sudden gusts -
the highest bamboo
sways longest
We have some beautiful weather lately and the bamboo is growing everywhere.
The bamboo grove just on the other side of the valley is shining in golden colors.
And many bamboo shoots have been eaten by the wild boars after I had captured them on photo.
sharp nails
of a bamboo shoot ...
and yet the boars
. take no aki <> autumn of the bamboo 竹の秋
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
thirty years
thirty years of living together - all these shades of pink |
The kigo is implied in the photo
Peony (botan 牡丹 )
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
roses and worms
a rose with many wormholes ... haiku life |
The story about the worms is here
. copyright worries
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Tanada Festival
a colorful arc brightens the sky - Tanada Matsuri |
Take a walk with me !
. Tanada Rice Paddies Festival
Tanada Matsuri
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
copyright worries
talk to me - your moving silence makes me shiver |
. Visiting Koyasan,a mountain monastery
May 30, 2010
I posted this on facebook a few days ago and suddenly it became
der Stein des Anstosses
One person copied the photo and published it in his album without asking permission or mentioning my name ... thus starting an Odyssee ...
John Potts alias "haiku crossroads",
alias "syllables17", alias AZTEC
. . . . . alias
Little Bursts of Awakening!
The Haiku Master
The White Knight of Haiku
From: John Potts waywardway@hotmail.co.uk
platounplugged or zenartist
. . . . . of facebook
Zen Guy
Opal Fields
James Butler
Haiku ?
Haiku Dialects
The Haiku Shaman
AbAgail Lowry (posing as a young girl) NOT Abigail Lowry
Yura Neejit (you are an idiot) of FB
. . . and continuing to use new names . . .
Haiku ukiaH - facebook group
(together with Zen Anectodes / Megan McMurray McGowen)
Replying to my reprimand, he wrote the following
"I took the pic of the pic (print screen) of the pic you took of a rock that belongs to Mount Koyasan Buddhist Sanctuary.
Frankly, I was going to use a better pic - but I was pressed for time, Gabi Greve.
Get over yourself."
When I reprimanded him again, he wrote:
Get some rest Gabi Greve -
you're making a fool of yourself, babe.
facebook: haiku crossroads
after deleting my photo
No, the whole concept of my post was upgraded, Gabi Greve - once I found the time in my busy schedule :
Much improved, thanks for the inspiration old gal!
To a friend who tried to challenge him on the copyright issue, he wrote
... you seem to have issues way beyond this overblown and grossly distorted nonsense though. Listen up. If you have no constructive things to share here with us all at haiku crossroads, buzz off back to your midden.
Anyway, this pic was deleted. You've seen the improved post. So what's this, you want to joust me is it, dudette?
Are you mentally ill?
I would rather not BAN you, there is still this open challenge for a haiku joust, if haiku jousting is not your thing - pick a subject of haiku theory to discuss.
Either way I'll eat you for breakfast, young lady! :D
are you mentally ill? I ask this kindly as he seems incapable of responding rationally to simple questions and requests. I'll monitor the situation.
... facebook
and more from JP
And YOU are totally misinformed
No worries though, there's a lot of misinformation polluting the Cyberian wastelands of the ghettos of pseud. Expert haijins are used to the rabid jealousy of haiku (et al) wannabes and other rainy day folks. God bless 'em.
. . . but do cheer up, grouchy dude! :D
On June 01
rabbi grebe
ye old lobster pot
wove out o' wattery dreams und insect
source : haiku crossroads
John Potts on Facebook
HAIKU: Little Bursts of Awakening!
John Potts (creator)
January 2, 2012
Out of the blue John Potts started an attack on me and my friends in facebook again.
Since I have blocked him and all of his aliases I am aware of there, I have no access to his postings, but sometimes friends keep me informed.
He had even been posting in one of the forums, where I (the administrator) could not see it. (That is a big problem with facebook.)
"... she (and her silly cronies)
"The vocal majority (Greve being one) mouth spurious, half-baked methodologies and offer vanity publishing and a home for the lost and the lonely. Fair enough. What is not offered, though, is the real deal. The reason being is they simply haven't got a clue, really, as to what haiku is all about.
They have not taken the bold step to be personally free from their culturally socialised habits of thought.
This is robot."
"They prance around like enlightened gurus and yet... know next to nothing.
