
black and red


a black butterfly
in the read azaleas . . .
peace on earth


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Monkey teachers


monkey teachers . . .
to observe, to listen
to recite haiku


The "real" Three Wise Monkeys at Nikko

CLICK for more about Nikko Toshogu Shrines

. The Hill Station of Nagi

Here I found these three quite different monkey teachers !

translation by Massa on facebook, March 2011


source : Massa


The three wise monkeys
(Japanese: 三猿, san'en or sanzaru, or 三匹の猿, sanbiki no saru, literally "three monkeys") are a pictorial maxim. Together they embody the proverbial principle to "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".

The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil. Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted with the three others; the last one, Shizaru, symbolizes the principle of "do no evil". He may be shown covering his abdomen or genital area, or crossing his arms.

There are various meanings ascribed to the monkeys and the proverb including associations with being of good mind, speech and action. In the western world the phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by looking the other way, refusing to acknowledge it, or feigning ignorance.

The source that popularized this pictorial maxim is a 17th century carving over a door of the famous Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō, Japan. The philosophy, however, probably originally came to Japan with a Tendai-Buddhist legend, from China in the 8th century (Nara Period).

In Chinese, a similar phrase exists in the Analects of Confucius: "Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety" (非禮勿視, 非禮勿聽,非禮勿言, 非禮勿動) It may be that this phrase was shortened and simplified after it was brought into Japan.

Though the teaching had nothing to do with monkeys, the concept of the three monkeys originated from a word play. The saying in Japanese is "mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru" (見ざる, 聞かざる, 言わざる, or with the suffix in kanji, 見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿), literally "don't see, don't hear, don't speak". Shizaru is likewise written し猿, "don't do".
In Japanese, zaru, which is an archaic negative verb conjugation, is the same as zaru, the vocalized suffix for saru meaning monkey (it is one reading of 猿, the kanji for monkey). Therefore, it is evident how the monkeys may have originated from what one would see as an amusing play on words.

Three Vajras, a formulation in Tibetan Buddhism referring to body, speech and mind
Manasa, vacha, karmana, three Sanskrit words referring to
mind, speech and actions
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

in Bhutan there are

Ku, Sung and Thuk (thugs in Turrel Wylie)


The stone monkeys I found in the temple compound teach quite a different lesson,
or maybe not ?

. Zen and Haiku

. Monkey, a topic for haiku  

- Monkey lessons in 2014 -

source : facebook


. Doraemon ドラえもん .


source : www.daruman-honpo.com

Daruma and the three monkeys

. Saru 猿 / 申  Monkey Amulets .

chirimen no saru ga sanbiki ume no hana

three monkeys
made from chirimen cloth -
plum blossoms

. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .


saru dono no yosamu toiyuku usagi kana

stopping in on Mr. Monkey
in the cold of night
a rabbit!

Buson frequently wrote verses anthropomorphizing animals. . . . the speaker describes an encounter between a monkey and a rabbit in fairytale like terms. . . . this kind of humorous and self-deprecating verse is consistent with the aesthetic of fuuga 風雅 (poetic elegance) or fuukyoo 風狂 (poetic madness).
source and more : Cheryl A. Crowley

Enroute to the monkey king
on a cold night,
a visiting rabbit.

Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert

Who goes to visit
Sir Monkey this frozen night -
Only Mr. Hare?

Tr. Nobuyuki Yuasa

The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

兎猿遊戯中巻 - Rabbit and Monkey playing
of the scroll 鳥獣人物戯画 about frolicking animals

- - - - -

mushi no ne ya yami o tachiyuku teoizaru

Chirring of insects--
Cutting through the darkness
Is the cry of a wounded monkey.

Tr. Nelson/Saito

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


Why is the monkey a symbol of good luck? In Japanese, you can say
ma ga saru 魔が去る, the bad luck is going to leave.

SARU means also monkey, so the monkey might help to make your bad luck go away.

. Monkey Charms, Amulets and Talismans .


2016 - Year of the Monkey


. WKD : saru さる -  猿 Monkey, Affe, Affen   .




crazy cat


60 Lucky Cat

a crazy cat
on the restaurant wall ...
travelling in spring


Tottori May 2010

Nagi and Chizu, May 2010

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday, dear Bernard !

58 two happy Daruma

what can go wrong
with Daruma as company !
birthday dinner


25 Bernd with animal wall

27 elephant and Bernd


Join us !
. Birthday Trip .

to Nagi, Tottori and Chizu

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lupinus ...
just one in my garden
one in my heart

. Lupinus, main entry


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Wisteria Fuji


04 early wisteria fuji blossoms

05 early fuji

wisteria blossoms . . .
the faint memories
of grandmother's lace

06 pink fuji END


. wisteria, fuji 藤 (ふじ ) KIGO  

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Summer Begins


summer begins ...
I share my bath
with a centipede

the HAIKU SUMMER begins on May 6 in Japan.

summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏

Early summer: 6 May – 5 Jun
Mid-summer: 6 Jun – 6 Jul
Late summer: 7 Jul – 7 Aug

. Haiku Summer Natsu


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Takitani Pond



001 Takitani Pond Walk till Nr. 27

009 blossoms lake mountain

011 blossoms and lake

012 mountain and blossoms

018 blossoms and cedar trees

023 cherry blossom festival

024 blossoms lake and sky


the swan house

015 swan house among blossoms

two swans
taking a rest ...
cherry blossom time

006 swans among blossoms

013 pink in blue sky



. Takitani Pond Walk  

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010


wordless smile


spring is here !
three wordless smiles
by the roadside

03 three yellow sisters narcissus


One of Buddha's disciples
reveals his enlightenment through
a 'wordless smile.'

This smile was passed along until the Bodhidharma (Daruma san) brought it to China, where the smile was transformed into thundering laughter.

Alan Watts called haiku “the wordless poem”.

. Wordless smile, wordless poem   

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





a melody
comes to my memory . . .
wind in the rosebush


una melodia
torna alla mia memoria...
vento tra i rosai

Tr. by Moussia, WHCitalian


Special thanks to Moussia!

. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010





morning mist --
an egret hunts
in the lotus pond

The scene is almost too kitsch ... but happened none the least.
And I did not have the camera handy to capture it!


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



spring gales


spring gale ...
a raven misses
the landing branch

spring gales - -
two raven collide
in mid-air

We have quite a strom again.

Storm in Ohaga


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



late frost


late frost . . .
the tulips bend
their heads

most of the green leafy weeds are destroyed,
many buds are gone is just one icecold night ...


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2010



spring flowers



01 spring in all colors till Nr. 16

spring comes
in all colors ...
sharing a smile

three sisters

03 three yellow sisters narcissus

a busy bee

09 find the bee

yellow weeds full of power

06 sunshine by the roadside


tulip mandala

04 tulip mandala

05 tulip innermost


sakura one tuff

sakura by the shinto shrine

08 pink green blue

magnolia and cherry blossoms

14 power of spring


. SPRING 2010

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QUOTE : slow down


Slow down
and take the time to really see.
Take a moment
to see what is going on around you
right now, right where you are.
You may be missing something wonderful.

J. Michael Thomas

slow down
for the fine print ...
write haiku




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