakuAn .

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morning meditation


for peace in the world -
how about you ?

02 O-Tsu morning meditation


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Kamakura Gingko Tree


CLICK for more photos

Kamakura and the old Gingko Tree...

March 10, 2010

just saw the news, it fell down this morning ...

can you believe it, a tree of more than 800 years ... is now lying there like a dead elder ...

Probably not uprooted by the snowstorm, but because the roots have been eaten up by old age and could not hold it any more.
He was always a great joy with the yellow leaves in autumn.

It looked like an old friend dead on the ground.

For more than 15 years, I used to go regularly to the the Archery Hall in Hachimangu to practise Kyudo and looking at this huge tree was always a comfort and joy.

The tree was dedignated as a natural monument of Kanagawa prefecture in 1955.

Today, March 10,
The priests and shrine maiden poored consecrated sake over the uprooted trunk, put salt on it and performed purification rituals.
I wonder what will happen to this tree now.

This is a great shock to all who love Kamakura !!

quote from mainichi.jp

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

my giant old friend
has taken a final fall ...
spring storm

quote from 47news.jp

quote from chugoku-np.co.jp


The tree had a trunk circumference of 6.8 meters
and was about 30 meters high.
It is said to have witnessed the
assasination of Minamoto no Sanetomo
源 実朝, September 17, 1192 – February 13, 1219.


Under heavy snow on the evening of February 12, 1219
(Jōkyū 1, 26th day of the 1st month), Sanetomo was coming down from the Senior Shrine at Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū after assisting to a ceremony celebrating his nomination to Udaijin.
His nephew (the son of second shogun Minamoto no Yoriie) Kugyō (Minamoto no Yoshinari) came out from next to the stone stairway of the shrine, then suddenly attacked and assassinated him.
For his act he was himself beheaded few hours later, thus bringing the Seiwa Genji line of the Minamoto clan and their rule in Kamakura to a sudden end.
© More about Sanetomo in the WIKIPEDIA !

At the left of its stairway used to stand a 1000 year old ginkgo, but the tree was uprooted by a storm at about 4am on March 10, 2010.
© More about the shrine Hachimangu in the WIKIPEDIA !

. . . More English reference


A 1,000-year-old giant ginkgo tree
in front of the main hall of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu shrine here has been knocked down, apparently by strong winds.

At around 4:40 a.m. on Wednesday, a security guard at the shrine found the famous tree -- designated as a natural monument by Kanagawa Prefecture in 1955 -- knocked down with its trunk snapped.

The security guard reportedly heard a loud thumping sound, like that of "heavy covering of snow falling to the ground," about three times at around 4:15 a.m. After hearing a sound like a lightening strike, he found the tree collapsed on the ground.

The maximum wind velocity at that time was 12 meters per second, according to the Fire Fighting Head Office in Kamakura.

Chikayasu Hamano, a professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture, attributed a blizzard from late Tuesday afternoon as the main cause of the tree's collapse, in addition to heavy rain from February that softened the ground. Hamano also commented that it is impossible to save the tree.

At the end of 2009, the shrine started to consider conservation steps for the giant tree, with inspections by Hamano finding no problems with the health of the tree.

Shigeho Yoshida, the chief priest of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, is too shocked to comment on the matter, a shrine official said. Other priests, who are also in shock, made spiritual gestures by offering rice and sake to the collapsed tree.

The giant ginkgo tree, well known as a symbol of the shrine, was dubbed
"Kakure Icho" (hidden ginkgo) since monk Kugyo hid behind the tree when he assassinated Minamoto no Sanetomo, the third shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate, in January 1219.

source : mdn.mainichi.jp



Photos from my friend Mark Schumacher in Kamakura
(click for enlargement)

Gingko in Kamakura, photos by Mark tree 01

mark tree 02

mark tree 03

mark tree 04 END

Mark Schumacher, Kamakura
GODS of Japan, A-to-Z Photo Dictionary of Japanese Buddhism


大銀杏、倒れる 樹齢1000年、実朝暗殺の舞台





Update March 13, 2010

Maybe they can revitalize the big Gingko Tree ?
Professor Hamano Chikayasu from the Tokyo University of Agriculture is working hard on the problem.

Hopefully the trunk will grow new roots if properly cared for.

According to shrine officials, the trunk will be cut off about four meters above the fracture and planted near the root remaining in the ground after removing extra branches.
source : mdn.mainichi.jp

Update March 13, 2010

大銀杏(おおいちょう The Big Gingko Tree

The trunk has now been cut at 4 meters length, the new part weighing about 17 tons.
It has been replanted about 7 meters west to its old location near the stone stairs.
Many people came visiting the re-planting efforts, which finished at 1 o'clock on the 14th of March, 2010.



Update April 10, 2010

The first green sprouts are showing from the roots!