Little wonder that Western haiku is simply an ongoing embarrassment in so many quarters.
The blind leading the blind in a merry dance of fruitless fantasy.
Basho's probably turning in his grave."
It seems he even takes notes of deletes postings . . .
To protect my friends here is just one note,
representing the many.
A quick note to say how much I appreciate you.
I've been on the receiving end of a JP blind-side attack and know how it feels. Even though we all know he is a sad and unhappy man it can still hurt. You are completely undeserving of such an attack, I'm sorry it happened.
Again, thank you for being my friend and for all you do for the haiku community.
. Hokusai, the Great Wave and the Tsunami 北斎 津波 .
. Honkadori 本歌取り allusion .
another interlude, July 22, 2012
John Potts writes in his google pages:
As a result of my general comment on a post by Gabi Greve at Haiku Foundation Forums, documented on Empress' Old Clothes, the following was posted:
"Thanks to the stalking of John Potts, I am going to delete all my entries here. I advise the admins to delete the rest. You can find copies in the goggle pages of John Potts." - Gabi Greve
All I will remark is that my daily haikai diary on Facebook ( Haiku Crossroads - a family orientated site ) was spammed incessantly by Greve. Then, after several days of harassment around the clock, as documented on one of my "goggle pages" all evidence of her usury disappeared (along with many other posts of overt and persistent attack
by Greve and her old boys and girls haiku club amigos --
aka: the haiku loony brigade ).
Poof, all gone. Every trace of their mob-mania expunged. Having covered their tracks they headed for the hills (with their tails between their legs). This taught me to keep proper records of some things.
So, ipso facto, disappearing evidence is not new. Frankly, I believe that Greve deleted her responses because they were embarrassingly absurd in the light of negative public reaction to Takiguchi's nutty editorial. Critiques by Haiku Foundation Forums' members on Greve's self-deluded vanity post confirm my own pithy summery regarding this eulogised (as in over-the-top) "haiku" which plagiarises the Issa classic:
"A poem maybe. Otherwise we have been given permission to write a sentence and call it a library. To say haiku/hokku is anything it wants to be is, clearly, utter nonsense. If a short story morphs into a novelette it is no longer a short story. It is a novelette. If a haiku becomes a sonnet then it is not a limerick either." - jp
As for "stalking". Well, that's an often used smear tactic, to the point of weasel-worded cliché. (Incidentally, I have better things to do with my time.) Of course, the subtext here is that Greve is worth the attention - they call this political spin. Whatever, since when does one comment constitute "stalking"? If this post had been by anyone else I would have still commented as I did. Why?
Because the 3-liner, penned by Greve and virtually sanctified by this Takiguchi character (chief honcho at the so called World Haiku Club) has been spuriously elevated to a status way beyond its actual copycat reality; and this for reasons, pontificated by Susuma Takiguchi, which are so utterly absurd as to be laughable.
Definitely a case in need of whistle blowing.
Now back to 2010 .
Well, here is a bit more about this:
. . . My Facebook : the Koya Stone Story
in the name of haiku . . .
sad summer rain
some comments of friends
Copyright or no, it is a simple matter of respect. It's sad that such things are not commonplace among people and that sometimes good behavior has to be legislated. You are a treasure, Gabi.
John, is the following really your response to Gabi? -
"I took the pic of the pic (print screen) of the pic you took of a rock that belongs to Mount Koyasan Buddhist Sanctuary. Frankly, I was going to use a better pic - but I was pressed for time, Gabi Greve. Get over yourself."
Surely you have more respect for other ...writers/artists than this? Most haiku writers I know would be more than happy for anyone to use their work... all we have to do is ask, and credit them.
"Get over yourself" he says: "Get over yourself" ????
Not: "I apologize" ?
And then he insults the picture and Gabi? Pompous horse's ass.
Well Mr. Potts, you've followed your own advice to the tee: Show don't tell.
You've shown the haiku community just who you are.
Your act of PLAGIARISM, John, to which you have admitted, marks you out very clearly for what you are. The creative community needs to be aware of people like you.
Dear Gabi,
a violation of copyright feels like a personal violation... it has happened me too... and then, to be insulted as well is a nightmare... No idea how someone with his attitude can write haiku...
John- You show a boorish attitude to fellow poets.
Respecting copyright and each other are necessary to good will amongst poets.
Grow up.
