
writers block


writer's BLOG -
I start a new one



Any kind of expectation creates a problem.

We should accept, but not expect.
Whatever comes, accept it.
Whatever goes, accept it.

The immediate benefit is
that your mind is always peaceful.

Sri Swami Satchidananda


When a haiku comes to mind, accept it ...
When no haiku comes to mind, accept it ...
(and do not call it writers block with negative feelings)

coming and going <>
to the haiku mind
no difference

. my QUOTES with haiku  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


woodpecker drumming


early morning -
a woodpecker's drumming
fills the valley

After the typhoon, mornings have become cool and I can leave the windows wide open ... this woodpecker seems to drum on the bamboo, it reverberates in a low tone all over the place and he is very powerfull, no breaks, just hammering away ...


. woodpecker, kitsutsuki 啄木鳥  

kigo for all autumn


our woodpecker working in this spring

02 woodpecker all round

01 woodpecker hole


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My Okayama Life

. URA JA - Kagura and Local Lore


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typhoon 09


typhoon approaching -
I wish myself
a "bad night"

The first bouts of rain where quite amazing ... whowww ...
the gutters could not hold that amount of rain

Now it is only nine in the evening, and more to come ...



The night was not too bad here in Ohaga ...
and now most of the rice in the fields is flattened ...

. Typhoon 09 / 台風9号


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watch watch watch you watch watch watch me

Big Brother
is always watching -
just click here


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one fallen leaf


one fallen leaf
in a ray of sunight -
roadside treasures

The persimmon tree is beginning to shed its colorful leaves!


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keeping cool


keeping cool
takes all my energy . . .
and yet

quote from Sep 2
Japan is sweltering through its hottest summer on record, weather officials said Thursday.

The Asian country joins a large swath of the Northern Hemisphere that has experienced an unusually hot summer. Meteorologists say 17 nations have recorded all-time-high temperatures this year, more than in any other year, and scientists have said that July was the hottest month on record for the world's oceans.

A heat wave in Russia unprecedented in 130 years of record-keeping triggered thousands of wildfires, while a surge in temperatures across much of Europe caused crops to wither and roads to melt. In the U.S., many cities in the northeast had record summer heat, while earlier this month 18 states issued heat advisories.

In the Middle East, temperatures hit a record high in Kuwait during June, while those in Saudi Arabia were several degrees above average. In China, Shanghai had its hottest August on record, while other provinces broke decades-old records, according to domestic media reports.

Across Japan, temperatures soared higher than historical averages by 2.96 degrees Fahrenheit (1.64 degrees Celsius) from June through August, the highest since 1898 when records began, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.

That's higher than the previous record set in the summer of 1994. In Tokyo, temperatures have climbed as high as 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37 Celsius).

Soaring temperatures sent more than 46,000 people to the hospital this summer, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency said. Some 150 people died from heat stroke.

The heat, however, has been good for the economy. A government report this week showed that retail sales rose 3.9 percent from a year earlier, as consumers bought cold drinks, summer clothing and cooling products.

Weather officials attributed the jump to global warming and a particularly strong high-pressure system in the Pacific Ocean. The nationwide average is based on temperatures recorded at 17 locations around the country.
To judge the average temperature for the country, the Japan Meteorological Agency compares average temperatures to the 30-year average from 1971 and 2000 in each location.

source : news.yahoo.com


The highest average temperature in Okayama town
for the month of August was 30.5 ℃
- the hottest in all of Japan for this month !
Okayama town is just about one hours drive south of my valley ...

Ohaga ... Michi no Eki


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010




menopause -
she even quarrels with
the autumn moon

Menopause -
sie streitet sogar
mit dem Herbstmond

. . . . .

Visitors, visitors ...
and all bring their problems


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



QUOTE : learn to bear


Happy are they who learn to bear
what they cannot change.

Wohl dem Mensch, wenn er gelernt hat zu ertragen,
was er nicht ändern kann,
und preiszugeben mit Würde,
was er nicht retten kann.

Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller

CLICK for more photos

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
(10 November 1759 – 9 May 1805)
was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

to bear
to live now
to write haiku


. My QUOTES with HAIKU  

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Wattle Day Australia


Wattle Day -
perchance I find you
on September first

Gabi Greve, September 1, 2010

. National Wattle Day


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



autumn sunset


autumn sunset -
the bamboo sways
in a gentle breeze

autumn sunset -
the cicadas shrill and
shrill and shrill

autumn sunset -
I run for another bottle
of cold beer

You just won't believe how hot it is tonight !
You have to run,
otherwise the beer gets warm before it reaches your mouth.


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


coffee pee


koohii pii -
the wonderful world
of Japanese sweets

koohii pii, Japlish for "coffee pee"

peanuts with coffee flavor coating

we also have

bataa pii, butter pee (slightly roasted in butter)
choko pee チョコピ- ... with chocolate flavor
miso pee みそピー ... with miso paste

yude pee ゆでピー boiled peanuts

and Mister Pee, the peanuts shop  
and even
Pii Chan ピーなっち, Little Miss Pee

. peanuts, rakkasei 落花生 (らっかせい)
kigo for late autumn


Reference : Japlish

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





what a night -
the moon still hangs
behind the bamboo


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Haiku Kun


01 Haiku kun on the kitchen chair

Haiku kun -
his green eyes
reflect it all

03 Haiku green eyes

. Haiku Kun Interview -
Japan Times May 2005


do'nt be jealous -
I have nine tails
I have nine lives

Haiku kun flirting with LISA, the cat of Origa

... on facebook


. Cats in Paradise ..
O-Tsu and Haiku-Kun お津と俳句くん

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



QUOTE : confidence and independence


You have to have confidence in your own ability
to be able to go it alone,
to go against
what the rest of the culture is doing.

Eunice Baumann-Nelson, Ph.D., PENOBSCOT

. Reference .


It is very nearly impossible ...
to become an educated person in a country
so distrustful of the independent mind.

James Baldwin

To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently,
and for himself, is perhaps the greatest service
that one man can do another.

Benjamin Jowett


write your haiku
with confidence
with independence

. my QUOTES with haiku

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


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