Three efforts to "revive" the tree:
from the roots, which were left as it fell.
from the newly planted trunk a few meters apart from the old place.
from branch grafts being grown in a tree nursery.

source : takezo
April 10, 2010


Update December 13, 2010

Last night I was wondering about my old friend, and whow, what a surpirze today on TV.

NHK showed a live special about Hachimangu.

They showed the suzuharai, wiping the dirt and impurities of the year in preparation for the new year.
And of course, they showed the tree.

From the roots of the old tree many young spouts are coming up !

And from the implant a few meters afar also new sprouts are coming out of the old tree trunk.
Even without roots it still has the spirit and soul and power to grow and watch over the "young one" next to its side.

They also sell a new talisman with a tiny bit of the old tree branches.


. KAMAKURA ... a Haiku Town  
Takahama Kyoshi

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



my blessings Masamune Daruma


winter sunset -
when I count my blessings
I count you twice


Daruma Masamune Old Sake
with a bit of spice for cold days

With special red pepper from Hida
あじめコショウ Ajime Koshoo

An old label from Daruma Masamune

Valentine's Day -
let's have a drink
before we start !

Special Valentine offer 2012


Reference : 達磨正宗


A speciel present to my husband
for our wedding anniversary on the
12th day of the 12th month.


Daruma Museum
Daruma Masamune Koshu Aged Rice Wine : Sake

. . . Read my Haiku Archives . . .


. WKD : Ricewine, rice wine (sake, saké, saki) .




WKD - Hoarfrost


15 red leaves

hoarfrost -
new patterns emerge
on the spider nets

13 spider nets in frost

16 spider net in frost

14 red and white


hoarfrost, called "white frost" 白霜 in Japanese

Hoar frost
Hoar frost (also called radiation frost or hoarfrost or pruina)
refers to the white ice crystals, loosely deposited on the ground or exposed objects, that form on cold clear nights when heat losses into the open skies cause objects to become colder than the surrounding air. A related effect is flood frost which occurs when air cooled by ground-level radiation losses travels downhill to form pockets of very cold air in depressions, valleys, and hollows. Hoar frost can form in these areas even when the air temperature a few feet above ground is well above freezing. Nonetheless the frost itself will be at or below the freezing temperature of water.

Hoar frost may have different names depending on where it forms. For example, air hoar is a deposit of hoar frost on objects above the surface, such as tree branches, plant stems, wires; surface hoar is formed by fernlike ice crystals directly deposited on snow, ice or already frozen surfaces; crevasse hoar consists of crystals that form in glacial crevasses where water vapour can accumulate under calm weather conditions; depth hoar refers to cup shaped, faceted crystals formed within dry snow, beneath the surface.

The name hoar comes from Old English and can be used as an adjective for showing signs of old age in reference to the frost which makes trees and bushes look like elderly white hair. It may also have association with hawthorn when covered in its characteristic white spring blossom.

Surface hoar is a cause of avalanches when it forms on top of snow. Conditions are ideal for the formation of hoarfrost on cold clear nights, with a very light wind that is able to circulate more humidified air around the snow surface. Wind that is too abrupt will destroy the crystals. When buried by subsequent snows they may remain standing for easy identification, or become laid down, but still dangerous because of the weakness of the crystals. In low temperatures surface hoar can also be broken apart and blown across the surface forming yukimarimo.

Hoar frost also occurs around man-made environments such as freezers or industrial cold storage facilities. It occurs in adjacent rooms that are not well insulated against the cold or around entry locations where humidity and moisture will enter and freeze instantly depending on the freezer temperature.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


falling through clouds

late autumn early morning there is a beautiful hoarfrost on grasses and it is disappeared after rising sun.
Hoarfrost and dew is symbol of holiness and clearness for mongolians.

- Shared by Zaya Nergui, Mongolia -
Joys of Japan, 2012



. FROST and related kigo  

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little spider


cleaning the gutters -
a little green spider
runs out of hiding

. SPIDER - a summer kigo  


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winter sky


winter sky -
a poet from Bali
scratches his head

winter sky -
a poet from Australia
turns fast backward

five rings -
he trains to jump

kigo section : Winter Sky
free section : Ring
December 2010 Shiki Monthly Kukai

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

winter sky -
this long pink line
behind an airplane

spectacular sunset, clear sky

so many things
I have not done yet -
winter sky -


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



azuki arai


小豆洗い . 特別純米原酒

washing red beans -
the river turns

photo : tokiyadiary.blog118.fc2.com

Inspired by the TV series about
Gegege no Nyobo, wife of Mizuki Shigeru

. Mizuki Shigeru and GEGEGE (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎) .    

I am studying his monsters related to food,
hopefully there will be more !

Azuki Arai

This little bean washer monster sits on a river bank and washes red beans in a basket. You can hear the sound of this, but usually not see him while he works.
You can even hear him hum a gentle song.