John, using Gabi's personal property without her permission than chastening her publically for objecting to what you did was rude and disrespectful. Imagine if someone used your car without your permission. Gabi is not full of herself but a humble human being who has mentored many and given much to the haiku world without fanfare or charging money.
the haiku path is not a cartoon or a world wrestling federation wrestling bout. It's one of humility, respect, and an emptying of self.
Is John Potts a haiku poet or a charlatan?
Has he been published? References please.
Strangely, although I have been familiar with both printed and online haiku publications for many years, the name 'John Potts' rings no bells. From his presence in this self-made Facebook page it is evident that he considers himself something of an authority, so clearly I have somehow missed all those references where he has been recognised by authorities in the genre.
Can someone please help me rectify my failing here, and point me at those places where his work and theorisation have received recognition and publication? Thanks for all assistance in this matter.
Why will you not apologise to Gabi?
For your theft of her photo and you subsequent rudeness ...
Why will you not apologise to Gabi?
Now that's a polite question, -
so, I will reply clearly, but only one time :
Gabi Greve has misrepresented this situation, for reasons best known to herself. The mob mentality has been harnessed to crucify the sinner who would fain question the emperors new clothes - I'm shivering in my socks!
Because of this disgraceful and underhanded behaviour
I have no inclination to apologise.
For what anyway?
I was spotlighting Gabi Greve's own origination!
Haiku crossroads freely allows people to showcase their valid interests related to the world of haiku and it's broader context. Gabi Greves, for one, is all over this new and excitingly informative haiku (et al) news site - like a frog in a pond.
(YOU drag me into this muddy pond, I never asked to be there.)
No worries about this whatsoever.
The ethos of haiku crossroads is on the tin :
"A new experimental page to see if we can generate a centralising web of haiku interconnectivity for haiku fans here on Facebook. An information exchange."
- MY original post was to share and compare two ku.
One which the Daruma kid had done and my own snappy response.
The fuzzy pic of that rock with a paw sticking out was over the 'shiver' senryu, which was the caption to the pic in question.
My senryu (in the spirit of free form rengay) was a good enough response - maybe better at making the point of confronting a silent holy stone in a sensitive frame of mind. Judge for yourselves :
talk to me ...
your silence makes me
— Gabi Greve
how so
so speechless
— jp
Not bad (SHOW not tell.)
- When Gabi Greve asked me to remove this post I did (albeit baffled).
(I never asked you to remove the post,
I stated I was the owner of the stone photo you had used as if it was your own.
((I just found the message I posted on facebook
To John Potts,
I took this photo myself and it should not be copied elsewhere without the quote of the author and the link given above.
source : facebook ))
To this you replied in your own logic, that
the stone belongs to the Koya monastery !
and then
you deleted it all by your own free will.
. . . . . and you wrote
No, the whole concept of my post was upgraded, Gabi Greve - once I found the time in my busy schedule : Much improved, thanks for the inspiration old gal!)
Sorted? Not at all.
it appeared to be a wonderful opportunity for creatures from under every haiku stone in haiku Cyberia to slither themselves into the twilight in some sort of a crazed zombie feeding frenzy! ^_^
However, as with all pseuds, as soon as they are confronted by the real deal they scurry off back down their rabbit holes again - shivering no doubt.
The ones that remain gradually melting away under the heat of my polite (but relentless) clarity of technical wizardry and superb rengay rebukes.
The true haiku lovers watch from a distance and wonder at the foibles of folks - it's what I would do myself if it were not my responsibility here to filter the sewage. We must not let the well get dirty - can you dig it?
CHECK OUT THE SOURCE HERE (allow for editorial deletions though - by the owner) :
- Any questions? Ask them on this unmoderated thread.......
As for my own bona fide position in the scheme of haiku (et al) things (which many are curious about,) all I can honestly say is.. there's only one way to find out, peeps!
That's right - suck it and see.
Finally, this.
I have no time for fools nor their illusions.
Anyone who houses the clear, bright spirit of haiku in their hearts, unfaithful to no other gods nor demons, will understand this.
And the rest?
Sooth, let the devil take the hindmost :D
— jp
facebook : Storm in a thimble of dust
a friend replied
Unless you are a master of self-delusion, Mr. Potts, even you must know that you are going to fool no-one with this kind of nonsense.
