reaching for the sky - the apricot blossoms but not I |
daybreak - -
light and shadow
on the apricot blossoms
Spring 2010
kigo for late spring
apricot blossoms - anzu no hana 杏の花
..... hana anzu 花杏(はなあんず)
(Prunus ansu)
karamomo no hana からももの花(からもものはな)
anzu chiru 杏散る(あんずちる)Anzu blossoms scatter
kyookason 杏花村(きょうかそん)village with Anzu blossoms
apricot, the fruit, anzu 杏
..... "Chinese Peach", karamomo 唐桃, からもも
The land of origin is Nepal and the tree reached Japan via China.
The fruit is prepared as jam, dry fruit or sweet pickles in sirup.
kigo for mid-summer
. Plants in Spring .
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