The TV scene when Shigeru met him and heared him ask of Mizuki to produce an encyclopedia of Japanese monsters was very moving !

水木しげる 妖怪図鑑

This monster is well known in many parts of Japan, mostly in Kaii (Yamanashi), Shinano (Nagano) and Echigo (Niigata).
It often comes out to a farmhouse where the bride is preparing to go to her husband, and the family is too poor to cook auspicious rice with red beans. When the family checks the kitchen in the morning, there is a bunch of freshly washed red beans ready to be cooked.

In Tottori they say this is in fact a monkey, hanging around old farmhouses.

Some say it washes azuki beans, others say it rinses rice or chopsticks.
kometogi ba 米とぎ婆
hashi arai 箸洗い

It is also called

azuki togi 小豆とぎ, rinsing red beans
making a sound like ショキショキ "shoki shoki".

Sometimes his song sounds like
小豆とごうか、人取って食おうか ショキ、ショキ

Shall I rinse red beans?
or catch a human
and eat it?

Other names are

あずい洗い/小豆あらいど/小豆洗い婆/小豆こし/小豆ごしゃごしゃ/小豆さらさら/小豆すり/小豆そぎ/小豆そぎ婆/小豆とぎ/小豆とげ/小豆婆/小豆やら/米とぎ婆/コメカシ/洗濯狐/付け紐小僧/荒神様/山の神/赤小豆洗い/米とぎ婆さま/箸洗い /


source : morioka_hisamoto

from Takehara Shunsensai 竹原春泉斎 『絵本百物語』
Woodblocks of the Edo Period

Once upon a time at a temle in the village of Takada, the priest cared for the young orphans of the village.

One boy was especially clever.
When the priest showed a box full of red beans and asked how much there were inside, he could immediately tell the number.

The priest was quite surprized and thought to make this boy follow in his priestly profession.
Another of his students, the vicious Enkai, got so envious he threw the intelligent kid to his death, into the well.

From this day on, every night, every night they heard his voice in the well, counting red beans.

Eventually, the vicious Enkai was brought to justice by the local authorities, and received the death penalty for his deed.

From that day on, the souls of the good and the bad student appeared every night, every night after sunset, counting red beans in the well,
or near the river bank.

Nobody wanted to take over this temple any more, and it was left without a priest, when the old monk died, maybe in 1689 ... ?


And now to the present-day reality !

CLICK For original, Wikipedia

azukiarai 小豆洗い insect "washing red beans"
kigo for all autumn

. Chatatemushi, 茶立虫 "tea whisking insect"  
Graphopsocus cruciatus

konachatate 粉茶立(こなちゃたて)
kakurezatoo 隠座頭(かくれざとう)

A group of insects with more than 5000 subgroups, Stenopsocus aphidiformis
Psococerastis tokyoensis, Psocomorpha, Longivalvus nubilus, Psococerastis kurokiana, Amphigerontia sp., Psocodea, Psocoptera, Troctomorpha, Trogiomorpha etc.

Some species have wings, others do not.
The ones without wings are about 1 to 2 milimeters, with long legs. Some resemble small white ants, with a rather large head.

The winged species are about 3 to 7 milimeters, the wings can be much longer than the body.

washing red beans -
a monster turns


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Kagawa 香川県 / mamedanuki 豆狸

Azukiarai is an animal of the family of mamedanuki 豆狸 small Tanuki.
It lives near a well or small river and makes the noise of washing beans. Sometimes it plays tricks on humans.

source : tyz-yokai.blog.jp/archives...

- - - - -
坂出市 Sakaide city

The sun was down and getting dark, a light wind in the air. Two sisters were crossing a bridge when they heard a strange sound of washing something from the river. Afraid they rushed back home. Mother told them:
"This was azuki arai あずき洗い the bean-washing monster. I have told you not to go over the bridge at night!"

Nagano 長野県 / 狢 mujina

If people pass by, Azukiarai makes the sound of washing beans. People say it is a badger.
Children are afraid of this sound and do not pass here.
Some say it is itachi イタチ a weasel. When the animals are in heat, the male ones make a sound like washing beans.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. WASHOKU -Azuki 小豆 red beans  



- #azukiarai #mamedanuki #tanuki #kitsune -


wicki leaks - yahoo leaks


wicki leaks -
now we have
YAHOO leaks

Someone is automatically copying the correspondence
of a private mailing list to a BLOG

Here is mine, copied

. . . on BLOGGER

This is the BLOG in question:


Can anyone help to stop this?


The leaking could be stopped
by expelling the culpirt from the forum.

But the BLOG is still there / as of December 09.

December 15 - the BLOG is now gone!
But the cached version is still available.

Profile of the owner :

Overcome Breast Cancer

Thanks to whoever helped with this.


drop by drop


drop by drop
the frost melts
from my roof

Nights are getting colder !

. FROST in my Valley   


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