Dr. Greve did NOT misrepresent the facts.
You ask what you have to apologise for. How about:
Copyright theft
Insulting a respected member of the international haiku community
Insulting the work which you stole
Perhaps you have still have a small window whereby you can save your reputation being permanently sullied, but it's closing fast. Make no mistake, your name will be remembered, but not quite the way you seem to have hoped.
JP then quotes his entry in another haiku forum
"Get a grip on the real world, Alice - all these fantasies will make you sick."
Alice's mother insisted, as she reached into the medicine cabinet for the largactyl syrup. "Now, open your eyes and close your mouth."
in a childs picture book
nobody ever ever dares to
source : cherrypoetryclub ·May 29, 2010
and another friend said
Why do you enjoy being nasty? It would have been so easy to say "sorry" to Gabi. We all make mistakes at times. We apologize, and people easily forgive us our missteps.
Why are you doing all that for yourself? People will only dislike you more. Are you an enemy collector?
JP then educates us about
In Wikipedia they have an interesting caveat for the authors of submissions :
wikipedia : weasle words
and the ten haiku commandments
haiku crossroads : Thou shalt not steal ?
"Dear Gabi, I am totally on your side in this issue: stealing intellectual property, which is your photo, is a crime, does not matter if it is done in internet. And what is most striking, is that John Potts doesn't even understand or ashamed of what he has done, thus giving a bad example to others that it is OK to steal somebody else's creation. Yes, the stone belongs to a monastery, but the picture you took belongs to you and that is so obvious and needs no other proof.
It will be a good idea to start a lawsuit against Haiku Crossroads creator and to prove that he is totally WRONG.
John Potts you are dishonest person. "
Dear Gabi san,
You are a respected name the world over. One should not be rude or impolite in any way to promoting oneself by 'using' your work without your knowledge or permission. I fully support K. in defence of your intellectual property right. I also condemn Pott's audacity to argue with K. on something which is blatantly wrong.
I saw all that and can't believe this man writes haiku. It seems to me that haiku is more than the words we write, but also our approach to life and he lost the plot.
Since I have Japanese women in my family and know them to be gracious and beautiful in spirit. It's unthinkable that someone would speak to Gabi with such brutal crassness and disrespect.
so sorry to hear this mr potts calling the kettle black
It is the attitude of the offender that is the most upsetting.
We are all happy to have our work used - all we ask is for proper acknowledgement.
"My best wishes to you, Gabi. The work you do comes from the heart and everybody who knows you appreciates and respects this. Love is the strongest energy there is and nothing can harm it."
"Sadly, this isn't the first time we've seen unprincipled behavior in the haiku world. Thanks to the internet, however, news like this can travel very fast. Before long, Mr. Potts' name will be mud, and the haiku community will have rallied behind one of its own."
Dear Gabi,
I'm really sorry about your terrible experience on Facebook.
I have heard of other experiences on Facebook of such plagiarism and wonder if it is a worthwhile place for posting work.
My sympathy, S. B.
Dear Gabi sensei,
I am so sorry to learn of your encounter with this rude plagiarist and I hasten to send you a word of encouragement. I find John Potts ( If that is his real name ) too macho to admit that he is wrong and from his insensitive language, I presume he is a recidivist.
I complement you for assertively writing to him several times despite those annoying and disrespectful replies you received in return and for not allowing yourself to be riled by his senseless remarks. I know that you have too much grit to let a thing like this unduly depress you.
The fact that you've written haiku about this whole thing, to me, is a show of great courage and resilience. I am inspired.
... C
"Folks, freeze this bloke out.
He's getting sunshine from the attention. Really. Just leave him there with his dropped pies."
I agree with K. ! !!!
not worth any more efforts on our side.
Just ignore him.
This is the sad side of online communication....
I bow to you both, K. and Gabi,
for your kind and gentle nature
and will bring end to this on my part as long as he leaves my friends alone.
. . . . .
I think the best thing to do in dealing with such a rude, insensitve, fraudulent boor, is to ignore him. We're giving him the validation he so badly needs (his, "Well said, man" proves that) . The problem is, he'll keep violating us until we put a stop to it.
He did it to me and to Gabi ... who's next?
I hope you don't mind, Gabi,
I am adding the link to your blog to my FaceBook page in my status today.
" Due to the misbehavior of John Potts at Haiku Crossroads, there has been an ongoing discussion of copyright infringement. As would be expected, Mr. Potts has altered the discussion by removing posts. "
For those of you who may have hit the 'like' button at Mr Potts' Haiku Crossroads site:
'Like' may be removed by going to the lower left hand corner and pinging 'unlike.' This may result in your not being able to make comments. I do not know as I will be making no further posts on Haiku Crossroads.
I posted an objection to his unauthorized alteration and use of a verse of mine which Mr. Potts has deleted along with any other posts that cast him in an unfavorable light.
I considered deleting ALL of my posts on Haiku Crossroads but was advised not to.
I have un-friended Mr. Potts and blocked him.
I would suggest that others do the same, particularly those of you who write haiku.
source : K
dear gabi
i'm so sorry for the abuse you've taken from a so-called haiku poet.i mentioned such on my face book page. tho i had to change 'trash talk' by him to 'demeaned' to get thru a security check.
my feeling is he should take his eggs and go home.
your friend marlene
Marlene Mountain on facebook about this problem
"John Pott's Haiku Crossroads is a winner, folks,
edited by a truly original voice."
— Robert D. Wilson
facebook : Haiku Crossroads
I didn't understand what JP had done until Reading an e-mail from Gabi San. please accept my apologies. Using someone else's photography without permission than being flippant with Gabi who has unselfishly given so much to all of us is an insult to the haiku path.
Sometimes I speak before I think.
Robert D. Wilson"
I just published this on JP's site: John, using Gabi's personal property without her permission than chastening her publically for objecting to what you did was rude and disrespectful. Imagine if someone used your car without your permission. Gabi is not full of herself but a humble human being who has mentored many and given much to the haiku ... See moreworld without fanfare or charging money. the haiku path is not a cartoon or a world wrestling federation wrestling bout. It's one of humility, respect, and an emptying of self. I defended you impulsively not knowing the gist of the debate.
I publically asked for forgiveness to Gabi and others, and I hope you will too.
I say this to you out of love and not from disrespect. The harsh words exchanged from both sides were often mean, the antithesis of haiku nature. I too can be flippant and offend people, and regreatfully have. And I know what it's like to have someone steal something of mine behind my back.
... Facebook
Robert, your apologies are accepted.
Try to get JP to delete the comments he quoted from you!
a rose
with many wormholes ...
haiku life
. The story goes on ...
Rose and worms on my facebook page
The evidence is gone, deleted, not here any more.
So there is no way to make any official complaint.
But I do not think we can blame facebook or
the internet for the character of people,
even of self-claimed haiku poets.
No Sucess with all this, BUT as a friend put it
Although he has not apologised,
John Potts has earned for himself a reputation as a fraud and an ignoramus which will likely stick with him for a very long time.
Now I will stop reporting this case,
the rest is on facebook and in the comments below.
do not feed
this mud-trowing troll -
END of summer
You can BLOCK a person at facebook so he will not be able to read your pages any more, not steal your ideas, at least that is what they say.
A certain cockoos nest with blue eggs is now BLOCKED from my facebook.
. Gabi on Facebook
. . . Read my Haiku Archives
Global Worming
global worming ... today it snowed in Hokkaido global warming, global worming global climate disintegration |
Global warming, climate changes
and related topics.
Enviroku : environmental haiku
Ah, a hotbed of controversy. Your haiku sums that up.
Too bad that it has become so politicized that misinformation is everywhere.
M. in facebook
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
neon buddha
neon buddha . . .
I long for the fragrance and flicker
of a beeswax candle
Inspired from the discussion at THF
. The Problem
neon buddha poems
Michael Dylan Welch
I do not consider the above a haiku, nor a senryu.
Just a short poem.
Neon Daruma
- source : Michael Flechtner - facebook 2014
Tanada in May
rice paddies on a rainy may day . . . gentle curves |
Please look at the main entry HERE
. Ohaga Nishi Tanada 大垪和西の棚田
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
snakes in love
snakes in love . . . they take their time this way and that |
. Look at the all ALBUM photos
. Snake (hebi) ... KIGO
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
black and red
a black butterfly in the read azaleas . . . peace on earth |
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Monkey teachers
monkey teachers . . . to observe, to listen to recite haiku ................................................................................. The "real" Three Wise Monkeys at Nikko 日光の東照宮 |
. The Hill Station of Nagi
Here I found these three quite different monkey teachers !
translation by Massa on facebook, March 2011
source : Massa
The three wise monkeys
(Japanese: 三猿, san'en or sanzaru, or 三匹の猿, sanbiki no saru, literally "three monkeys") are a pictorial maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".
The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil. Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted with the three others; the last one, Shizaru, symbolizes the principle of "do no evil". He may be shown covering his abdomen or genital area, or crossing his arms.
There are various meanings ascribed to the monkeys and the proverb including associations with being of good mind, speech and action. In the western world the phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by looking the other way, refusing to acknowledge it, or feigning ignorance.
The source that popularized this pictorial maxim is a 17th century carving over a door of the famous Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō, Japan. The philosophy, however, probably originally came to Japan with a Tendai-Buddhist legend, from China in the 8th century (Nara Period).
In Chinese, a similar phrase exists in the Analects of Confucius: "Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety" (非禮勿視, 非禮勿聽,非禮勿言, 非禮勿動) It may be that this phrase was shortened and simplified after it was brought into Japan.
Though the teaching had nothing to do with monkeys, the concept of the three monkeys originated from a word play. The saying in Japanese is "mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru" (見ざる, 聞かざる, 言わざる, or with the suffix in kanji, 見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿), literally "don't see, don't hear, don't speak". Shizaru is likewise written し猿, "don't do".
In Japanese, zaru, which is an archaic negative verb conjugation, is the same as zaru, the vocalized suffix for saru meaning monkey (it is one reading of 猿, the kanji for monkey). Therefore, it is evident how the monkeys may have originated from what one would see as an amusing play on words.
Three Vajras, a formulation in Tibetan Buddhism referring to body, speech and mind
Manasa, vacha, karmana, three Sanskrit words referring to
mind, speech and actions
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
in Bhutan there are
Ku, Sung and Thuk (thugs in Turrel Wylie)
The stone monkeys I found in the temple compound teach quite a different lesson,
or maybe not ?
. Zen and Haiku
. Monkey, a topic for haiku
- Monkey lessons in 2014 -
source : facebook
. Doraemon ドラえもん .
source : www.daruman-honpo.com
Daruma and the three monkeys
. Saru 猿 / 申 Monkey Amulets .
chirimen no saru ga sanbiki ume no hana
three monkeys
made from chirimen cloth -
plum blossoms
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
saru dono no yosamu toiyuku usagi kana
stopping in on Mr. Monkey
in the cold of night
a rabbit!
Buson frequently wrote verses anthropomorphizing animals. . . . the speaker describes an encounter between a monkey and a rabbit in fairytale like terms. . . . this kind of humorous and self-deprecating verse is consistent with the aesthetic of fuuga 風雅 (poetic elegance) or fuukyoo 風狂 (poetic madness).
source and more : Cheryl A. Crowley
Enroute to the monkey king
on a cold night,
a visiting rabbit.
Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert
Who goes to visit
Sir Monkey this frozen night -
Only Mr. Hare?
Tr. Nobuyuki Yuasa
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
兎猿遊戯中巻 - Rabbit and Monkey playing
of the scroll 鳥獣人物戯画 about frolicking animals
- - - - -
mushi no ne ya yami o tachiyuku teoizaru
Chirring of insects--
Cutting through the darkness
Is the cry of a wounded monkey.
Tr. Nelson/Saito
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
Why is the monkey a symbol of good luck? In Japanese, you can say
ma ga saru 魔が去る, the bad luck is going to leave.
SARU means also monkey, so the monkey might help to make your bad luck go away.
. Monkey Charms, Amulets and Talismans .
2016 - Year of the Monkey
. WKD : saru さる - 猿 Monkey, Affe, Affen .
crazy cat
a crazy cat on the restaurant wall ... travelling in spring |
Tottori May 2010
Nagi and Chizu, May 2010
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, dear Bernard ! what can go wrong with Daruma as company ! birthday dinner ................................................................................. |
Join us !
. Birthday Trip .
to Nagi, Tottori and Chizu
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
lupinus ... just one in my garden one in my heart |
. Lupinus, main entry
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010
Wisteria Fuji
wisteria blossoms . . . the faint memories of grandmother's lace |
. wisteria, fuji 藤 (ふじ ) KIGO
. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010